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CLASS: VI SUBJECT: ENGLISH Prepared by: Rubina Mariam
Writing Composition
I. INFORMAL LETTER WRITING (To relatives and friends)
Letter writing is an essential skill. Informal letters are personal
letters written in an informal tone. They are written to relatives,
friends and also to someone with whom you do not share any
professional relation.

Format/Point to remember:
Sender’s address- Should always appear on the top left-hand
corner of the page.

Date- The day you are writing the letter, must be written in this
way. Eg - 12th of Jan

Salutation (a gesture made as a greeting)- Several variations can

be used depending on how well you know the person. Eg: Dear,
Dearest, My Dearest etc.

Main Body1st Paragraph - ask for the well-being of the person. 2nd
Paragraph - the main reason to write the letter. 3rd Paragraph -
conclusion and end of the letter.

Subscription and Sender’s Name- Concludes the letter and

determines the way you sign off. Eg: Yours lovingly, Yours truly etc.
In the end, write your name (your relation, if wish to)

Sample 1 (Letter to a friend.)

Write an informal letter to your best friend inviting him/her to spend the summer vacation
at your place in Mumbai.

129, Surya Apartments


7th Feb, 2022

Dearest Venkat/Veena

I hope this letter finds you in the best health. It’s been a
while since I’ve heard from you. Where have you been?
As summers are approaching, let’s spend this summer break together at my place in Mumbai. I will
introduce you to this beautiful city. We will spend some quality time together especially near sea
To add cherry on the cake, the weather here is very pleasant. We can do lots of shopping as you get
a wide variety in Mumbai. I am very excited even at the thought of you and I spending the summer
together after so long. We both will explore the city, see major landmarks, eat delicious food and
play together. I can take you to my Cricket Coaching Club. I have to tell you a lot of things and
expect the same from you. Give
my regards to aunty and uncle also tell them that I am excited to receive them. Hope to see you

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CLASS: VI SUBJECT: ENGLISH Prepared by: Rubina Mariam

Yours lovingly
Best buddy, Atif/Ameena

Sample 2 (Letter to a relative.)

Write an informal letter to your mother about your daily routine in the hostel. You are Neel/
Neha staying in Sunshine Hostel, Chandigarh.

Sunshine Hostel
Jiwani High school

7th Feb 2022

My Dearest Mom

I wish the best of health for you and dad. I am fine here. Life here is very different from home but
gradually managing myself on my own. I get up as early as 6:00 am, goes for a walk, takes shower
and starts school routine. Mom missing your healthy breakfast in this hostel.
Classes are from 8 am to 1 pm. I am studying well, you please pray for me. I take some rest after
school hours then completes homework or given assignment. We all friends play together indoor
and outdoor games for one hour. We finish our dinner by 8:30 pm and go to bed at 9:30pm. I
remember the prayer you taught me.
Your son has learnt to make bed, wash clothes and manage belongings. Next time I will help you
and show how perfect I have become. Staying in hostel made me realise how selflessly you did
everything for me.
Soon will be home after exams. Can’t wait to see you and everyone at home. Please take care of
yourself. I miss you so much.

Yours lovingly

1. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her for your birthday party.
2. Write a thanking letter to your grandparents for the best gift you ever received.


A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized, coherent and are
all related to a single topic. It should be one long paragraph. The
purpose of a paragraph is to express the speaker’s thoughts on a
particular point in a clear way that is unique and specific to that

Format/Points to remember
A good paragraph has three major parts.
1. Topic Sentence – gives main idea about the topic given
2. Supportive Sentences – explains the topic in detail
3. Concluding Sentence – brings the paragraph to an end

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CLASS: VI SUBJECT: ENGLISH Prepared by: Rubina Mariam
Sample - Write a short paragraph based on the given hints and give a suitable title.

Hints: person without family - not complete- family is a group of members - types of families - share
bond of trust and compassion - family plays many important roles - many relations in a family -
supportive family provides - lots of benefits-everyone shares equal responsibilities - emotionally
attaches to each other - happiness and sadness - help each other - family provides love - warmth -
security - healthy family makes a good society

My Family

A person without family is not complete in this world. A family can be small family, small nuclear,
big nuclear or joint family. A family is a group of members which share bond of trust and compassion.
Human beings are considered as the social animals living in group called as family. Family plays
many important roles throughout the life. There are many relationships in the family such as
grandparents, parents, wife, husband, brother, sister, cousin, uncle, aunt, etc. A supportive family
provides lots of benefits to its all members where everyone shares equal responsibilities within the
family. Every member of the family emotionally attaches to each other in their happiness and sadness.
They help each other in their bad times which give the feeling of security. A family provides love,
warmth and security to its all members throughout the life which makes it a complete family. A good
and healthy family makes a good society and ultimately a good society involves in making a good

Write a short paragraph based on the given hints and give a suitable title.
Hints: I am student – class 6 – daily life – gets up in the morning – takes shower – brush
teeth – morning exercises to refresh – takes breakfast – my favourite breakfast – my school
– completes school work – daily reads for few hours – punctual to school – has many friends
– listen carefully to teachers – attentive in class – enjoys breaktime – read books in library –
doesn’t waste time – plans and follow timetable

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