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Ayurveda is a vast & ancient medical wisdom, being medical science it’s not

only focuses on the treatment of any particular body ailments, it also focuses more on the

healthy living & well being concepts of life. Being a life science Ayurveda emphasizes

on consuming right diet which is healthy & nutritious and right lifestyle. Ayurveda an

ancient and eternal science of life, which is a time tested treasure of knowledge that has

been handed down to us from our great ancestors., the foresight and pragmatic attitude

structured in the classics aims for the wisdom total positive health including physical,

mental, spiritual well being and combating with illness. Thus, the science deals with

preventive as well as curative aspects of health. In fact, it is not only the medical system

of treating disease; but also, is an immense science of life style. Prevalence rate of

Constipation at present is 2% to 20%.

In order to gain and maintain the status of health, Ayurveda classics have

mentioned Dinacharya,Ratricharya and Rutucharya deeply. But now a days, lifestyle,

has become changed at greater extent. All the three pillars of health i.e. Ahara,Nidra

and Bhrahmacharya are affected thoroughly. Day to day life is being more hectic with

sedentary works, stressful environment and quite negligence towards natural urges.

One face of life is much happy with reduced physical activity and at the same time,

other face is showing many lifestyle related disorders and health common problem.

By observing the features of Vibandha at maximum extent; it can be very well

correlated with the disease simple Constipation. Being a most common digestive

complain of modern lifestyle, it affects people of all ages.



The anti-constipating drugs presently available is habit forming , costly and

having side effects. Therefore ,necessity was to find a solution for this, by using

natural, easy to follow cost effective means, which also will be practically Ushapana

fulfill these criteria very well.

Ushapana is one of the Dinacharya procedure which is explained in ancient

Ayurvedic text books .It is practiced by drinking of water early in the morning

before sunrise .It is helpful to rehydrate the body as well as exerts high pressure on

rectum, softening the faeces and completely expelling the faeces from the body. An

attempted present study is taken to see the efficacy of Ushapana in case of Vibandha.


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