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The Magazine Reader

Who Killed
Hitler's Niece,
---Weeonsidered $‘‘\1v '‘ 4\*

By Charles Trueheart "VV
Washington Post Staff Writer
Angela "Geli" Raubal was found dead and
bloody in her bedroom in Adolf Hitler's Munich kw'? Cott,r, Z-,4,1)
apartment on Sept. 19, 1931. She'd been shot
in the chest With the gun found at her side7-
Hitler's gun. She was his half niece, nearly 20
years his junior and undoubtedly his mistress.
Retired Persons, for articles' on various swin- the
There was a clumsy coverup by Hitler's there at the time? Why give him a posthumous
dles (personal service); and Ranger Rick, the Gal
staff, terrified at the prospect of a scandal as exoneration for any death without doing every-
thing possible to hold him accountable?" kids' magazine of the National Wildlife Federa- say
the Fuehrer of the National Socialist Party was nal
beginning his ascent to dominion ueber Alles. tion' (single-topic issue—on frogs). •
But Geli Raubal was, in fad, covered up—bur- Shortlist Season Who says Washington isn't Magazine cen-
ied in Vienna with only 'a perfunctory autopsy. tral?
Vanity Fair, as it happens, heads the list of at
The official verdict: suicide. Other salient points about the finalists , for
finalists for the 1992: National Magazine En
Sixty years later, the dauntless Ron Rosen- the awards, which will be given April 16: The
Awards. It won nominations in general excel- for
baum wishes to resurrect . the scandal. His lence and six other categories, suggesting the: proliferation of . kid-oriented . magazines .was
tantalizing exploration of the ' case is in the breadth of the Magazine's achievement after reflected in nominations to Kids Discover
April Vanity Fair, giving credit to many others less than 10 years Of publication: personal (twice), Creative • Classiewu and the afOre-
who have made the Raubal mystery their life's service, feature writing, public interest, de- mentioned Ranger Rick. One of ,Time's
work and obsession. sign, photography, and essays and criticism. nations was fir its provocative investigatiOn Of .
The questions surrounding What happened Among the nominees are Rosenbaum's article ScientOlogy, and one of' Business Week's for its
to the bewitching Geli—beginning with the on suicide doctor Jack Kevorldan, two of 'covet story on aatrononiical CEO pay. Mother •
basic one: murder or suicide?—would belamil- Norman Mailer's columns, Gail Sheehy's Jones was nominated for Scott Armstrong's
ia to anyone who follows Agatha Christie.rBut menopause opus and Leslie Bennetts's report „report on 'U.S.-Saudi relations. The Atlantic a n:
there are certain elements more reminiscent on child-molesting Catholic priest's. and The New Yorker, which often dominate
of James Ellroy's dark and twisted whodunits, The New Republic, last year's'general ex- the nominations, were nominated only twice
notably evidence that Geli was suffering from cellence winner in its circulation category each, and Esquire—ditto—not atall. And The
the unspeakable sexual demands "Uncle Alfie" (under 100,000); was nominated for the same Angolite, published by initiates at ,a Louisiana
was making, and that she 'desperately wanted award again, and fcir three others—twice for penitentiary and chronic nominee of high- mo
out. We learn from Rosenbaum that six of the essays (by Michael Kinsley and Tatyana Tol- minded judging Panels;:is a finalist yet again. ph'
seven women whom Hitler is said to have staya) and once for reporting (by Michael Kelly the
known intimately either committed suicide or from the Persian Gulf War). TNR garnered Maxwell House of Representatives dis
made a serious stab at it. And we are made to the second-highest number of nominations.
Corporate sponsorship' of ostensibly sacred est
wonder whether Hitler himself pulled the trig- National Geographic, another Washington-
American institutions like bowl games and the
ger, in cold calculation or frenzied passion, on based magazine, was nominated (as it often is)
Smithsonian museums is now an accepted, if (1(
poor Geli—perhaps (so goes one theory) be- in photography as well as in public interest
, cause she was pregnant, and by a Jew, ("The World's Food Supply at Risk," by Robert still outrageous; fact of life. John Rothchild,
writing i,n the April/May issue of Worth, lets Do
This is kinky, kooky stuff, and its where- E. Rhoades) and general excellence. (Business
fores are probably destined to remain Unan Week and Time were--therily.:,btlieLmaga4, his warped imagination wander, and it comes
swered, partiCularly • if Austrian authorities zines with three nominations.) to re8un1 mitu ,, get
continue refusing to exhume Geli's . remains. Six other Washington publications . are A rental-car company gEitin -behirid'a descu. wa;
(More association with Hitler and Nazism the among 77 finalists in' 14 categories: WaShing- ment 'of democracy Would give us the Dollar to ;
Austrians don't need.) to ian (general excellence); 'U.S. Newsn , & Bill of Rights: And : each amendment could use, yea
So why is Rosenbaum bothering—and why World Report for Michael Satchell's story on an appropriate: sponsor—the Tillie Warner: s101
is his usual wryly Cynical approach largely U.S.-owned factories despoiling Mexico (pUblic' .First Amendment, the Smith : h Wesson Sec7.
missing from this impaSsioned . quest for an- interest);: Congressional Quartery, for Ond Amendment,: the Jack : Daniel's: Fifth
swers? He seems to anticipate the question: "Where the Money Goes,", December's whop- Anieridnientetc.. YOu?could have a First Union We
"Here's .a. man who Would. go on to murder per on the appropriations process (single-topic First Lady, a Hormel habeas cOtPus, a Pledge Wit
millions, who ;made the Big Lie his essential ,issue); Common Boundary, a Bethesda bi-': Pledge of Allegiance end a John Hancock • for:
mode of - operation. But a . young Woman is monthly that examine: the intersection Of pea:it-glop-Of Independence. : ' CO1
fo'und shot with his gun' a few Steps:aWay from psychology and spirituality, for an:article on - Now you 'try. How about ' the • Lockheed Go.
his bedroom, and Hitler gets the presumption .incest (personal ervice); Modern Mathrity, ' Pentagon Or the R,;L . Reynolds Department of a Ii
of innocence becausehiS friends Say he wasn't the bimonthly of the American Association of r■-: t!ti tre,.:t 'ring; the itiOnek for




GATE 2001 2007

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