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Burgos, Deewee M.


1.How does asking questions benefit a persuasive argument?

When time goes by, I have noticed that using questions in a persuasive argument
has various benefits, such as engaging the audience, encouraging critical thinking,
and fostering participation. Strategically incorporating questions can enhance the
speaker's understanding of the audience's viewpoint, tackle possible objections, and
steer them towards the intended outcome. Through questioning, speakers can
identify and address audience doubts or hesitations, bolstering the argument's
impact and boosting its persuasiveness.

2. What can happen when you invite silence into a persuasive argument?

Integrating moments of silence into a persuasive argument can evoke different

responses. Silence offers the audience a chance to ponder the content, digest key
ideas, and reflect on the message's significance. It can heighten tension, intrigue,
and anticipation, elevating the impact of the persuasive discourse. Moreover,
intentional pauses can underscore specific concepts or prompt contemplation on the
argument's implications. Overall, incorporating silence into a persuasive argument
can amplify its impact, leading to a more captivating and memorable engagement for
the audience.

3. Why is it important to follow up, measure, and evaluate an agreement after it

has been made?

After reaching an agreement, it is crucial to conduct follow-ups, measurements, and

evaluations to uphold accountability, address arising concerns, and gauge the
agreement's success. Through diligent follow-up, individuals can monitor
advancements, pinpoint any departures from the agreed terms, and rectify
discrepancies for effective implementation. The process of measuring and evaluating
the agreement aids in recognizing strengths and weaknesses, assessing outcomes,
and determining if desired objectives have been met. This practice fosters
accountability, transparency, and ongoing enhancement in any agreement or

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