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Handwritten Notes

Gaurav Suthar

What we learn in this chapter?

• How Power is divided in Democracy?
• Why Power Sharing is Important?
• What if there is no Power sharing?

Let’s Start
We start with two stories from Belgium and Sri Lanka.
These Stories help us to Understand why there is a need for
power sharing in a Democracy.

Story of Belgium

- Belgium is a small country in Europe.

- Belgium shares his border with France, Netherlands, Germany
and Luxembourg.
- Area of Belgium < Indian State of Haryana
- Belgium Population is about 1 Crore. Half population than
Ethnic(जातीय) Composition of Belgium

Flemish Region Brussels

59% people speak (Capital of Belgium)
Dutch language. 80% = French Language
20% = Dutch Language

Wallonia Region
Only 1% Belgians
40% people speak speak German
French Language Language
Tension Between Dutch & French speaking Community. Why?

1) The minority French-speaking community was relatively rich

and powerful.

2) The Dutch - speaking community who got the benefit of

economic development and education much later.

- The tension between the two communities was more

acute(अलग ही सम(या) in Brussels.

Brussels Presented a Special problem –

1) The Dutch speaking people constituted a majority in the

country but a minority in the capital.

- Due to these reason tensions between the Dutch speaking and

French speaking communities during the 1950s and 1960s.

Accommodation in Belgium

Between 1970 and 19943, they amended(बदलाव करना) their

constitution four times so that everyone can live together.

Changes done in Belgium Constitution -

1) Number of Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be equal

in the ‘Central Government’.

- Some special lass require the support of majority members

from each linguistic group. ( कुछ 4वशेष क़ानून तभी बन सकते है जब
दोन? समूह? के सांसद? का बAमत हो)
- Thus, no single community can make decisions unilaterally.
(ता4क BसफD एक community के कहने पर कानून न बन सके, दोन? कG सहम4त
होना जHरी है)

2) The ‘State Government’ are not subordinate(कम Power होना) to

the Central Government.

3) Brussels has a separate government in which both the

communities have equal representation. (IुसेJस मK भी अलग गवनDमKट
है और इसमK भी दोन? community के equal representatives है)

Important Note

The French speaking people accept

equal representation in Brussels
because the Dutch speaking community
has accepted equal representation in
the central government.

4) Apart from the central and the state government there is

also a third kind of government ‘Community government’.

- Community government is elected by people belonging to one

language community – Dutch, French and German speaking no
matter where they live.

- This government has the power

regarding Cultural, Educational
and language related issues.

- Brussels was chosen for

headquarter of European Union.
European Parliament in Brussels
Story of Sri Lanka

- An island nation on the southern coast of

Tamil Nadu.
- Population = about 2 Crore same as
- The capital of Sri Lanka is Colombo.

Ethnic(जातीय) Composition of Sri Lanka

74% Sinhala Speakers


18% Tamil Speakers

(Hindu & Muslim)

Tamil Natives of Sri Indian Tamils (5%)

Lanka (13%)
(Hindu & Muslim)t
• Tamils who is already • Who were residents
Resident of Sri Lanka. of India. But he had
come to Sri Lanka
many years ago as a
tea worker.
Sinhala, Tamil Speakers
Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka

- Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country in 1948.

- The leaders of the Sinhala community take some decision to

secure dominance over government by virtue of their Majority.

Important Question

How Sri Lankan government favoured Sinhala’s?

• In 1956 an Act passed to recognise Sinhala as the only Official

Language thus disregarding(अनदे खा) Tamil.
• The government followed Preferential Policies that favoured
Sinhala applicants for university positions and government
(तय करना)
• A new constitution stipulated that the state shall Protect &
faster(बढ़ावा दे ना) Buddhism.

- All these government measures, coming one after the other,
gradually increased the felling of alienation among the Sri
Lankan Tamils.

- They felt that the constitution and government policies denied

them equal political rights, discriminated(भेदभाव) against them
in getting jobs and other opportunities.
(स6ु वधाएं)

- As a result, the relations between the Sinhala and Tamil

Communities strained over time.
Important Question

What Steps were taken by Tamil speakers against Government

of Sri Lanka?

• The Sri Lankan Tamils launched their own political parties.

• They struggles for the recognition of Tamils as an official

• The also struggles to get equal opportunity as Sinhala example
– Jobs, Education

• In 1980s, several political organisation were formed demanding

an independent Tamil Eelam (state) in northern and eastern
parts of Sri Lanka.

(शक/ अ6वBवास)
The distrust between the Row communities turned into widespread
conflict(टकराव). It soon turned into a Civil War.

Result of Civil War -

- Thousands of people of both the communities have been


- Many families were forced to leave the country and many

more lost their livelihoods.
(रोजी - रोटH)

- Civil war has caused a terrible setback to the social, Cultural

and Economic life of the country.

Civil War Ended in 2009

Ques) Why power sharing is desirable?
Ans - There are two different reasons
1) Prudential Reason
2) Moral Reason

1) Prudential(समझदारी) Reason – Power sharing will bring out

better results

Ø It helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social


• Power sharing is a good way to ensure the stability of

political order.

• Tyranny(अRयाचारी) of the Majority is not just Oppressive for

the Minority. It often brings ruin to the majority as well.

(जोर दे ना)
2) Moral reason – It emphasise the very act of power sharing
as valuable(फायदे मंद).

Ø Power sharing is the very spirit of Democracy.

Forms of Power Sharing

In this topic we will read about the four types of power sharing-

1) Horizontal distribution of Power Sharing -

Power is shared among different organs of Government.


Legislature(जहां 4वधायक बैठते है)– Sansad (Indian Parliament)


Executive – Prime Minister & President


Judiciary – Supreme Court

- It ensures that name of the organs can exercise unlimited


- Each organ checks the others.

- This results in a balance of power sharing various institutes.

- This arrangements is called system of Checks and Balance.

2) Vertical distribution of Power Sharing -

Power can be shared among government at different levels.


State Vertical Distribution of Power Sharing

Local Federal Government

In a federal government power is shared between a general

government for the entire country and government at the
provincial (State) or regional (Local) level.

3) Power sharing among different Social Groups -

Power may also be shared among different groups such as the

Religion and Language.

Example : 1) Community Government in Belgium

2) Reserved Constituencies in India for women
and weaker sections.


This method is used to give minority communities a fair share

in power.
4) Power Sharing among different Political Parties -

In Democracy Political Parties Competition

• Competition among parties ensures that power does not

remain in one hand

• Power is shared among different Political Parties.

Example : Alliance Government

(गठबंधन कL सरकार)

जब #कसी Political Party को (यादा Votes नह. /मलते तो #फर कुछ पा9ट;यां आपस म>
/मलके Group बना लेती है @जससे उनके Votes भी /मल जाते है और (यादा Vote हो
जाते है (और इसी Group को सरकारी भाषा म> गठबंधन बोला जाता है, गठबंधन का मतलब
गाँठ बांधना होता है)

Example -
2024 के Election म> BJP को (यादा Votes नह. /मले इसJलए उLहMने कई छोटO पा9ट;यM
के साथ /मलके Group बना Jलया @जसका नाम उLहMने NDA Group रखा, और #फर
Modi ji को PM बनाया गया

इस फोटो म> आप Group कR सभी पा9ट;यM के Head को दे ख सकते हो वो सब मोदO जी के

साथ खड़े है
और इसी तरीके से इस साल Congress को भी कम Votes /मले थे इसJलए इLहोने भी छोटO
Political Parties के साथ /मलके Group बनाया, @जसका नाम उLहMने INDIA Alliance
रखा(Alliance मतलब Group)

@जसमे Aam आदमी पाटU, समाजवादO पाटU और भी काफR सारी Party जुड़ी

ले#कन Total /मलाके NDA Alliance (BJP वाला Group) के (यादा Votes Vए
INDIA वाले Group के Comparison म>

इसJलए मोदO जी #फर से PM बने (और इसे गठबंधन कR सरकार बोलते है, दे खो यार इतने
simple तरीके से तुWहे कोई भी नह. समझायेगा @जतने simple तरीके से तुWहे मYने इन Notes म>
बताया है तो मेरा YouTube Channel "Gaurav Suthar" को Subscribe कर लेना
Plzzzzzz 🙏🥺, वहां पर मYने और भी Notes Upload कर रखे है और हाँ एक और चीज़ मY
इतने ही Simple तरीके से पढ़ाता भी ]ँ 🥰

• Various pressure groups organise popular struggles or

protest against any decision of the government which they
feel is wrong and put a pressure on the government.

Example : Trade union, Industrialists, Student Union,

Business Union etc.
कई College म> कुछ Students /मल कर एक Group बना लेते है और सरकार से Protests
करके Demands करते है, और इन Students के Group को Students Union बोलते है

Example - College फRस कम कराने के Jलए Protest करना

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