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1. The process of Making or manufacturing goods as well as the process of providing services
(a) Land (b) production (c) Labour (d) fixed capital
2. What’s not part of factors of production (a) land (b) production (c) capital (d) labour
3. ______ is part of the factors of production (a) product (b) land (c) production (d) land scale
4. Where productive activities such as growing of crops, rearing if Animals and
establishments of farmstead are carried out is _____(a) production (b) land (c) factors (d)
5. ____ Is immobile and a fixed factors of production (a) labour (b) land (c) Capital (d) Loan
6. The free gift of nature or natural resources is (a) reward (b) land (c) sand (d) agriculture
7. ____ is used as collateral for loans (a) labour (b) land (c) capital (d) wages
8. _____ can be appreciated or depreciated (a) wages (b) land (c) salary (d) soil
9. Land is used for rearing of (a) goat (b) animals (c) soil (d) fish
10. _____ is used for fish pond development (a) soil (b) land (c) nestle (d) sunshine
11. ____Is used for cultivation of food crops (a) building (b) land (c) labour (d) enterprises
12. _____ is used for residential building (a) office (b) land (c) farm (d) building
13. ____ is used for construction purposes (a) main road (b) land (c) airport (d) road
14. ____ is man mental and physical exertion generated in process of production (a)wages (b)
labour (c) capital (d) product
15. _____ is mobile and has feelings and cannot be used anyhow (a) land (b) labour (c) people
(d) reward
16. ____ is one of the factors of production (a) wages (b) labour (c) organization (d) salary
17. The reward for labour is ____ and ___ (a) reward and wages (b) wages and salary (c) cash
and cowry (d) salary and coin
18. ____ ensure the success of any agricultural enterprise (a) land (b) labour (c) capital (d)
19. Which ensure intellectual labour in high agricultural production (a) land (b) labour (c) scale
of preference
20. All made productive assets which are used in production is _____ (a) factors (b) capital (c)
control (d) product
21. The reward for capital is _____(a) wages (b) interest (c) salary (d) compensation
22. _____ helps to facilitate farm expansion or increase in farm size (a) soil (b) capital (c)
promotion (d) land scale
23. _____is forms of machinery provides farm power for farm operations (a) labour (b) fixed
capital (c) machine (d) facilities
24. _____ is used in day to day running of the Farm enterprises and paying of wages (a)
farming (b) working capital (c) machine (d) equipment
25. _____ is the person or group of persons who coordinate or organize and control the uses of
other factors of production (a) man (b) management (c) personality (d) boss
26. ____ is part of features of entrepreneur management. I. It involves the management skills
of individual or groups of people. II It involves in the decision making. III A and B IV B
only (a) II (b) III (c) IV (d) I
27. _____ is unwanted plant grown where it’s not planted (a) plantation (b) weed (c) small
plant (d) leave
28. ____ chew their cud (a) non ruminants (b) ruminants (c) small animal (d) simple animals
29. _____ has complex stomach (a) non ruminant animals (b) ruminant animals (c) farm
animals (d) goat
30. _____ are to referred to as any living beings that’s not a plant or a human being (a) plants
(b) animals (c) habitat (d) seed
1. (a) Define Production
(b) List the factors of production and explain one
2. (a) State five Features of entrepreneur or management
(b) Define Management
3. (a) What is Capital ?
(b) State two featunes of capital in agricultural production
4. (a) Define labour
(b) Five Importance of labour in agricultural Enterprise
(c) Two features of labour
5. (a) State five features of land
(b) State two non-agricultural uses of land
(c) Define land

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