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Employer of Record

(EOR) in Angola
Employer of Record (EOR) in Angola

G-P provides employer of record services for customers that want to hire employees and run
payroll without first establishing a branch office or subsidiary in Angola. Your candidate is
hired via G-P’ Angola PEO in accordance with local labor laws and can be onboarded in days
instead of the months it typically takes. The individual is assigned to work on your team,
working on your company’s behalf exactly as if he or she were your employee to fulfill your
in-country requirements.

Our solution enables customers to run payroll in Angola while HR services, tax, and compli-
ance management matters are lifted from their shoulders onto ours. As a Global PEO expert,
we manage employment contract best practices, statutory and market norm benefits, and
employee expenses, as well as severance and termination if required. We also keep you
apprised of changes to local employment laws in Angola.

Your new employee is productive sooner, has a better hiring experience and is 100%
dedicated to your team. You’ll have peace of mind knowing you have a team of dedicated
employment experts assisting with every hire. G-P allows you to harness the talent of the
brightest people in more than 185 countries around the world, quickly and painlessly.

Angolan businesses tend to be formal and hierarchical and relationships are very important.
Angolans value families, so it is polite to ask about them, and in fact, you may not even
get to the business discussion in your first meeting as your counterparts want to establish
a good rapport. Negotiations can be time consuming as consensus building is important,
even though the senior-most person will ultimately make the decision. Meetings often start
late, and while interrupting someone who is talking is considered very rude, you can expect
people to walk in and interrupt meetings with regularity. Finally, Angolans do not like to be
negative, so they may say they agree with you even though they don’t, making it important
to get all agreements in writing.

Hiring in Angola

Angolan labor laws favor the employee and they tend to be strictly enforced. Additionally,
for companies with 5 or more employees, at least 70% of the employees must be Angolan
nationals. Foreign non-resident employees can only be hired on fixed-term contracts which
may range from three to 36 months. Companies must follow specific recruitment, hiring, and
immigration regulations.

When negotiating terms of an employment contract and offer letter with an employee in
Angola, it may be useful to keep the following in mind:

Employment Contracts in Angola | 2 - 6
Employer of Record (EOR) in Angola

Micro, small, and medium companies may create fixed-term employment contracts of up to
10 years. Large companies may only conclude such agreements for up to 5 years.

Generally, only fixed-term and training contracts must be in writing. However, it is best
practice to put all employment contracts in writing, in the local language, and spell out
the terms of the employee’s compensation, benefits, and termination requirements. An
offer letter and employment contract in Angola should always state the salary and any
compensation amounts in Angolan kwanza rather than a foreign currency.

Working Hours in Angola

The normal working week in Angola is 44 hours with each day limited to 8 hours. The work
week can be extended to 54 hours or 9 hours per day.

The work day should include a 1-hour meal break, 2-hours if food is not available on the work

Between work days, workers should have a rest break of at least 10 hours.

Overtime is limited to:

• 2 hours per normal day of work

• 40 hours per month of work
• 200 annual hours

Overtime of up to 30 hours per month is paid at an additional 50% rate. Additional overtime
is paid at an additional 75%.

Holidays in Angola

Angola celebrates 12 national holidays:

• New Year’s Day

• Liberation Day
• Carnival
• Women’s Day
• Good Friday
• Easter Day
• Peace Day | 3 - 6
Employer of Record (EOR) in Angola

• Labour Day
• National Heroes’ Day
• All Souls’ Day
• Independence Day
• Christmas Day and Family Day

Vacation Days in Angola

Angolan employees are generally entitled to 22 days of vacation per year. Employees with
children are entitled to an additional vacation day per year until the child reaches the age of

Angola Sick Leave

Employees may take unlimited days off of work for illness as long as they present a medical

Medium and large companies must pay medical leave at 100% of the employee’s salary for
the first two months. The third through the 12th months must be paid at 50% of base salary.

Maternity/Paternity Leave in Angola

Female employees are entitled to three months of maternity leave, four weeks to be taken
before the due date and the balance after, with 9 weeks after guaranteed, regardless of the
due date. If there are multiple births, the mother is entitled to an additional four weeks. The
employee may not return to work until at least 5 weeks after the birth.

Employees on maternity leave are generally entitled to social security compensation, with
supplementation by the employer.

There is no statutory paternity leave.

Employees are eligible for up to three days of family leave per month, up to 12 days per year,
eight of which are to be fully compensated, to help members of their household, a spouse,
parents, grandparents, or children over 10 years of age.

Health Insurance in Angola | 4 - 6
Employer of Record (EOR) in Angola

Angola has a universal, free healthcare system, although access to quality care is limited.


Employees who have worked for at least one year are generally entitled to the following

• A holiday bonus of 50% of base salary calculated based on what would be earned
during the holiday period
• A Christmas bonus of 50% of base salary for the month of December

Termination/Severance in Angola

Unlimited employment contracts generally have a probation period of 60 days.

Angolan employment law is structured to offer a high level of employee protection. For
employees with unlimited employment contracts, terminations must follow strict rules, and
in general, employees may only be terminated for a serious infringement or an objective and
economic reason that is not the fault of the employer. Litigation over termination is common.

Failure by the company to properly carry out administrative and reporting duties may result
in fines.

For fixed-term employment contracts, the employer must serve the employee with prior
written notice two weeks before the contract expires.

Paying Taxes in Angola

Income tax is paid on a progressive scale of 0% to 25% of monthly earnings.

Social security contributions are as follows:

• Employees: 3%
• Employers: 8% | 5 - 6
Employer of Record (EOR) in Angola

This information is provided as generally accepted information and is not intended as

advisory services.

Why G-P

Establishing a branch office or subsidiary in Angola to engage a small team is time-con-

suming, expensive and complex. Angolan labor law has strong worker protections, requiring
great attention to detail and an understanding of local best practices. G-P makes it painless
and easy to expand into Angola. We can help you hire your candidate of choice, handle HR
matters and payroll, and ensure that you’re in compliance with local laws, without the burden
of setting up a foreign branch office or subsidiary. Our Angola PEO and Employer of Record
solution provides you peace of mind so that you can focus on running your company.

If you would like to discuss how G-P can provide a seamless employee leasing or PEO solution
for hiring employees in Angola, please contact us. | 6 - 6

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