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get the idea?

Keep advancing.

Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo ©2001-2005, All

Rights Reserved

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Women like this and expect it. If they’re not

comfortable, they’ll let you know. But don’t worry. Just

keep going and advance again at the next opportunity.

Don’t push – advance.

More on this stuff:

Read Chapter 7 of Body Language by Julius Fast …

about Mike. I’ve read that chapter about 50 times.

You may not get it at first, but keep reading it until

you do. The more you learn, the more you’ll get it.

Also, read The Rules by Ellen Fein and Sherrie

Schneider… yea, the one for women. Do that stuff… it

works… end all conversations first, etc.

And read How to Make Love to a Woman by Michael

Morganstern. Good stuff in there too. And learn how to be

funny… do whatever you have to do. It’s the magic

ingredient to add to your cockiness that sets the mixture


On Cuddling

I personally love to cuddle. I discovered something

almost entirely by accident one time when I was talking

to a girl on the phone one night. We were having a

discussion about the differences between men and

women and I said something to this effect:

“Do you like to cuddle? I really like to cuddle… as a

matter of fact, if I had to choose between cuddling and

sex, I’d choose cuddling. Now don’t get me wrong, I love

sex… but cuddling is the best… can you cuddle all night?”

Then I said, “I really like to kiss, and I can just kiss

and cuddle... and touch someone all night... and feel


Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo ©2001-2005, All

Rights Reserved

::: 102 :::

By the time I was finished, she started saying, “I’m

really getting turned on right now”... she actually asked

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