Double Your Dating Second Edition - David DeAngelo, Jan, 101-179-180

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Step 6: Learn to type fast. Big advantage online.

Step 7: Use the communication skills that I’m teaching you

to make women laugh online. Humor is key.

Step 8: Get a woman on the phone as soon as you

possibly can. Don’t become just another online pal. The

longer you wait, the lower your chances will be to meet


Step 9: Get MORE THAN ONE picture! And ask if they still
look like the pictures that they sent. I have horror stories
that you don’t even want to hear. Take my advice and


Step 10: Some women are very nervous about meeting

people from the Internet. Some aren’t. I like to make

jokes about it and turn it around. I say things like, “Well, you
seem really nice. I’d invite you to call me, but I’m

afraid that you might be one of these weirdoes... or some

guy pretending to be a woman...” Ha ha ha!

Get out there and practice this stuff. Learning the

online world takes awhile, but it’s worth it if you like to meet
women anytime you feel like it.

Meeting Women At Dance Lessons

Another good place to meet tons of single women is

at dance lessons. I know, I know…sounds kind of fruity.

But dance classes are LOADED with single women who

LOVE GUYS WHO CAN DANCE. Heck, they even love guys

who want to LEARN to dance.

Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo ©2001-2005, All

Rights Reserved

::: 120 :::

Here’s the breakdown:

Most rudimentary dance lessons are set up in the

same format. You have limited dance time with numerous

partners. This is perfect.

Here are a few ideas for being cocky/funny on the

ballroom dance floor...

“Hi, I’ll be your host for the next three minutes. If you

can dance well, have a nice personality, and don’t step on

my feet more than forty-seven times, I’ll let you be my


“OK, impress me.”

“I just want you to know, I don’t think any less of you

just because you’re so bad at ballroom dancing that you

need lessons.”

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