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1.Activities of plant hormones ?

Gibberellin - Break down of stored food to facilitate germination, Sprouting of

Auxin - Cell growth, cell elongation, Growth of terminal buds, Fruit formation.
Cytokinin - Cell growth, cell division, cell differentiation.
Ethylene gas - Ripening of leaves and fruits. (excess amount causes dropping of
leaves and fruits).
Abscisic acid - Dropping of ripened leaves and fruits, Dormancy of embryo.

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2.Uses of artificial or synthetic plant hormones ?
Auxins - To prevent the dropping of premature fruits, For the sprouting of roots
and as a weedicide.

Gibberellins - For increasing fruit size and also for preventing ripening of fruits.
Ethylene‍ - For flowering and for the ripening at a time. (Ethyphon , a liquid
gets transformed into ethylene, increases the production of latex in rubber trees).
Abscisic acid - For harvesting fruits at the same time.

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3. Cancer ? Reason ? Treatment ?
Uncontrolled division of cells and their spread to other tissues.Factors
causing cancer : Environmental factors, smoking, radiations, virus,
hereditary factors.Complication : The spread of cancer cells to other
parts of the body through blood and lymph.Significance of early
diagnosis : Recovery from the disease is difficult if the disease
becomes severe.Treatment : Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy

Page : 67,68
4.Theory of Natural selection (by Charles Darwin):
Over production – Struggle for existence - Organisms with favourable
variations survive while others get destroyed (Natural selection) -
Favourable variations are transferred to the next generation -
Accumulation of variations inherited through generations – Results the
origin of new species.

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5:Stages in the production of insulin through genetic engineering :

Enzymes used for this process ?

1.Enzyme to cut genes from DNA (‘genetic scissor’) = Restriction Endo nuclease,

2.Enzyme to join gene to plasmid ('genetic glue') = Ligase.

3.'Vector’ in this process – Plasmid.

6.Comparison between Vaccines & Antibiotics
Vaccines are the substances (antigens) used for artificial immunization.
Antibiotics are medicines that are extracted from microorganisms like bacteria
or fungi and used to destroy bacteria.
First vaccine, smallpox vaccine, is invented by Edward Genner. First antibiotic,
penicillin, is invented by Alexander Fleming.

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7.Functions of hormones of hypothalamus:
a. Releasing hormones ( stimulate the pituitary to produce Tropic hormones).
b. Inhibitory hormones (inhibit the production of Tropic hormones).

c. Oxytocin - (Facilitates child birth and also lactation).

d. Vasopressin - (Helps in the re-absorption of water in the kidneys and thus

act as ADH. Thus, it regulates the level of water in the body.).

Page : 48,49
8.Comparison between Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes insipidus :

Diabetes mellitus is the condition in which the blood glucose level above
126mg/100ml, due to the deficiency or inactivity of the pancreatic
hormone insulin.
Diabetes insipidus is the condition in which excess amount of urine is
excreted, even in summer season, due to insufficient production of
vasopressin from hypothalamus.
(Frequent urination, increased thirst etc., are the symptoms of both).

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9.Is fever a defence mechanism ? Why?
Yes. Fever prevents the rapid multiplication of bacteria, hence
increases the effect of phagocytosis.

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10.Photoreceptors in the retina ?
a. Rod cells : contain the pigment rhodopsin, which will be stimulated under
dim light.
b. Cone cells : contain the pigment photopsin/iodopsin which provides coloured
vision under bright light.
When image forms on retina, the pigments in the photoreceptors dissociate to
form impulse, which is transmited to cerebrum via optic nerve. Then we can
sense vision.

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11.Important pathogenic diseases :
a. Ratfever /Leptospirosis -(pathogen -Leptospira). Spreads through wounds from stagnant
water and moisture. Severe fever, headache, muscle pain, redness in eyes due to internal
b. Tuberculosis -(pathogen– Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Spreads through air. Loss of body
weight, fatigue and persistent cough.
Viral disease, Hepatitis -(pathogen – Hep virus). Spreads through contaminated food and
water, blood and excreta. Liver inflammation, yellowish colour due to bilirubin.
Protozoal disease, Malaria -(pathogen - Plasmodium). Spreads through female anopheles
mosqitoes. High fever with shivering, profuse sweating, headache, vomitting, diarrhoea,

12.Stages in the process of blood clotting :
- Tissues of the wounded part degenerate to form an enzyme, thromboplastin.
- With calcium ions and vitamin K, thromboplastin converts prothrombin to
- Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin.
- In the fibrin net, RBCs and plateletes entangled to form the blood clot.
13.Nucleotides ?
Nucleotides are the basic units of nucleic acids. Each nucleotide is
made of a nitrogen base, a sugar molecule and a phosphate group.
Certain nucleotides act as genes for protein synthesis.
14.Examples for medicine produced using genetically modified organisms
Interferons (for viral disease), Endomorphin (for pain relief).
15.Organisms included in the evolutionary history of man:
a. Ardipithecus ramidus (most primitive member).
b. Australopithecus afarensis (slender body).
c. Homo habilis (made weapons from stones and bones).
d. Homo erectus (thick chin and large teeth, ability to stand erect).
e. Homo neanderthalensis (Contemporary to modern man).

16.Growth disorders related to somatotropin ?
Dwarfism - Stunted physical growth due to decreased production.
Gigantism - Excessive growth of the body due to increased production.
Acromegaly - Excessive growth of the bones on face, jaws and fingers due to
the prolonged production even after the growth phase.
17.Disorders due to the under secretion of thyroxine (hypo thyroidism) ?
Cretinism (stunted physical-mental growth in children),
Myxoedema (inflammation in body tissues).
Symptoms seen in person with myxoedema (Hypothyroidism) ?
Low metabolic rate, sluggishness, increase in body weight, hypertension and inflammation in
body tissues.
Symptoms seen in person having Hypothyroidism ?
High metabolic rate, rise in body temperature, excessive sweating, increased heart beat,
weight loss and emotional imbalance.
18:Sense of taste - flowchart
Particles dissolve in saliva – Chemoreceptors in the taste buds get
stimulated – Impulse transmission through nerves – Taste centre in the
cerebrum – Experiencing taste.

19:Sense of smell – flowchart :
Particles dissolve in mucus – Olfactory receptors in the mucous
membrane get stimulated – Impulse transmission through the olfactory
nerve – Olfactory centre in the cerebrum Experiencing smell.

20.Reflex arc ?
The pathway of impulses in a reflex action. This includes :

b. Sensory neuron,
c. Inter neuron,
d. Motor neuron,
e. Effector muscles.
21. Planaria – Eyespot (for detecting light).
Snake – Jacobson's organ ( for smell).
Shark – Lateral line (for balancing).
22. Those blood with Rh are positive. Those without Rh are negative
blood. If blood is not compatible, the antigen in the received blood
will react with the antibody in therecipient's blood of so as to clot
RBC (agglutination).
23:Neural disorders ?
Alzheimer's : Continuous degeneration of neurons due to the accumulation of an
insoluble protein. Complete loss of memory, inability to do routine works.

Parkinsons : Degeneration of specific ganglia in the brain causes

deficiency of dopamine. Loss of body balance. Tremor in muscles, flow of

Epilepsy : Discharge of irregular electrical impulses from brain. Fits (due to

uncontrolled muscular contractions), frothy discharge from mouth, clenching of
teeth, become unconscious.

Page:19 table
24. Diseses affecting crops :
- Blight of paddy, Wilt of brinjal (bacteria).
- Quick wilt of pepper, Bud rot of coconut (fungus).
- Mosaic in peas, tapioca, Bunchy top of banana (virus).
25. 44 somatic chromosomes + XX sex chromosomes in females.
44 +XY in males.
[gametes have 22+X or 22+Y]

26. Importance of synapse :
Synapse helps to regulate the speed and direction of impulses.
Acetylcholine or dopamine like neurotransmitters stimulate the adjacent
dendrite or cell and new electric impulses are generated.

27. Cerebellum : Coordinates muscular activities and maintains
equilibrium of the body.
Hypothalamus : Maintenance of homeostasis.Medulla oblongata
: Controls involuntary actions like heart beat, breathing etc.


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