2017_Macgregor_History of the development of Permian-Cretaceous Rifts in East Africa

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Tectonics and petroleum systems of East Africa Petroleum Geoscience

Published Online First https://doi.org/10.1144/petgeo2016-155

History of the development of Permian–Cretaceous rifts in East

Africa: a series of interpreted maps through time
Duncan Macgregor
MacGeology Ltd, 26 Gingells Farm Road, Charvil, Berkshire RG10 9DJ, UK

Abstract: East Africa represents the most rifted portion of crust on the planet, having been subjected to numerous phases of
extension from Permian to Recent times. The first rifting phase commences in the Permian as the ‘Karoo’ set of narrow half-
graben, many formed by lateral shear. Peak rifting appears to be of Middle Permian age for rifts south of Tanzania. In Kenya,
Ethiopia and Somalia, this rift population merges into a set of rifts with peak rifting of earliest Triassic age.
A further phase of rifting is seen in the Toarcian–Aalenian. Many of these overlie Permo-Triassic rifts but others are
displaced towards what will become the continental margin. Three unrelated populations of Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous rifts
are observed, including those in Somalia, a series of pull-apart basins on the Davie Ridge and a poorly documented set in
southern Mozambique. The Anza Rift, with peak rifting in the Late Cretaceous associated with the building of rift shoulders
kilometres in height, is proposed here to be an isolated plume-derived rift.
Evaluation of the petroleum potential associated with these rifts relies on an accurate assessment of each in terms of their age
and affinity to well-documented systems.
Supplementary material: A table of East Africa Permian–Mesozoic rift basins and references is available at
Received 1 December 2016; revised 18 September 2017; accepted 27 September 2017

This review paper has two objectives. The main objective is to stratigraphic analysis based on these sections – for
integrate the voluminous academic literature on Permian– example, in the Ruhuhu Basin (Kreuser 1995) and in the
Cretaceous rift outcrop sections in East Africa with new subsurface Mombasa Basin (Schluter 1997). Useful correlations
knowledge from recent oil exploration. This integration is expressed between these sections are provided by Kamen-Kaye
as a series of maps showing the progressive development of the rift (1978), Wopfner (1993), Hankel (1994), Kreuser (1995)
systems through time. These maps accompany those compiled and Catuneanu et al. (2005), which contribute to the
through a similar methodology for the Cenozoic East African Rift chronostratigraphic analysis presented as Figures 3 and 4.
System by Macgregor (2015). A second objective of the paper is to • Data Category B: subsurface rifts with moderate–good
predict the extent and timing of rifting in poorly controlled offshore control
regions. Where the early Mesozoic section lies below thick This category of rift includes those buried below younger
overburdens, it is thought to source large volumes of gas to the cover, generally located in coastal regions. Interpretation of
younger section (Sayers 2017). Essentially, this paper assimilates these basins is dependent on published exploration well data,
our current state of knowledge on Carboniferous–Cretaceous rift including published papers, but also on government-
activity in East Africa, over the region shown in Figures 1 and 2, released digital data, conference posters and abstracts. In
using this knowledge as a basis for prediction in areas where data is general, there is sufficient control provided in these sources
sparse. on subsurface structure and stratigraphy to date fault
movements in such basins. Examples include the Ogaden
Basin of Ethiopia, the Anza Basin of Kenya and most
Methodology onshore basins along the East African shoreline (see Fig. 1,
and the listing and references in the Supplementary
The interpretations shown for fault patterns and timing are based on
literature and miscellaneous oil industry abstracts and presentations.
• Data Category C: subsurface rifts with poor or no control
A full list of source data for each basin is provided in the
The third category, where interpretations of fault location
Supplementary material accompanying this paper. No seismic data
and timing are subject to the greatest uncertainty, represent
were available for this paper to conduct any original interpretation
offshore rifts below thick post-rift cover. In such regions,
or audit any third-party interpretation. In terms of the level of
there are very few or no published wells that penetrate to the
confidence in the interpretations shown, the basins can be split into
Jurassic rifts which may be interpreted to underlie younger
three categories (Fig. 1), namely:
cover. The interpretations in this paper are often dependent
• Data Category A: outcropping rift sections on the identification of deep grabens and half-grabens on a
The first category is that of basins that crop out and are number of sparse published seismic lines, with an
generally well documented in peer-reviewed academic assumption taken that the relevant author’s stratigraphic
papers. Many Permian–Mesozoic rift sections between picks are correct. Data availability over offshore Madagascar
Ethiopia and Mozambique and on Madagascar have been is particularly poor, limited to a few conference presenta-
brought to surface by Cenozoic uplifts, enabling a tions by seismic companies. As interpreted in Figures 3 and

© 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London for GSL and EAGE. All rights reserved. For permissions: http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/
permissions. Publishing disclaimer: www.geolsoc.org.uk/pub_ethics
D. Macgregor

Fig. 1. Area of interest, major lineaments

and the location of basins discussed in
this paper shown on present-day
geography, classified by the Data
Categories summarized in the text of this
paper. Lines of chronostratigraphic
sections (Figs 3 and 4) are also shown.

4, the stratigraphy in these offshore areas can only be interpreted intensity of fault movements is shown in two categories:
inferred from seismic character and extrapolation from major and minor. The former is taken to apply to typical synrift
onshore. A common uncertainty is whether an offshore rift is conditions (i.e. active block faulting causing significant displace-
entirely Early Jurassic in age or is a stacked Jurassic and ments and topography creation), often reflected as a thick series of
Permo-Triassic rift (see Gilardi et al. 2014 for a case study deep lacustrine sediments filling the accommodation space created;
on the Kerimbas Graben of the Rovuma Basin). and the latter category refers to periods of smaller displacements on
Extrapolation of faults beyond seismic control is usually faults and the accumulation of thinner series of sediments, generally
based on tectonic elements maps provided in the sources 100 m or less in basins where there is often a close balance between
referenced in the Supplementary material (lacking in some fluvial sedimentation and subsidence. Such periods of ‘minor’ fault
regions, including northern Tanzania). Such extrapolation movement usually precede or post-date the main rift phase.
may also consider present-day bathymetry, as many offshore The interpretation of palaeotopography is based on an extrapo-
Mesozoic rifts appear to have been reactivated in the lation of current topography backwards in time. A broad
Neogene (e.g. the Kerimbas and Lacerda graben: Franke interpretation of pre-Cenozoic topography has been based on the
et al. 2015) and are now seabed depressions. work of Moore et al. (2009) in the south of the region, and the
apatite fission-track analysis (AFTA) of Foster & Gleadow (1996)
and Noble et al. (1997) in Kenya and Tanzania. This work indicates
The main product of this paper is a series of tectonic maps cooling indicative of major uplift and erosion of the Tanzanian
illustrating the progressive development of Permian–Mesozoic rifts Craton and Anza Rift shoulders in the Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene.
through time (Figs 5 – 10), as summarized in Figure 2. The maps On the Anza Rift shoulder, this can be related to vitrinite reflectance
show rift faults thought to have been active during specific intervals, profiles that suggest 3 – 4 km of erosion (see later discussions).
and also includes an illustration of relative palaeotopography Circumstantial data used to infer high topography include the
(unquantified) and active volcanism. The earlier time slices reflect observation of major periods of coarse clastic influx to the margin:
fault movements over a specified interval of peak rifting, while the for example, in the Late Cretaceous Kismaayo Delta of southern
later time slices are allowed to span longer periods of time to capture Somalia (Soma Oil & Gas 2015; Davidson et al. 2017) and in the
a range of seemingly unrelated events in different regions. The Zambezi (Walford et al. 2005). For the older time slices, the
Permian–Cretaceous rifting in East Africa

Fig. 2. Rift lineaments analysed in this

paper. These are assigned to a number of
broad age groupings, as per the legend. A
schematic fit between Africa and
Madagascar is applied in this and the
following figures by restoring to the
continental–ocean boundaries along the
Davie Fracture Zone, and to those off
Somalia and the Majunga Basin
interpreted in other papers in this thematic
set (Davidson et al. 2017; Davison &
Steel 2017). This does not take account of
pre-break-up extension so gives a
relatively ‘wide’ fit.

topography shown is schematic, based on an assumption that As summarized in Figure 3, within the southern part of the
Permo-Triassic rift shoulders will have been developed at the time region, basin development and sedimentation appears to commence
of rifting and will have been eroded over tens of millions of years. in the Gzhelian with the deposition of a distinctive tillite facies,
during a period interpreted here as ‘minor’ rifting or sagging prior to
the main rift phase. This is followed by a sand- and coal-filled
Permo-Triassic rifts
succession in the Asselian and Sakmarian, also suggestive of a
Permo-Triassic rifts (Figs 5 and 6) correspond to the population of minor rift or sag, before main rift conditions are initiated in the Late
South and East African rifts termed the ‘Karoo’ rifts. This term will Artinskian–Kungurian, terminating coal deposition in most basins.
be used here to describe rifts active during these eras and not for The creation of significant accommodation space is clear by the
those active in the Early Jurassic, described in some papers as ‘Late Middle Permian, with deep lacustrine facies developed in the
Karoo’. With the exceptions of the proposed extensions offshore Ruhuhu, Luangwa and other basins (Banks et al. 1995; Kreuser
and some interpreted below Kalahari cover, these are the best- 1995; Catuneanu et al. 2005). A marine influx is evident at this time
documented rifts considered in this paper and there is relatively high in Madagascar (Wescott & Diggens 1998) (Fig. 3). An additional
confidence in the maps presented here. In southern onshore areas, pulse of rifting is evident in the Late Permian, as indicated by a
most rifts are in Data Category A and are well summarized in papers further phase of lacustrine deposition in Ruhuhu above a major
by Castaing (1991), Wopfner (1993), Hankel (1994), Kreuser unconformity, and the widening of rifts between the ‘Sakoa’ and
(1995), Johnson et al. (1996) , Delvaux (2001) and Catuneanu et al. ‘Sakamena’ groups of Madagascar (Besairie & Collignon 1971;
(2005). A useful Karoo correlation chart is also provided in the Wescott & Diggens 1997, 1998). Yet another rift phase may be
supplementary material of Davison & Steel (2017). The main evident in the Early Triassic, but this seems to be followed by the
uncertainties on the interpretations shown are the northern limit of deposition of thick fluvial sands in all southern basins, which is
basins containing sections older than Late Permian, the relative taken to suggest that the deeper parts of rift topography were largely
importance of Mid–Late Permian v. Early Triassic rifting over infilled by this time.
different regions and the location of Permo-Triassic rifts below This series of events, typified by the outcrop section in the
offshore areas. Ruhuhu Basin (e.g. Kreuser 1995), seems to be applicable to most
D. Macgregor
Fig. 3. Chronostratigraphic analysis of SE African Permian–Mesozoic rifts (see Fig. 1 for the line of section). Based on data and analyses within Kamen-Kaye (1978), Castaing (1991), Hankel (1994), Kreuser (1995), Banks
et al. (1995), Radelli (1975), Wescott & Diggens (1997, 11998), Delvaux (2001), Catuneanu et al. (2005), Geiger & Schweigert (2005), Gilardi et al. (2014) and Gray & Sansom (2016). Sections interpreted to be present on
seismic, but without stratigraphic control, are shown in white fill.
Permian–Cretaceous rifting in East Africa
Fig. 4. Chronostratigraphic analysis of NE African Permian–Mesozoic rifts. Based on data and analyses within Kamen-Kaye (1978), Worku & Astin (1992), Mbede & Dualeh (1997), Schluter (1997), Clark (1998), Hunegnaw
et al. (1998) and Webster & Ensign (2007). Sections interpreted to be present on seismic, but without stratigraphic control, are shown in white fill.
D. Macgregor

Fig. 5. Rifts interpreted to be active in

Middle Permian times (centred on
Roadian, 270 Ma, thought to be the peak
of regional rifting). The main activity is
seen to be along the ‘STASS’ trend from
Zambia to offshore Somalia (Visser &
Praekelt 1998), with another narrow
paralleling trend in onshore Madagascar.
Basins in the north of this map, both in
Africa and Madagascar, carry the greatest
uncertainty on the interpretation, together
with the Rovuma area of Mozambique.
Major and minor rifting categories are
defined in the text. Darker shades on all
maps indicate relatively higher but
unquantified topography (see the text).
Rough fit of Africa and Madagascar is as
explained in Figure 2.

‘Karoo’ basins as far north as southern Kenya and to all ‘Karoo’ rifts section (tens of metres) of Late Permian ‘Calub’ Formation
in Madagascar. Many of these are concentrated as narrow half- sandstone before encountering Basement, with no penetration of
graben along the Southern Trans-African Shear System (‘STASS’) Carboniferous tillites having been reported (Worku & Astin 1992).
of Visser & Praekelt (1998) (Fig. 5), with wrench-fault tectonics There are reports (P. Purcell pers. comm.) from seismic interpret-
particularly well developed in Zambia (Orpen et al. 1989). This ation of an undrilled ‘pre-Calub’ rift sequence, speculated here to
system of long-lived faults has been suggested by these authors to range down into the Middle Permian. It does seem clear, however,
originate from transtension driven by the oblique subduction of the that the main rift event in the Ogaden Basin is of Early Triassic
palaeo-Pacific plate and the subsequent collision of associated (Induan) age, during which a thick deep lacustrine shale (Bokh
continental fragments with Gondwanaland in the Permian, leading Shale) was deposited, time equivalents of which are seen in the Maji
to the clockwise rotation of Africa. ya Chumvi Formation of the Mombasa Basin and Middle Sakamena
The Late Carboniferous glacial tillite facies, the presence of Formation of the Morondava Basin, but not in the mainland ‘Karoo’
which is taken as a marker for the oldest rifts, is described in outcrop basins from Tanzania southwards. A similar Late Permian–Early
in basins as far north as the Mombasa Basin of Kenya (Schluter Triassic stratigraphy to the Ogaden Basin is observed in the Elgol
1997). Within Madagascar, a full rift section is known down to the wells on the flank of the younger Anza Rift (Morley et al. 1999),
tillites in the Sakamena Rift of the Morondava Basin (Wescott & and in the Mandera Lugh and Mudugh Basins of Somalia (Barnes
Diggens 1997) and is interpreted on seismic by Clark (1998) in the 1976: Exxon 1995, Mbede & Dualeh 1997).
Ankara Graben of the Majunga Basin, although Early Permian strata It can therefore be concluded that rifting of Early–Middle
have not been seen in outcrop in that region. Similarly, seismic Permian age is concentrated into narrow basins along the ‘STASS’
sections over the Selous Basin in Tanzania Petroleum Development trend (Fig. 5), whereas the most significant phase of rifting in NE
Corporation (2003) suggest that rift sediments may range deeper Africa is of Early Triassic age (Fig. 6). A zone of transition between
than the oldest outcropping section of Late Permian age. these two models is represented by the section of the Mombasa
Differences in stratigraphy are noted for basins north of Basin (Fig. 4), which shows evidence of being active in both
Mombasa, of which the Ogaden Basin forms the best-documented episodes. The drivers of Early Triassic rifting are not understood at
example (Fig. 4). Numerous wells in this basin penetrate only a thin present, although Visser & Praekelt (1998) suggest a continuation
Permian–Cretaceous rifting in East Africa

Fig. 6. Rifts interpreted to be active in

Early Triassic times (centred on Induan,
250 Ma, thought to be the peak of
regional rifting). This period is marked in
many of the basins by the deposition of a
widespread lacustrine shale (possible
marine influences in Madagascar).

of the shear systems of the Permian. Such a model is, however, between the African mainland and Madagascar, as this can be taken
questioned by the observation in this paper that the rifts developed at to control the pre-break-up fit of the two plates concerned. Reeves
this time were wider and more connected than those in the Permian (2017) favours a model whereby the Sakamena Trough is
(e.g. the Sakamena Trough: Wescott & Diggens 1997, 1998). essentially a continuation of the Selous and Rufuji basins of
If present in the offshore basins, the Permo-Triassic rift sections Tanzania, which forces Madagascar northwards into a tight fit
are deeply buried, therefore lying in Data Category 3. It seems likely against Kenya and Somalia. Such a reconstruction is dependent on a
that the Permian rift trend will continue along the offshore extension wide-ranging analysis, a reworking of which is beyond the scope of
of the ‘STASS’ trend, and ‘Karoo’ rifts have been interpreted on this paper. A wider fit between Somalia and Madagascar has been
seismic offshore Somalia (Soma Oil & Gas 2015; Davidson et al. used here (Figs 4 and 5), primarily to prevent overlap between
2017). However, in the southern offshore (south of Dar es Salaam), African and Madagascar lineaments, based on the present-day
there is substantial uncertainty on the extent and thickness of rifts of positions of the continental–ocean transitions mapped by Davidson
this age. In SE Tanzania, several wells penetrate through Jurassic to et al. (2017) and Davison & Steel (2017), and reports of large-scale
Basement, and all but Lukuledi 1 (Fig. 3) encounter no Permo- inversions and interpretations of stretched continental crust 200 km
Triassic section. In cross-sections over the coastal part of the from the Lamu coastline (Biancone et al. 2015). This does not take
Morondava Basin basinwards of the narrow Sakamena Rift, Radelli any account of pre-break-up extension and is thus an extreme case of
(1975) also shows Jurassic immediately over Basement. A number a ‘wide fit’ (i.e. the actual fit would have to be tighter than this). This
of seismic interpreters have speculated that thin Permo-Triassic does, however, indicate that alternative correlations of Karoo rifts
sections are present below more significant Jurassic rift sections in are possible: the ‘STASS’ Selous–Rufuji System could continue
the Kerimbas Graben of the Rovuma Basin (Gilardi et al. 2014), the below offshore Tanzania, Kenya and Somalia as the Ruvu Basin, the
Ibo High area of the southern Rovuma Basin (Edwards & Tembo Trough and some of the offshore Somalia Karoo rifts
Lainchbury 1999) and the Lacerda Rift (Sapri et al. 2013), although illustrated by Davidson et al. (2017), and/or as the Ankara Trough of
all such cases lack good seismic definition or well ties. the Majunga Basin. The Sakamena Trough would have then to be a
As discussed in Reeves (2017), an important aside in the separate rift trend, possibly connecting to speculative rifts in the
delineation of these Permo-Triassic rifts is their spatial correlation offshore Rovuma region (Edwards & Lainchbury 1999). Further
D. Macgregor

Fig. 7. Rifts interpreted to be active in

Early Jurassic times (centred on Toarcian,
180 Ma, thought to be the peak of
regional rifting). Offshore rifts are taken
from various tectonic elements maps from
industry and conference figures (see the
text), or sometimes inferred by the
association of Jurassic with Neogene rifts
(see Franke et al. 2015) and current
bathymetry. No data zone in northern
Tanzania offshore.

offshore deep seismic imaging and backstripping are required to and Hudson & Nicholas (2014). Rifts of Early Jurassic age are also
resolve this issue. described from the Majunga (Banks et al. 2008) and Morondava
basins (Radelli 1975) of Madagascar, and from the Ruvu and Rufiji
basins of northern Tanzania (Tanzania Petroleum Development
Jurassic rifts
Corporation 2003). Toarcian salt is present in the rift section of the
Following a phase of post-rift conditions and basin infilling by red Mandawa Basin and is interpreted on seismic in the offshore part of
beds in the Mid–Late Triassic, the next major stage of rifting taken the Majunga Basin (Davison & Steel 2017), where it is presumably
by most interpreters is of Early–early Middle Jurassic of similar age (Fig. 4). Seismic interpretation indicates the presence
(Pliensbachian–Aalenian) age. Such rifts are interpreted along the of equivalent rifts below the Zambezi Delta (Anderson et al. 2013),
current East African continental margin and clearly precede its the Kerimbas Graben (Gilardi et al. 2014; Franke et al. 2015),
development (Figs 3 and 7). Most basins fall into Data Categories 2 offshore southern Tanzania (Cope 2000; Higgins & Sofield 2011;
and 3. The main uncertainty in the interpretations presented in Gray & Sansom 2016), onshore Somalia (Barnes 1976) and
Figure 7 is the location of rifts of this age offshore, an aspect that is offshore Somalia (Soma Oil & Gas 2015). Contemporaneous fault
of critical importance to petroleum prospectivity as these rifts movements of Early Jurassic age in the Ogaden and Mandera Lugh
contain the inferred source rocks to the gas reserves of the region basins seem to be minor (based on the interpretation of seismic lines
(Pereira-Rego et al. 2013; Sayers 2017). and cross-sections in Hunegnaw et al. 1998), and faults here are
The Early Jurassic rift of the Mandawa Basin of Tanzania has the assigned to the ‘minor rifting’ category in Figure 7.
best data control (Data Category 2). The tectonostratigraphy of this While Early Jurassic rifts do sometimes exploit Permo-Triassic
basin is illustrated in Figure 3, which adopts the commonest view rifts along the former ‘STASS’ trend (e.g. the northern part of
for the age of the synrift section as Pliensbachian–Aalenian (e.g. Selous Basin, Mombasa Basin: Fig. 4), the tendency elsewhere is
Gray & Sansom 2016; Kent et al. 1971; Thomas et al. 2007; Veeken for the Jurassic rifts to be displaced towards the future East African
& Titov 1996), although it should be noted that an opposing margin. In the Morondava Basin, for instance, Radelli (1975) shows
interpretation, with the dates ranging down into the Late Triassic for that Jurassic rifts are displaced westwards from the failed Permo-
the basal Mbuo Formation, has been published by Hudson (2011) Triassic Sakamena Graben. Break-up is commonly related in
Permian–Cretaceous rifting in East Africa

Fig. 8. Rifts and inversions interpreted to

be active during any period within the
Late Jurassic (163 – 145 Ma), a composite
map covering three separate rift
populations along the Davie Ridge, in
Yemen–Somaliland, and in southern
Mozambique/Natal Basin. The latter
population continues into earliest
Cretaceous. It is likely that different
mechanisms apply for the three rift
populations, including pull-apart for the
Davie Ridge trend, regional extension
( passive rifting) for the Yemen–
Somaliland group and a plume prior to
continental break-up (of Limpopia/the
Mozambique Ridge) for the Mozambique
population (see the text). Uncertainty in
the location of these rifts in onshore
Mozambique is high, where rifting
continues through into the Early

Tanzania and Madagascar to a sharp transgression in the Bajocian 2017), although ties to the sediment fill here suggest an Early
and/or further deepening of depositional environments in the Cretaceous age, They are also seen along the Davie Ridge offshore
Callovian (e.g. Fig. 3) (Geiger & Schweigert 2005; Gray & Sansom Morondava Basin (Tari & Rock 2016). These basins may bear some
2016), although, as suggested by Reeves (2017), the first oceanic similarities to the Aptian pull-apart basins of the ‘transform’ West
crust may have been formed earlier on other parts of the margin. Pre- African margin, although do not seem to be as frequently
Callovian Middle Jurassic inversion is reported on the Seagap developed.
Fracture Zone by Gray & Sansom (2016), which would fit It has long been proposed that Late Jurassic rifts originally
conveniently with this level being the end of the rifting cycle and extended from Yemen to present-day Somaliland and Puntland (e.g.
the onset of oblique drift in Tanzania prior to the later formation of Redfern & Jones 1995). However, this region is also affected by
the Davie Fracture Zone (Reeves et al. 2016). Oligocene rifting related to the opening of the Gulf of Aden
Three likely unrelated populations of Late Jurassic rifts occur in (Macgregor 2015; Purcell 2017), and the lack of seismic ties
three regions: along the Davie Ridge, in Yemen–Somaliland and in between basins has made the differentiation between Cenozoic and
southern Mozambique/the Natal Basin (Fig. 8). The population Late Jurassic rifts difficult. This was illustrated by a well drilled in
along the Davie Ridge is typified by a narrow inverted pull-apart 2011 on the Dharoor Rift that encountered a thick Oligocene section
basin in the offshore Angoche area of Mozambique (Mahanjane but thin Jurassic (Africa Oil 2013). With the exception of some
2014), which continues as a half-graben further north in the Lacerda outcropping rift sections on the rift shoulder of the Gulf of Aden,
Rift (Sapri et al. 2013; Franke et al. 2015). Seismic correlations substantial uncertainty affects the interpretation of rifts shown in
from Zambezi offshore wells seem to indicate that the Angoche Rift Figure 8 in this region.
terminates and inverts close to base Cretaceous. These narrow deep The rifts of southern Mozambique, of Late Jurassic–Early
rifts have the character of pull-apart basins and are attributed to Cretaceous age (Coster et al. 1989), are illustrated by the maps
changes in plate rotation before or during the creation of the Davie and seismic sections in De Buyl & Flores (1984). Differing
Ridge transform (Mahanjane 2014; Reeves 2017). Similar features, interpretations of the extensions of these rifts onshore, based on
inverted in the Late Cretaceous, are seen offshore in the Lamu Basin gravity data, are shown by Salman & Abdula (1995) and Coster
in Kenya (e.g. Pancontinental Oil & Gas 2009; Davison & Steel et al. (1989). Mahanjane (2012) and Anderson et al. (2013) also
D. Macgregor

Fig. 9. Rifts and inversions interpreted to

be active at any period within the Early
Cretaceous (145 – 100 Ma), a composite
map covering separate rift populations in
the Rukwa–Malawi trend of the East
African Rift System (thought to be around
Albian age and exploiting Permian rifts),
over parts of the Anza Rift ( peaking
around Barremian times) and an offshore
pull-apart off the Lamu Basin of Kenya.
Rifting of this age along NW–SE trends
can be categorized as passive rifting
related to regional extension across Africa.

interpreted that rifting migrates over the Beira High in the Middle releases and investors presentations indicating that a section of this
Jurassic, these rifts then immediately preceding break-up. Rifts of age was penetrated in recent wells further SW than previously
this age are also seen in many basins off the SE coast of South known. The available scout data on these wells suggest, however,
Africa, such as the Natal Basin. It is speculated that the that the Early Cretaceous is much thinner than the Late Cretaceous,
Mozambique rifts could precede the drift of the ‘Limpopia’ and thus the Early Cretaceous rifting is shown as ‘minor’ in
microcontinent (the Mozambique Ridge), believed to be of Figure 9. Active rifting continues well into the Tertiary in the SE
continental affinity by Reeves et al. (2016, 2017). part of the basin, while significant inversion is observed in the Early
Miocene. Many authors (e.g. Bosworth & Morley 1994) have tried
to link events in the Anza Basin to the extension phases in South
Cretaceous rifts
Sudan, invoking a transform across the younger East African Rift
Two simplified maps are produced for the Cretaceous (Figs 9 and System. A comparison with the extension phases in South Sudan
10) covering wide-ranging time intervals for the Early and Late documented by McHargue et al. (1992), however, indicates a poor
Cretaceous, respectively; the latter reflecting activity peaking in the correlation with Anza Basin events and stratigraphy. In particular,
Campanian–Maastrichtian. The most significant Cretaceous rift in the thickest sections mapped on seismic in the Anza Basin are of
east Africa is the Anza Rift of Kenya, which is well documented by Late Cretaceous age, which correlates with a combined interval of
Morley et al. (1999). This is often described as an Early Cretaceous two post-rift sections and a thin synrift section in the Muglad Basin
rift (e.g. Davison & Steel 2017), thus invoking a triple junction in of South Sudan. The Early Cretaceous comprises the most
the Lamu area. Morley et al. (1999) illustrated this as a rift that significant rifting phase in Sudan (Guiraud et al. 2005; Fairhead
evolved in the Neocomian in the NW part of the basin (Fig. 9), et al. 2013), which, as discussed above, seems to be less extensive
although they interpreted that the main phase of rifting over the and significant in Anza. In addition, no significant inversion is seen
greater part of the basin did not occur until the Late Cretaceous– in Sudan.
Palaeogene (Fig. 10). Morley et al.’s (1999) models are, by and A combination of geochemical maturity and AFTA data (Foster
large, followed in these maps, although the area of Early Cretaceous & Gleadow 1996) on the flanks of the Anza Basin indicate uplift
rifting is expanded to account for reports from Africa Oil press and erosion of the order of 3 km during the Late Cretaceous and
Permian–Cretaceous rifting in East Africa

Fig. 10. Rifts and inversions interpreted to

be active at any period within the Late
Cretaceous, peaking around Campanian
times (c. 75 Ma) and often extending into
the Palaeogene. The interpretation for the
main feature active at this time, the Anza
Rift, follows that of Morley et al. (1999).
Evidence of high rift shoulders suggests
an active rift similar to the present-day
East African Rift System (see the text).
South Sudanese rifts are illustrated for a
short synrift spell in the Campanian.

Palaeogene. Early Triassic shales on the rift shoulder have vitrinite (Kamen-Kaye & Barnes 1979; Mbede 1987). A previously
reflectances in excess of 2% Ro (Morley et al. 1999). Much of the discussed rift on the Kenyan part of the Davie Fracture Zone is
material eroded from these rift shoulders was likely to have been thought to be of Early Cretaceous age (Davison & Steel 2017). In
transported to the Kismaayo area of offshore Somalia, where a very the offshore, the Cretaceous is commonly a period of inversion of
thick Late Cretaceous section is present, including gravitational earlier rifting developed along or close to the Davie Fracture Zone.
collapse features (Soma Oil & Gas 2015). The existence of such high Inversion and pop-up structures are seen in the Morondava Basin
rift shoulders suggests that the processes controlling the formation of (Tari & Rock 2016), offshore Tanzania (Franca 2012), the Lamu
the Anza Rift were, perhaps, similar to those of the younger East Basin, offshore Kenya (Davison & Steel 2017) (Fig. 9), and the
African Rift, which are now ascribed (Adams et al. 2012) to the Mandera Lugh Basin of onshore Somalia. Most, but not all, are
effects of a mantle circulation cell and plume. Thus, the Anza Rift thought to be of Late Cretaceous age. Minor compression along
could well be an isolated active rift that is not associated with the arches in Tanzania, described by Wood (2016), together with
wrench-controlled Central African Rift System of Genik (1993). reversal of movement along fracture zones (Sayers 2017), is
The small Gatome and Lotikipi basins of NW Kenya (Wescott possibly related to regional northwest-directed compression caused
et al. 1999) are developed partially below Oligocene volcanics. by Indian Ocean spreading.
Thin Cretaceous red beds outcrop in the Lapur Range nearby and
could form the basal section to these basins, although the bulk of the
Implications for petroleum prospectivity
section present appears to be Palaeogene (Purcell 2017). Thin
Cretaceous sandy sections, perhaps of Albian age, are seen along the To date, there has been relatively little exploration success within
Rukwa–Malawi trend (Macgregor 2015), developed between Permian or Mesozoic rift successions in East Africa, with the main
thicker Permian and Cenozoic sections. The area of deposition of hydrocarbon occurrences being gas within Permian and basal Jurassic
these Cretaceous sandy sections follows the well-developed NW– reservoirs in the Ogaden Basin of Ethiopia, the Triassic tar sands of
SE trend expressed for nearly all rifts of this age in Africa. There is Madagascar and small Cretaceous-reservoired gas pools in the Anza
also evidence for Cretaceous extensional faulting in the Lamu Basin Basin. However, many of the rifts are un- or under-explored. Workers
(e.g. on the Garissa High) and in adjoining areas of Somalia on the offshore, where large discoveries have been made in
D. Macgregor

Cretaceous and Tertiary deep-marine clastics, believe these to be that the Anza Rift is not related to those in Sudan, with different
largely charged from the Jurassic synrift and early post-rift , with mechanisms applying in the two regions.
Sayers (2017) quoting a biomarker correlation between offshore This paper provides a regional tectonic model for identifying the
condensates and liquids from Early Jurassic source rocks. A likely sedimentary fill and thermal history of undrilled rifts, and for
possible contribution from underlying Permian coals has been identifying analogues, which, when combined with local data,
suggested by Pereira-Rego et al. (2013). should help rank the remaining petroleum opportunities across the
Onshore, the main implication of this assimilation of regional region.
data and inferences therefrom will be to assist in the identification of
the most valid analogue basins, in terms of age, tectonics, Acknowledgements Gion Kuper and Roger Bignall are thanked for their
depositional and climatic setting, to be applied in a frontier basin constructive reviews of this paper.
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