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36 Plant Intelligent Automation and Digital Transformation

FIGURE I 1.2i Adaptive control scheme.

input. In the diagram, inner loop is conventional control design)dhence, parameter q, is in negative direction
loop and parameter adjustments are carried out by outer to gradient of function J, so that
loop to minimize error. Model output ym is compared
dq dJ
with actual process output y. The difference between ¼ g (I 1.2e)
dt dq
them referred to as error-“e” is processed in a
computing device for adjustments of parameters of the dq de
¼ ge (I 1.2f)
controller to minimize integral square error as per dt dq
MIT rule discussed below.
4. MIT Rule and MRAC for Adaptive control: In 1960 The term partial derivative dq
is referred to as Sensitivity
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed derivative. “g” a positive quantity, represents is adap-
a rule for design of the autopilot system for aircrafts tion gain. Considering a linear process transfer function
[15]. MIT rule is used in MRAC discussed above. As as k.G(S) where k is an unknown parameter and G(S) is
per MIT rule, for adjustable parameter q cost J(q) is a second order known transfer function. Now in order to
defined as: develop a controller, which would track reference
model with transfer function Gm(S) [ k0 G(S). Here
JðqÞ ¼ 0:5e2 (I 1.2d) K0 a known constant parameter i.e., ym ¼ k0.Gm(-
Where e is the error, between the outputs of plant and S).uc(S). We know from general control action, for
reference model (y-ym). Adjustable parameter q is input uc to controller with controller parameter q will be
adjusted in such a fashion so that the cost function uðtÞ ¼ quc (I 1.2g)
can be minimized to zero (this philosophy is used in
General discussions on control systems Chapter | 1 37

So, error a set of linear controls derived for a corresponding set

eðSÞ ¼ y ym ¼ k.GðSÞ.uðSÞ k0 .Gm ðSÞ.uc ðSÞ (I 1.2h)
of plant linearization for different operating points.
Such interpolation is based on external scheduling pa-
Thus, dq
, can be derived combing Eqs. I 1.2g and I 1.2h, rameters with slower variations to capture the plant non-
and one would get linearities. Let us take an example from fossil fuel
power plant: in case of drum type boiler, in drum (stor-
de k age unit) there will be mixing of steam produced, with
¼ k.GðSÞ.uc ðSÞ ¼ ym (I 1.2i)
dq k0 feed water. On the contrary in case of once through
(OT) boiler this is not so. In OT boiler feed water enters
From Eq. I 1.2f,
the economizer, then passes directly into the evapora-
dq de k tive tubing and finally into the superheater tubing. Natu-
¼ ge ¼ g.e. y ¼ g0 .e.ym (I 1.2j)
dt dq k0 m rally there will be dead time in the control loop and this
will vary with load (i.e., feed flow). At lower load, the
From Eq. I 1.2j one can get the principle of regulating lead time and time constant will be much higher than
adjustment parameter in an adaptive controller. This those near full load condition on account of lesser
has been shown in Fig. I 1.2j2. From here it is seen amount of steam available to absorb heat (for same
that choice of adaptation gain is critical and depends rate of firing fuel). Thus, for same load change, there
on signal level. Naturally normalization is necessary will be much more excursion and oscillations of temper-
for making algorithm independent. Therefore, MIT ature control loop toward lower load end than that at
rule needs to be modified for application in industrial higher load end. This indicates that there will be higher
control systems. dynamic gain at lower steam flow than that at higher
5. Classification of Adaptive control: There two classes steam flow [4]. Therefore, it is necessary to include
of Adaptive control system. These are: Direct Adaptive load factor or fraction of full-scale flow into main
control and Indirect Adaptive controldsee I 5.1.1 also. controller (PID) equation to modify the proportional
l Direct adaptive control (Ref: Figs. I 1.2j and I
gain, the reset and derivative time constants. This is a
1.2i2): In direct adaptive control, the difference be- classical way of achieving the gain scheduling. These
tween plant output and reference model (MRAC) can be switching types also. In switching type, Propor-
output is considered as a measure of the difference tional gain of controller is programmed to be changed at
(error) between the real and the desired performance certain predefined values of the process variable or
and the same difference is used in adjusting the adap- controller error. In case of classical gain scheduling sta-
tation scheme for adjustment mechanism directly to bility check needs to be ensured. Fuzzy gain scheduling
adjust control parameter in real time to reduce plant method overcomes these difficulties. Often nonlinear
model error asymptotically the to zero i.e., the design issues can be resolved by decomposing the
controller parameters are directly adjusted by the same into linear or nonlinear subproblems. Based on
adaption techniques realization there can be several classification of gain
l Indirect adaptive control: When a controller is scheduling and these are:
designed with a plant model estimated from the l Problem decomposition: Decomposing nonlinear
available input-output measurements. The scheme problems into linear/nonlinear subproblems and
is termed indirect as the adaptation of the controller applying gain scheduling method
parameters is done in stages viz. (1) Estimation of l Signal processing: Continuous/discrete/Switched
the plant parameters and (2) Computation of control gain scheduling methods
parameter based on estimated plant model. Indirect l Approach based Gain scheduling: Classical gain
adaptive control scheme has been shown in Fig. I scheduling/Linear parameter varying method
1.2j. (LPV)/Linear Fractional transformation method
6. Gain Scheduling: Gain scheduling is a kind of adapta- (LFT)/Fuzzy gain scheduling.
tion of control loop. Conceptually, gain scheduling in- For further details standard book on advanced control
volves an intuitive simplification of the problem into system may be referenced.
parallel decompositions of the total system. Gain sched-
uling technique is often used for controlling nonlinear
systems (discussed later), with changing process dy-
1.2.9 Hierarchical control system
namics at different operating conditions. Gain- Hierarchical structure in digital control system is quite
scheduled controller with “scheduled” gains are used common in many plants in modern control systems. It is
for with scheduling variable (s) viz. measured output important to note that here this hierarchy is mainly based on
or a system state. Gain-scheduling helps to interpolate information presentation and exchange to facilitate plant
38 Plant Intelligent Automation and Digital Transformation

FIGURE I 1.2j Indirect and direct adaptive control system.

operations and approach toward digital transformation. network in hierarchical structure so as to manage the data
These hierarchical control systems (basically network hi- traffic as well as to restrict unwarranted data access at
erarchy) should not be confused with centralized control different level. This is especially important when the
systems. In modern days most of the networks are based on network is exposed to public network (say for on line
Distributed control system (DCS), however hierarchical ordering). In case of integrated network data flow is smooth
control in DCS is more significant and useful to integrate seamless but not devoid of vulnerability especially when
computer networks and communicating through internet to cyber-attack is a great threat. So from security reason for
achieve IoT/remote control etc. These are the stepping plant control system, it is essential to incorporate suitable
stone toward Digital Transformation. With introduction of protection such as Firewall at various levels. In this chapter
embedded systems and microcontroller now intelligence concentration will be mainly on hierarchical structure for
has been distributed and spread at all levels of control. control with some reference to control network as well. A
Distributed control system, coupled with advanced typical such integrated control and network has been pre-
communication systems and highly developed software sented in Fig. I 1.2k, which shows four levels in hierarchy
algorithms, greatly simplified the connection of the com- encountered in DCS network. In this figure it could be
puter to the process. Also providing redundancies (to fall noticed that first two levels (level 1 and 2) along with field
back upon) at all levels and incorporate fail safe networks area has been shaded to signify that these levels are basi-
have become much easier. With introduction of internet, it cally important for plant level control. Let us now discuss
is possible to integrate control system of a unit in to a very all these levels and their requirements and utilities.
large enterprise computer network. In order to handle the Although field sensor or final control elements in field are
data traffic in such huge network it is convenient to divide not really part of the control system, yet brief discussion on
General discussions on control systems Chapter | 1 39

FIGURE I 1.2k Hierarchical control system.

40 Plant Intelligent Automation and Digital Transformation

field devices have been also included to make discussions include continuous controllers, sequential interlocks,
complete. However prior to that it is better to look into alarms, and monitoring devices for the unit. Main func-
description of the hierarchical control elaborated in Fig. I tion of this level is acquisition of plant data for moni-
1.2k. toring, direct control of the plant and the reporting.
Operator station, Engineering stations pertinent to the
1. Description: As shown in Fig. I 1.2k (compare with unit will also be connected through bus (Redundant).
Fig. I 1.0k), there are four levels excluding field level. There could be two divisions:
At the lowest level controls basic controls of units l Level 1A: Normal monitoring, control and report-

have been shown. At this level, basic control systems ing types instrumentation and control i.e., standard
connected to field sensors and field control elements DCS controllers, alarm display and monitoring
reside. These are main control systems or control sys- system, which are hooked up to the bus, which
tems of several (independent) units (viz. several utility could be redundant bus also. In order to make
units/an integrated steel plant/chemical plants). These the plant fail safe (especially for plants with haz-
are connected through redundant bus to form say Ether- ardous locations, critical plants), it is essential
net where operator’s stations as well as engineering sta- that there shall be separate and independent instru-
tion of the control could reside. At the next level, mentation and controls for each of BPCS and SIS
supervision and coordination among the units in a plant discussed earlier.
are carried out. Therefore, several units are connected l Level 1B: There could be some packaged monitoring

over redundant bus at this level and for this plant server and control packages e.g., vibration monitoring, Gas
has been shown at this level for communication on su- chromatograph, Steam water analysis system
pervision and coordination to create on integrated plant (SWAS), which are self-content type and have direct
network at a plant location. Network are common in digital access to level 1 bus system as shown. These
thermal power station with several units/an integrated packaged systems will have sensors and have sepa-
steel plant/refinery. When there are several plants rate FCE or interface to FCE. These types of controls
spread over different area locations, area control may have separate operator console, and these would
network of could be formed to connect plants at several interface directly with the main data bus for data
geographical locations for exchange of data, and for transfer.
overall supervision and coordination among various 4. Level 2: This level is referred to as Supervisory control
plant areas. In industry 4.0, this is very important and whose major functions are aimed at increased produc-
helpful for IT (data exchange) and adapt the same in tion, maximized efficiencies and better availability. At
Operating technology (OT). Such network could be pri- times these are also used for improved environmental
vate also. Top most level is mainly used for manage- protection, energy conservation, system optimization,
ment information system (MIS) and enterprise increase predictive maintenance, plant safety and secu-
computer network (say) handling of sales order and rity. This level can force the system to attend the emer-
other issues through global network/internet and are gency situations, locally optimize the operation of units
helpful for implementing IoT, Industrie 4.0 and for dig- under its control within limits of established production
ital transformation. However, in order to protect the schedule [4]. It is also responsible in maintaining pro-
network firewall at various levels may be necessary duction data, inventory for raw material energy usage
for cyber security. etc. for various units. An example will make it clear:
2. Field Devices: In field there will be a number of smart In a power plant area with several BTG units there
field sensor for measurement of various parameters as could be common auxiliary systems. So, for startup of
well as a number of smart field control elements to con- one unit, operator needs to know status of (say) auxil-
trol/regulate the plant as discussed before. However, iary steam header. Control operator of any unit access
hardwired connections to I/O of control system is also the information via supervisory control. In a chemical
allowed but rare. plant same raw materials may be used by different units,
3. Level 1: This is controller level including associated through supervisory control, these details are made
signal conditioning systems. At this level there will be available to various units. It is also responsibility of
direct connections to the process i.e., direct connections this level to assure reliability through diagnostic pro-
to field sensor and final control elements. As shown in grams. So, in this level, there will be communication
Fig. I 1.2k, these connections may be simple hardwired of various supervisory commands for coordination
connections or these connections may be soft link such among units.
as HART/BRAIN communication protocol and/or field- 5. Level 3: This level mainly performs of supervision and
bus systems. These soft links may be through wire/wire- coordination functions among various plants may be
less/fiber optics. Level 1 controls and system shall located geographically at separate locations. So, it is
General discussions on control systems Chapter | 1 41

similar to level 2 only difference here the coordination 1.3 Control system models
among plants instead of units. An overall production
scheduling and control activities so as to get optimum 1.3.0 Discussions on control system models
solutions for profitability, quality control including For controlling a process it is essential to understand the
meeting requirements of local standards, savings in process and its dynamics. Process dynamics refers to the
cost (toward inventory, raw material supplies and trans- time varying behavior of the process when it is subjected to
portation), energy and time. Such network could be pri- various external and internal disturbances. Model based
vate or may use public platform also. It also takes care control is smart system, when compared to typical con-
of availability, reliability and overall diagnostics. Let us trollers, to offer better disturbance rejection and uniform
take an example: there is an order of type 5 cement, the control including set point tracking. However, to imple-
authority has (say) 3 plants, in one there will be annual ment the same higher skill and understanding of the process
maintenance, other is busy with type 3 production, third and operation of the plant is essential. Also, it requires
one is available for timely production but has lesser ca- mathematical modeling and high computing power of the
pacity. Naturally production scheduling of sharing pro- control systems. Therefore, such models are implemented
duction at two plants and make due coordination for in DCS/PLC systems. First let us look into the basic aspects
getting it produced at two plants. All such supervision of process dynamics and terms frequently used in control
and coordination activities will be carried out from system modeling:
this level.
6. Level 4: This is mainly responsible for management in- 1. Parameters: Lumped and distributed parameters are
formation of the entire set ups of the company and represented by differential equation and in partial
keeping all information ready as executive summary different equations respectively.
to the top management group. It also functions as intra- 2. Linearity, stability and order of system: Linear sys-
company communication for sales order, basic manage- tems have linear functions with homogeneity and super-
ment, materials management etc. This also includes position (possible). System stability and order etc. refer
enterprise computer network duly connected through I 1.0.5.
internet (say) or dedicated company network. Also, 3. Types of transfer function concepts: Model based
when people going in for Industry 4.0 and digital trans- control (MBC) or Model based design (MBD) mainly
formation, there will be immense need for IT data ex- stands on the pillar of mathematical computations.
change to strategize operating technology for better Transfer functions and their relations as have been dis-
production efficiencies. Since there will be chances of cussed in I 1.0.5 and detailed out in Fig. I 1.3a play
external access at some points in the network, cyber se- important role in developing model based control
curity is very importance. So, Firewall and cyber secu- systems.
rity at various level is essential and symbolically shown 4. Process dynamics variations: There could be various
at the top level. types of dynamics possible in a process such as: Instan-
taneous process: Y(t) ¼ K X(t) where K is the system
Let us now look into modeling control systems.
static gain or the process could be integral type such

FIGURE I 1.3a Mathematical model of control loop.

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