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Description of Idea
“H.B Karela Snacks”, a snack food production facility, processing and packaging crispy karela
bites, providing a delicious and healthy snacking option for health-conscious individuals, rich in
vitamins, minerals, having low calories, Will support overall health through natural ingredients
without artificial preservation, offering three delicious flavors: spicy, tangy and herby with a
price per packet 30 Rs. Enjoying Karela snacks is a guilt free snacking experience.

Section 1: Demographic Information

1. What is your name?

2. What is your age group?
a. Under 18
b. 18-24
c. 25-34
d. 35-44
e. 45-54
f. 55-64
g. 65 and over
3. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female
c. Non-binary/Third gender
d. Prefer not to say

Section 2: General Information

4. What is your current year of study?

a. Freshman (New Admission)
b. Sophomore (2nd year)
c. Junior (2nd and 4th semester)
d. Senior (6th and 8th Semester)
e. Graduate Student
5. What is your major or field of study?

6. Have you taken any entrepreneurship courses before?

a. Yes
b. No
Section 3: Idea Introduction

7. Have you heard about this entrepreneurship idea in the following domain?
a. Social Media
b. Campus Event
c. Class Announcement
d. Friend/Family Referral
e. Email/Newsletter
f. Other (please specify): ____________
8. What was your initial impression of this entrepreneurship idea?
a. Very Positive
b. Positive
c. Neutral
d. Negative
e. Very Negative

Section 4: Market Need

Please rate the following statements on a scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree):

9. There is a strong market need for this product/service.

a. 1 - Strongly Disagree
b. 2 - Disagree
c. 3 - Neutral
d. 4 - Agree
e. 5 - Strongly Agree
10. This idea fills a gap in the market.
a. 1 - Strongly Disagree
b. 2 - Disagree
c. 3 - Neutral
d. 4 - Agree
e. 5 - Strongly Agree
11. I would personally use this product/service if it were available.
a. 1 - Strongly Disagree
b. 2 - Disagree
c. 3 - Neutral
d. 4 - Agree
e. 5 - Strongly Agree

Section 5: Product/Service Evaluation

12. How innovative do you find this idea?

a. Very Innovative
b. Innovative
c. Neutral
d. Uninnovative
e. Very Uninnovative
13. How well does this idea address a specific problem or need?
a. Very Well
b. Well
c. Neutral
d. Poorly
e. Very Poorly
14. How feasible do you think this idea is to implement?
a. Very Feasible
b. Feasible
c. Neutral
d. Unfeasible
e. Very Unfeasible
15. What do you think are the strengths of this idea?

16. What do you think are the weaknesses or challenges of this idea?

Section 6: Competitive Landscape

17. Are you aware of any existing products/services that are similar to this idea?
a. Yes (please specify): ____________
b. No
18. How does this idea compare to existing products/services?
a. Much Better
b. Better
c. About the Same
d. Worse
e. Much Worse

Section 7: Potential for Success

19. How likely is this idea to succeed in the current market?

a. Very Likely
b. Likely
c. Neutral
d. Unlikely
e. Very Unlikely
20. How likely are you to invest in or support this idea?
a. Very Likely
b. Likely
c. Neutral
d. Unlikely
e. Very Unlikely

Section 8: Feedback and Suggestions

21. What improvements would you suggest for this idea?


22. What additional features or services would you like to see included?

23. Do you have any other comments or suggestions regarding this entrepreneurship

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