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Hi [name of client]

We have been chatting for days now, and I hope you are doing great over there. It is not very great
over here as you would think.
I would not want to request anything from you until we meet, but I cannot keep it for myself. I hope
you will not be angry with me, please do not be.
My menses arrived today, and I am soaked, and it is quite difficult to move anywhere as you are
reading this message.
The money I should use to get myself menses pars went for something else, my feeding. If I use any
more money for a pad, I would have to ask for money to eat, which I do not want to, considering
that I have not been paid yet.
I took excuse from the little job I do and that I am paid monthly instead of hourly.
Upon meeting the doctor, she said I had to treat; otherwise, I would lose so much blood. I had $20
on me, which I informed her, but she said it is way beyond its costs. She billed at $250, except I
want a walkover sort of treatment that will not last.
I am pleading with you to help me out. I have paid $20 already, but she says I must the balance
before she proceeds because she cannot risk treating me, and then I come up with excuses that I
have no money.
Please, my payment details are:
[name of your bank]
[Bank account number]
[Bank name]
[your name]

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