WWI Station and Note Activity

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Learning Standard: Describe the changing nature of warfare during World War I

Name: Yosniel Torres Valdes Period: 6 Date: 04/19/24

Focused Notes:

Pick one other partner and walk around the room in order to identify the different weapons that were
used during WWI. Make sure to write their description as well.

Station # 1: Why was this weapon different than weapons like it used in the past? Used by both sides ,
100rounds/ 1 min

Station #2: What were the effects of this weapon? Mustard gas and chlorine gas They caused suffocation
blinder vomiting and death

Station #3: What are some of the reasons this weapon was used?

Both sides used airplanes for observation limited bombing and air battles they were not fully equipped

Station #4: How did Germany use this weapon? Germany secret weapon during the war

Attacked boats from under the water

Station #5: How did both sides use this weapon? Used to croos no man land and over trenches

Answer this together as a team on your own piece of paper.

How did these new weapons change warfare forever? (In your own words

New weapons such as machine guns, chemical weapons and aircraft helped to revolutionize the

***Sit down to takes notes as a class.

Slide 23

1. Analyze the picture using TACOS.

T: united states involvement
A: soldier not going Europe
Learning Standard: Describe the changing nature of warfare during World War I

Based on this cartoon, what do you think US position in the war is? Neutrality

Slide 24
1. Analyze the poem and determine why some Americans wanted to remain neutral. Risk
lives Spend $$$ because of the mass

Slide 25

1. List the reasons the US as a whole wanted to stay out of the war. And how they benefitted from
the war?

Slide 27-29

1. Woodrow Wilson won the election because he kept the US out of WAR. List the first cause that
pushed America towards the war. ___________________

Slide 28.

a. Analyze the picture using TACOS.


Slide 29

1. List the 2nd cause that pushed America towards the war. ___________________

Slide 30

1. What reason does President Wilson give for going to war?

Exit Ticket: On a scale from 0-4. How well did you understand this lesson?

_____ 0: I did not understand anything

______1: I understand very little
______2: I am starting to understand it
______3: I understand it
______4: I understand it so well I can teach the class
Learning Standard: Describe the changing nature of warfare during World War I

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