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Reporting Individual Student Report

Torres Valdes, Yosniel FAST ELA Reading Retake 2023-2024

Student ID: FL000010089046 | Student DOB: 8/8/2007 | Enrolled Grade: 11 COLLIER(11)
Date Taken: 12/5/2023 | Test Reason: Winter 2023-24 PALMETTO RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL(11-0493)

Scale Score: 208 Achievement Level: Level 1

How Did Your Student Do on the Test?


Level 5 Exemplary: Students who score in Level 5 demonstrate exemplary

success with the challenging content on the B.E.S.T. Standards. They are
highly likely to excel in the next grade.

Level 4 Proficient: Students who score in Level 4 demonstrate proficient
success with the challenging content on the B.E.S.T. Standards. They are
likely to excel in the next grade.
Meets State Standard

Level 3 On Grade Level: Students who score in Level 3 demonstrate on
grade level success with the challenging content on the B.E.S.T. Standards.
They may need additional support to excel in the next grade.

Level 2 Below Grade Level: Students who score in Level 2 demonstrate
Does Not Meet State Standard

below grade level skills but are not yet demonstrating On Grade Level
success with the challenging content on the B.E.S.T. Standards. To be
prepared for the next grade, they are likely to need substantial support.
Level 1 Well Below Grade Level: Students who score in Level 1 demonstrate
Score well below grade level skills but are not yet demonstrating On Grade Level
208 success with the challenging content on the B.E.S.T. Standards. To be
prepared for the next grade, they are likely to need substantial support.

How Does Your Student's Score Compare?

Name Average Scale Score

Florida 226



Please note, scores are reported on the new B.E.S.T. score scale approved by the State Board of Education in October 2023.

Please visit the FAST Portal at to access additional information and resources, including a Parent Guide that explains each element of this report and what it means for
your student.

Please note, the information in the comparison table is based on the averages at the time this report was generated.

Students must pass the statewide Grade 10 ELA Reading and Algebra 1 EOC assessments for graduation purposes. The passing score for these assessments is the minimum score
in Achievement Level 3 for each test. Some students are eligible to use an alternate passing score. For more information about the alternate passing scores for the Grade 10 ELA
Reading and Algebra 1 assessments, as well as student eligibility, please visit Graduation Requirements for Florida’s Statewide Assessments. This document also contains
information regarding other pathways to meet these requirements for students who did not achieve a passing score.

Generated on 5/8/2024 Page 1 of 6 Copyright © 2024 Cambium Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reporting Individual Student Report

Torres Valdes, Yosniel FAST ELA Reading Retake 2023-2024

Student ID: FL000010089046 | Student DOB: 8/8/2007 | Enrolled Grade: 11 COLLIER(11)
Date Taken: 12/5/2023 | Test Reason: Winter 2023-24 PALMETTO RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL(11-0493)

Scale Score: 208 Achievement Level: Level 1

How Did Your Student Perform on Different Areas of the Test?

The table and the graph below indicate student performance on individual reporting categories. The black dot indicates the student's performance in each reporting category. The lines to the left and right of the dot
show the range of likely scores your student would receive if he or she took the test multiple times within this testing window.

Category Achievement Achievement Level Description
What These Results Mean
For example, your learner may be able to:
Explain how simple key elements add to the tone, mood, or purpose of a text.
Explain and compare simple stated universal themes and their development.
Explain coming of age experiences and how the author presents straightforward
conflicting perspectives.
Explain how authors create simple layers of meaning in poetry.
Next Steps
Read literary works, including poetry. For example, discuss with your learner:
Key elements and how they enhance meaning.

1. Reading Prose and Below the What is the mood of the text? Are there different moods and how do
you know?
Poetry Below the Standard Above the Standard Standard What is the tone of the text? Are there different tones and how do you
What is the author’s purpose for writing this text? Help find evidence to
support that purpose.
What is a universal theme in the text? Help find evidence to support that
Literary texts that reflect coming of age experiences and how the author
represents conflicting character perspectives.
A song and read the lyrics together. Compare the literal message to the figurative
A variety of poems. Review the ways the author creates mood, tone, and
potential multiple meanings in each poem.

What These Results Mean

For example, your learner may be able to:
Explain simple text structures and basic text features in informational text.
Explain clearly stated central idea(s) and the author’s choices in establishing and
achieving straightforward purpose(s) in historical American speeches and
Compare the general development of two simply stated opposing arguments on
the same topic and:
Determine the effectiveness and validity of the claims made.
Explain how the authors use the same information to achieve different
2. Reading Informational Below the ends.
Text Below the Standard Above the Standard Standard Next Steps
Read different informational texts, focusing on writing by notable American authors. For
example, discuss with your learner:
Text structures, rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos), and figurative language
and practice identifying examples while reading.
The impact of how text features convey meaning and explain how the central
idea(s) is developed in speeches, essays, letters, or court opinions.
Two opposing arguments on the same topic. This can be done with a t-chart
graphic organizer.
Record the claims being made in each text and what evidence the
authors use to support their claims.

Generated on 5/8/2024 Page 2 of 6 Copyright © 2024 Cambium Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reporting Individual Student Report

Torres Valdes, Yosniel FAST ELA Reading Retake 2023-2024

Student ID: FL000010089046 | Student DOB: 8/8/2007 | Enrolled Grade: 11 COLLIER(11)
Date Taken: 12/5/2023 | Test Reason: Winter 2023-24 PALMETTO RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL(11-0493)

Scale Score: 208 Achievement Level: Level 1

How Did Your Student Perform on Different Areas of the Test?

The table and the graph below indicate student performance on individual reporting categories. The black dot indicates the student's performance in each reporting category. The lines to the left and right of the dot
show the range of likely scores your student would receive if he or she took the test multiple times within this testing window.

Category Achievement Achievement Level Description
What These Results Mean
For example, your learner may be able to:
Explain how simplistic use of figurative language is related to mood in a text.
Explain how authors have adapted mythical, classical, or religious texts.
Explain an author’s use of simple rhetoric, including appeals, devices, and
figurative language.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases by applying knowledge of:
Context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference
materials, background knowledge, etymology, and/or derivations.
Next Steps
Read a variety of text types. For example, ask your learner to:
3. Reading Across Below the While reading a literary or informational text, look for examples of:
Genres & Vocabulary Below the Standard Above the Standard Standard Figurative language that establishes mood, rhetorical devices, and
rhetorical appeals,
Common word roots.
Watch a movie that has been adapted from a literary text. Discuss a related text
or article about the similarities and differences between the adaption and the
original text.
Review song lyrics from various genres to identify and describe the mood created
through rhetorical devices and rhetorical appeals.
Choose an informational text and identify the rhetoric. Use a different color to
highlight each type of rhetorical appeal. Discuss which rhetorical appeal is used
more often and why it is appropriate for the audience.
Identify and define unknown words when reading a text.

Generated on 5/8/2024 Page 3 of 6 Copyright © 2024 Cambium Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reporting Individual Student Report

Torres Valdes, Yosniel FAST ELA Reading Retake 2023-2024

Student ID: FL000010089046 | Student DOB: 8/8/2007 | Enrolled Grade: 11 COLLIER(11)
Date Taken: 12/5/2023 | Test Reason: Winter 2023-24 PALMETTO RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL(11-0493)

Scale Score: 208 Achievement Level: Level 1

How Did Your Student Perform on Each Test Question?

1. Reading Prose and Poetry

Question # Benchmark Key Benchmark Points Earned/Points Possible

13 RP|ELA.10.R.1.1 Analyze how key elements enhance or add layers of meaning and/or style in a literary text. 0/1
14 RP|ELA.10.R.1.2 Analyze and compare universal themes and their development throughout a literary text. 0/1
15 RP|ELA.10.R.1.1 Analyze how key elements enhance or add layers of meaning and/or style in a literary text. 0/1
17 RP|ELA.10.R.1.1 Analyze how key elements enhance or add layers of meaning and/or style in a literary text. 0/1
18 RP|ELA.10.R.1.2 Analyze and compare universal themes and their development throughout a literary text. 0/1
34 RP|ELA.10.R.1.1 Analyze how key elements enhance or add layers of meaning and/or style in a literary text. 0/1
35 RP|ELA.10.R.1.4 Analyze how authors create multiple layers of meaning and/or ambiguity in a poem. 0/1
36 RP|ELA.10.R.1.3 Analyze coming of age experiences reflected in a text and how the author represents conflicting perspectives. 1/1
37 RP|ELA.10.R.1.1 Analyze how key elements enhance or add layers of meaning and/or style in a literary text. 0/1
38 RP|ELA.10.R.1.4 Analyze how authors create multiple layers of meaning and/or ambiguity in a poem. 0/1
39 RP|ELA.10.R.1.2 Analyze and compare universal themes and their development throughout a literary text. 0/1
40 RP|ELA.10.R.1.2 Analyze and compare universal themes and their development throughout a literary text. 0/1

2. Reading Informational Text

Question Points Earned/Points
Benchmark Key Benchmark
# Possible
Analyze an author’s choices in establishing and achieving purpose(s) in historical American speeches and
3 RI|ELA.10.R.2.3 1/1
Analyze an author’s choices in establishing and achieving purpose(s) in historical American speeches and
5 RI|ELA.10.R.2.3 0/1
7 RI|ELA.10.R.2.2 Analyze the central idea(s) of historical American speeches and essays. 1/1
8 RI|ELA.10.R.2.1 Analyze the impact of multiple text structures and the use of features in text(s). 1/1
21 RI|ELA.10.R.2.2 Analyze the central idea(s) of historical American speeches and essays. 0/1
Analyze an author’s choices in establishing and achieving purpose(s) in historical American speeches and
24 RI|ELA.10.R.2.3 0/1
26 RI|ELA.10.R.2.1 Analyze the impact of multiple text structures and the use of features in text(s). 0/1

Generated on 5/8/2024 Page 4 of 6 Copyright © 2024 Cambium Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reporting Individual Student Report

Torres Valdes, Yosniel FAST ELA Reading Retake 2023-2024

Student ID: FL000010089046 | Student DOB: 8/8/2007 | Enrolled Grade: 11 COLLIER(11)
Date Taken: 12/5/2023 | Test Reason: Winter 2023-24 PALMETTO RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL(11-0493)

Scale Score: 208 Achievement Level: Level 1

How Did Your Student Perform on Each Test Question?

2. Reading Informational Text (Continued)
Question Points Earned/Points
Benchmark Key Benchmark
# Possible
Compare the development of two opposing arguments on the same topic, evaluating the effectiveness and validity of the
27 RI|ELA.10.R.2.4 1/1
claims, and analyzing the ways in which the authors use the same information to achieve different ends.
30 RI|ELA.10.R.2.2 Analyze the central idea(s) of historical American speeches and essays. 0/1
Compare the development of two opposing arguments on the same topic, evaluating the effectiveness and validity of the
31 RI|ELA.10.R.2.4 0/1
claims, and analyzing the ways in which the authors use the same information to achieve different ends.
Compare the development of two opposing arguments on the same topic, evaluating the effectiveness and validity of the
32 RI|ELA.10.R.2.4 0/1
claims, and analyzing the ways in which the authors use the same information to achieve different ends.

3. Reading Across Genres & Vocabulary

Question Points Earned/Points
Benchmark Key Benchmark
# Possible
1 RGV|ELA.10.V.1.2 Apply knowledge of etymology and derivations to determine meanings of words and phrases in grade-level content. 1/1
Apply knowledge of context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials, and/or background
2 RGV|ELA.10.V.1.3 0/1
knowledge to determine the connotative and denotative meaning of words and phrases, appropriate to grade level.
4 RGV|ELA.10.R.3.4 Analyze an author’s use of rhetoric in a text. 1/1
6 RGV|ELA.10.R.3.1 Analyze how figurative language creates mood in text(s). 0/1
9 RGV|ELA.10.R.3.4 Analyze an author’s use of rhetoric in a text. 0/1
Apply knowledge of context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials, and/or background
10 RGV|ELA.10.V.1.3 0/1
knowledge to determine the connotative and denotative meaning of words and phrases, appropriate to grade level.
11 RGV|ELA.10.V.1.2 Apply knowledge of etymology and derivations to determine meanings of words and phrases in grade-level content. 0/1
12 RGV|ELA.10.R.3.3 Analyze how mythical, classical, or religious texts have been adapted. 1/1
16 RGV|ELA.10.R.3.1 Analyze how figurative language creates mood in text(s). 0/1
19 RGV|ELA.10.R.3.3 Analyze how mythical, classical, or religious texts have been adapted. 0/1
20 RGV|ELA.10.R.3.3 Analyze how mythical, classical, or religious texts have been adapted. 0/1
Apply knowledge of context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials, and/or background
22 RGV|ELA.10.V.1.3 0/1
knowledge to determine the connotative and denotative meaning of words and phrases, appropriate to grade level.
23 RGV|ELA.10.R.3.4 Analyze an author’s use of rhetoric in a text. 1/1
25 RGV|ELA.10.R.3.1 Analyze how figurative language creates mood in text(s). 0/1
Apply knowledge of context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials, and/or background
28 RGV|ELA.10.V.1.3 0/1
knowledge to determine the connotative and denotative meaning of words and phrases, appropriate to grade level.

Generated on 5/8/2024 Page 5 of 6 Copyright © 2024 Cambium Assessment, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reporting Individual Student Report

Torres Valdes, Yosniel FAST ELA Reading Retake 2023-2024

Student ID: FL000010089046 | Student DOB: 8/8/2007 | Enrolled Grade: 11 COLLIER(11)
Date Taken: 12/5/2023 | Test Reason: Winter 2023-24 PALMETTO RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL(11-0493)

Scale Score: 208 Achievement Level: Level 1

How Did Your Student Perform on Each Test Question?

3. Reading Across Genres & Vocabulary (Continued)

Question # Benchmark Key Benchmark Points Earned/Points Possible

29 RGV|ELA.10.R.3.4 Analyze an author’s use of rhetoric in a text. 1/1
33 RGV|ELA.10.R.3.1 Analyze how figurative language creates mood in text(s). 0/1

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