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Article I: Preliminary Declarations

1. Personal Details:
o I am a citizen of [Country of Citizenship].
o My domicile is in [Country of Residence].
2. Family Details:
o I am married to [Spouse's Full Name].
o I have [number] children: [Names of Children].

Article II: Appointment of Executor

1. Primary Executor:
o I appoint [Executor's Full Name], currently residing at [Executor's Full
Address], as the Executor of this Will.
2. Alternate Executor:
o In the event that [Executor's Full Name] is unable or unwilling to serve as
Executor, I appoint [Alternate Executor's Full Name], residing at [Alternate
Executor's Full Address], as the alternate Executor.
3. Executor's Powers:
o My Executor shall have all powers allowable by law, including, but not
limited to, the power to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any real or personal
property in my estate, without the necessity of court approval.

Article III: Payment of Debts and Expenses

1. Debts:
o I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts, including funeral expenses and
expenses of my last illness, as soon as practicable after my death.
2. Taxes:
o I direct my Executor to pay any inheritance, estate, or transfer taxes imposed
by any jurisdiction by reason of my death, from my residuary estate.

Article IV: Specific Bequests

1. Personal Property:
o I bequeath the following items of personal property to the individuals named
 To [Beneficiary's Full Name], [Beneficiary's Full Address],
[Description of Specific Item 1].
 To [Beneficiary's Full Name], [Beneficiary's Full Address],
[Description of Specific Item 2].
2. Monetary Bequests:
o I bequeath the sum of [amount] [Currency] to [Beneficiary's Full Name],
currently residing at [Beneficiary's Full Address].

Article V: Residuary Estate

1. Primary Beneficiary:
oI give, devise, and bequeath all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate,
both real and personal, of whatever kind and wherever situated, to my spouse,
[Spouse's Full Name].
2. Alternate Beneficiaries:
o In the event that my spouse does not survive me, I give, devise, and bequeath
my residuary estate to my children, [Names of Children], in equal shares. If
any of my children predecease me, their share shall be distributed to their
descendants, per stirpes.

Article VI: Guardianship

1. Primary Guardian:
o In the event that my spouse does not survive me, I appoint [Guardian's Full
Name], residing at [Guardian's Full Address], as the guardian of my minor
2. Alternate Guardian:
o If [Guardian's Full Name] is unable or unwilling to serve, I appoint [Alternate
Guardian's Full Name], residing at [Alternate Guardian's Full Address], as the
alternate guardian.

Article VII: Governing Law

This Will shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country of
Residence] and [Country of Citizenship]. In case of conflict between the laws, the laws of
[Country of Residence/Country of Citizenship] shall prevail.

Article VIII: No Contest Clause

If any beneficiary under this Will, or any legal heir of mine, contests or attacks this Will or
any of its provisions, any share or interest in my estate given to that contesting beneficiary or
heir under this Will is hereby revoked, and shall be disposed of as if that contesting
beneficiary or heir had predeceased me without issue.

Article IX: Miscellaneous Provisions

1. Severability:
o If any provision of this Will is determined to be unenforceable, such
determination shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
2. Headings:
o The headings used in this Will are for convenience only and shall not affect
the interpretation of the provisions.
3. Simultaneous Death:
o In the event that my spouse and I die simultaneously or under circumstances
rendering it difficult to determine who predeceased whom, I direct that my
spouse be deemed to have survived me for the purposes of this Will.

Article X: Disposition of Digital Assets

I direct my Executor to manage my digital assets, including emails, social media accounts,
and any other digital presence, in accordance with my wishes as specified in a separate
memorandum. This memorandum, although not legally binding, should be considered as a
guide by my Executor.

Article XI: Foreign Property

If I own any real property in a foreign jurisdiction at the time of my death, I direct that such
property be sold and the proceeds added to my residuary estate, unless my Executor
determines that retaining the property is in the best interest of my beneficiaries.

Signature and Witnesses

In witness whereof, I, [Full Name], have signed and executed this Will on this [day] day of
[month], [year].

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