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Drawing Collection for National Building Standard Design 16GIOl-l

( Substitute for 11 G101 -1 )

Drawing Rules and Standard Detailing Drawings of Ichnographic

Representing Method for Construction Drawings of R.C. Structures
(Cast-in-situ R.C. Frames, Shear Walls, Beams and Slabs)

fttlftililfl: <I"1f- A ~~l1l~tI:)j}111~~ tlHlt~

Approval authority: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of tbe
People's Republic of China (MOHURD)
<I" ~ l1UJI: ~ If.ld~w 6Jf r~ 1;'£
Compilation Organizer: Cbina Institute of Building Standard Design & Researcb

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Cbina Planning Press
If! :IH± It& t.Iie El ( C I. P) ~m
*Illl ;lHJl: * ~ c. tN .lI. "~
Q!I ~illiltfjji IlEi&!:l+OO m. 00 fU ji ~ iR F f.ll. f* 11' NJ. f"F 1iiiJ" xt ~
~ffi1f}!fl~) OO..l!t9!Ij;fll.j;!;Jill! WOO . ~mjl¥.l~Hm,J,g, ~'J)J r~, f"F t.ll. (El. ni ~ 1'f tIllt& f.ll.) 1£ ~ m
j?t, :t& : 16G I0 1 - I : rX:9'fxt!!l! / ,plNilliltf;r-/fJn,\H I·liJf IE :H~ f* tl', ~It&!t,~ o
~n;'Cm!'JUjfti) . - Jt:f,( : 'N~ll-j-:£~tJ~ )URU , 20 17. 2 ~m ~It&It!~: 010 - 63906404
ISRN 978 - 7 - 5 182 - 059 1 - 2 010 - 68318822
[ . (1)~ . . . U. (1)'1". . . TIl . (1)illilti\l: rt--'/" ffiI-~1 W
@ilt I~Hg~i f!;J-illilt $I) ~I- 'I" IE-
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Omwing Buies and Stand ard Detailing Dmwings of Iclmogra l}hic

Hcprcscllling Method for COIISlnlClioll Dmwings or H. C. lruclur(:s
(Casi-in-silu H. C. Frames, 'hcnr Walls, Beams and 1,,1)5)
16GIOI - I (il1. ~ ~l!ll)
'i 'i ~ J.l! litf,,; HUJt i 1·51f:;~ J;i: m!l! f:1;; ~j
( lhjId2f:1;;fh 100048 'll ,,,. , 010 -68799100)

'I' I~ i/o£II :I: !'.titt:l: m;
(JIl!!I!" .It,;( ,Ii v4 U IX: ,j.;lI,~JIl!Jt 'Il II' II I}I ~:e )cJll C I'!; 3 JJ)
~t ,;, ~ji I~ ~jJ IO'J r ~11 ~'J

787 111111 x 1092 111111 1/ 16 15. 125 (;1111( 60.5 T 'r-

2017 ' 1' 2 JI'1"I I I'oIl 2017 '1'2 11'1"1 I lX~jJ~'1

ISBN 978 - 7 - 5182 -0591 -2
;E 1ft: 292. 00 j(;
, ¥hi))
The List of Editors of Drawing Rules and Standard Detailing Drawings of Ichnographic Representing
Methodfor Construction Drawings of R.C. Structures
(Cast-in-situ R.C. Frames, Shear Walls, Beams and Slabs) (Chinese Version)
UU%ljlli~~.A. Principal of editing team: ~;t,~! :kiX..~
UU%IJllinlt.B3. Members of editing team: .R.5Z.~ J.!biltt>l.
f>t iI§. ff ~

'ifi'!!tllilli* Head of reviewing tearn: ;(jJli!ti1t ~ ~

'ifi'!!tllinlt.B3. Members of reviewing team: IX:.I* I~* s:i.fll 1f.lii\'!!' *m~ !/' £- ~';t, 00
*ooR .JJ}t)t :t~i;f il1.~~ f>t114~ Jti!t~ Jt;t, liJlJ
~fL:i. ~oo'i

!.ill El ~~.A. Principal of project:

!.ill Ell1i:*~~.A. Technical principal of project:

~UU$ ill: Participants: <f' 00 <f' :it 00 ~;l' I *i 11 ~f*. 0- i'iJ

China lPPR International Engineering CO., LTD.
<f' 00 It!. T I*i iJit!!it
China Electronics Engineering Design Institute

Hotline: 010-68799100 Publishing Tel: 010·68318822

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Working Group Members of English Version

Members of translation team:

ii'i':!!!til.n£Jn Members of reviewing team:

!Pi EI ffJ. ~ J.... Principal of project:

!Pi Ell't*ffJ.~J.... Technical principal of project:

l:l19l~1j! iiL Editor: tf 00 tf j[; 00 M'.I~* Pl/'}~

China IPPR International Engineering CO., L TO.

Hotline: 010-68799100 Publishing Tel: 010-68318822

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