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Design of 33kV switchyard (equipment, SLD, and layout) for small hydro-power plant
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Main single line diagram

Major considerations for the selection of an economical and suitable main single line diag

Design of 33kV switchyard (equipment, SLD, and layout) for small hydro-power plant
Voltage level
Power carrying capability of transmission lines increases roughly as the square of the volt
Therefore in order to obtain lower structures and facilitate maintenance it is important to d

Site considerations
Practical site consideration at a particular location e.g. lack of adequate flat area for layou
At some locations completely indoor substations may be required.

General miscellaneous considerations

Other considerations in the selection of a suitable arrangement and layout are give
1. Repair or maintenance of the equipment should be possible without interruption of power supply.
2. Expansion of substation should be easily possible.
3. In seismic prone areas height of structures should be as low as possible.
4. The outgoing

Switching schemes for switchyards

Main single line diagrams for different schemes which may be considered for designing a

Unit switching schemes

A “unit” scheme providing outdoor switching of the generator and transformer bank as a unit on the high-voltage
Small power systems may not be able to compensate for the loss of multiple units, as cou
Figure 1 – Unit Generator Transformer Connection

Several generators sharing one transformer

In case of small power stations feeding large power system several generators may share
Figure 2 – Generators with Generator Breakers and Sharing a Transformer
Switchyard layout
Low level layout of the switchyard of step up station should be provided. Layout of switchy
Rural electrification standard be adopted for 12 kV substations. See Figure 3.
12 kV Outdoor Switchyard with Pole Structure (click to expand)
Transformer Layout
Layout of transformer is discussed as it is the largest piece of equipment in a substation a
In small hydro stations transformer are installed in the switchyard and the bay width is
For this purpose bi-directional rollers are provided on the transformers. Arrangement for r
Sometimes where feasible drainage arrangements are provided to drain the oil away from
Title: Design of 33kV switchyard (equipment, SLD, and layout) for small hydro-power plant – A
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Design of 33kV switchyard (equipment, SLD, and layout) for small hydro-power plant
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e) energy guides / Design of 33kV switchyard (equipment, SLD, and layout) for small hydro-power plant

ain single line diagram and switching scheme for a substation are voltage level, site limitation and general a

ro-power plant
e square of the voltage. Accordingly disconnection of higher voltage class equipment from bus bars get incr
e it is important to design such substations preferably with not more than two levels of busbars.

e flat area for layout of equipment in the substation may also influence the choice in such locations. Pollution

nd layout are given below:

red for designing a substation for SHP up to 25 MW are as follows:

unit on the high-voltage side only, is shown in Figure 1. The unit scheme is well suited to power systems where loss of large blocks of gene
ultiple units, as could occur using other arrangements. The “unit” scheme makes maintenance outages simp

nerators may share single transformer. See Figure 2.

d. Layout of switchyard may be generally designed in accordance with Central Board of irrigation and power
nt in a substation and it is, therefore, important from the point of view of handling and station layout.
d the bay width is determined by transformer dimensions. Handling of transformer is normally done by th
Arrangement for removal of transformer in case of repair/maintenance without disturbing other equipment i
n the oil away from the transformers in case of fire. Besides, separation wall are provided in between the tra
ydro-power plant – Alternate Hydro Energy Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

ro-power plant
ation and general and special considerations.
m bus bars get increasingly less desirable with increase in voltage levels. High structures are not desirable in

locations. Pollution caused by location near to sea or some other contaminated atmosphere may also affec

s of large blocks of generation is difficult to tolerate. The loss of a transformer or transmission line in all other arrangements may mean the
nance outages simpler to arrange.
rrigation and power manual on SubStation layout for 36 kV and above.
tion layout.
normally done by the powerhouse crane and for large transformer rails are laid from powerhouse to the site
g other equipment is required and also affects layout. In order to reduce the chances of spread of fire, transf
d in between the transformers and also between the transformer and roads within the substation.
are not desirable in earthquake prone areas.

here may also affect layouts.

ngements may mean the loss of more than a single generating unit.
erhouse to the site of installation in switchyard.
pread of fire, transformers are provided with a soaking pit of adequate capacity to contain the total quantity o
n the total quantity of oil.

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