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Vocabulary 5 Napisz zdania o zwierzętach przedstawionych na

zdjęciach. Użyj przymiotników podanych w nawiasach
1 Połącz części zdań. w stopniu najwyższym.
Example: An elephant has got a long f a wings.
1 A snake hasn’t got b tusks.
2 A warthog has got c tongue.
3 A red lionfish has got d legs.
4 An ostrich has got e scales.
5 A giraffe has got a long f trunk. Example: (giraffe) (pretty)
5 Giraffes are the prettiest animals.
2 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź. 1 (warthog) (scary)
Example: We can see an amazing, big, brown / 2 (elephant) (slow)
a brown, amazing, big bear. 3 (warthog) (light)
1 It’s an amazing, small, brown / 4 (giraffe) (tall)
a brown, amazing, small snail.
5 (elephant) (heavy)
2 There are two heavy, ugly, grey / ugly, heavy, grey
warthogs. 5

3 There’s a green, small, cute / cute, small, green frog. Reading

4 I can see a beautiful, small, red and white / 6 Przeczytaj e-mail. Odpowiedz na pytania.
red and white, beautiful, small fish.
5 It’s a small, brown, interesting /
an interesting, small, brown monkey. To: Agnes
5 From: Greg

Grammar Hi Agnes,
Thanks for your email about your new cat, Socks. It was very
3 Uzupełnij tekst podanymi w nawiasach przymiotnikami interesting. I love animals, too! I think dogs and cats are great
w stopniu wyższym i wyrazem than. pets, but some people like to have wild animals as pets, and I
don’t think that’s good.
I think cats are better than (good) dogs. They are
Animals in the wild are happier than animals that live in
(interesting) dogs because they are zoos. I think zoos are the worst places for wild animals. The
(clever) dogs. They are also biggest animals like giraffes, elephants and zebras are bored
in zoos. Animals in zoos are sadder than animals in the wild.
(beautiful) dogs. Cats are They can’t run or play like other animals. The countryside or
(small) dogs and they don’t eat a lot. forest are better places for animals. It’s also more interesting
They’re also 5
(quiet) dogs and to watch and study animals in the wild. You can learn about
their amazing lives and understand why different animals have
I love them! trunks, tusks and stripes. One day, I want to go to Africa to see
5 elephants, giraffes and lions in the wild.
4 Z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń ułóż zdania Write and tell me what you think. I want to come and meet
Socks. Can I come next week?
z przymiotnikami w stopniu wyższym.
Example: A cow / heavy / a mouse.
A cow is heavier than a mouse.
Example: What is the name of Agnes’ new cat? Socks
1 A horse / beautiful / a warthog.
1 Where are animals happier?
2 What are bored in zoos?
2 A giraffe / tall / an elephant.
3 What can’t animals in zoos do?
4 Where does Greg want to go?
3 A snake / fast / a snail.
5 When does Greg want to meet Socks?

4 An Indian elephant / small / an African elephant.


5 A dog / friendly / a lion.

Link dla Klasy V Unit 5 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
7  Wysłuchaj rozmowy Lily i Sama. Oznacz literą
T (true) zdania prawdziwe, a literą F (false) zdania 10 Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą przymiotników
fałszywe. z ramki.
Example: Sam doesn’t like helping
beautiful heavy noisy scary short
wild animals. F
1 Sam is in the ecology club. 1 An elephant is the animal.
2 Sam wants to make the zoo better. 2 A penguin is than a giraffe.
3 Sam works at the weekend. 3 A monkey is than a mouse.
4 Sam works with cats and dogs. 4 Snakes are the animals.
5 They don’t put hedgehogs near people. 5 A butterfly is than a warthog.
Speaking 11 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.
8 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź. 1 An elephant has got a tail and scales / a trunk.
Julia: Frank, what is your favourite, dogs or cats? 2 An ostrich has got a beak / spots and feathers.
Frank: Dogs! Me neither. / I think they’re fantastic. 3 A snake has got legs / scales and a long tongue.
Julia: Really? I don’t think so. / I agree. I think cats are
4 A warthog has got hair and spots / tusks.
better! They’re more fun!
5 A zebra has got stripes and horns / legs.
Frank: What? 2Me too. / I don’t agree! Dogs are more
interesting. They’re good friends and 5
help people.
Total with Extra 55
Julia: 3
I agree. / I don’t think so. But they always want
to go for a walk!
Frank: That’s good! You do exercise with a dog!
Julia: 4
I think so, too / Me neither, but I don’t want to
go for a walk every day!
Frank: Well, cats are boring! They’re always sleeping.
For me, I don’t like them. / I agree.

9 Napisz e-mail zawierający twoją opinię na temat
ogrodów zoologicznych. Napisz:
• o ich dobrych stronach,
• o ich złych stronach,
• co o nich sądzisz.

Total Marks 45

Link dla Klasy V Unit 5 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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