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___________________________________ Department

In consideration of you providing me internship during my attachment with your office from
_____________________________________________ to ________________________________________ I,
__________________________________________ (NRIC No
_______________________________________) hereby agree and undertake to carry out all my duties as
part of my internship with you diligently upon the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter

1. I hereby agree and undertake to you as follows:-

1.1 I shall maintain all information to which I have access or to which I am privy to as part
of my internship including but not limited to information in relation to your Bank’s
customers’ accounts and documents, strictly confidential and secret and shall not at
any time hereafter directly or indirectly in any ways disclose, divulge or impart the
contents of the same either in whole or in part to any third party which third party
shall include such person[s] or corporation[s] either in Malaysia or abroad. I hereby
agree and undertake to keep all records of your customers’ in my possession by reason
of the training provided in a save and secure place at all times away from public view
or unauthorized access.

I hereby agree and undertake that I shall not at any time use any of aforesaid
information to which I have access to or am privy to for any financial gain.

1.2 I shall not at any time use, make copies or reproduce, transfer or store any of the
contents of the documents or records of the bank’s customers’ including those relating
to your customers’ account or transmit the same in any form or by any means
whatsoever to any third party and shall not remove or relocate such documents or
records without the prior written approval of my respective manager or department

1.3 I shall not use reproduce, transfer or store any of the information to which I am privy
to or have access to including the information referred to in Clauses 1.1 and 1.2 above
an externally accessible computer or electronic information retrieval system or
transmit it in any form or by any means whatsoever outside of its usual place of
business without your specific written approval.

1.4 I shall on demand made by you deliver to you all your Banks’ original documents or
records including those relating to your customers’ accounts and transactions and all
copies made thereof [if any] that are in my possession and/or in the possession of such
third parties that I have made the same available to.

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The contents of this document / information remains the intellectual property of Maybank and no part of this is to be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically, including photocopying, recording or any information
storage and retrieval system without the permission in writing from the Information Owner. The contents of this document /
information are confidential and its circulation and use are restricted.

1.5 Notwithstanding any obligations under Clause 1.4 above, I hereby agree and fully
understand that all originals and copies of all documents and records in my possession
provided for training purposes by you shall be returned to you upon cessation of my
internship attachment with you.

1.6 I acknowledge that I am aware of the secrecy provisions under Section 131-134 of the
Financial Services Act 2013.

1.7 I further declare that I have read and fully understand the significance of this
undertaking and declaration on confidentiality and shall adhere to it strictly throughout
the duration of my internship attachment with you.

1.8 I hereby agree that any breach of the aforesaid terms and conditions by me shall mean
immediate termination of my attachment with you.

Dated this __________ day of ________________20___

Name of Intern : ________________________________

Signature of Intern : ________________________________

NRIC No : ________________________________

In the presence of

Name of Manager/

Assistant Manager/

Head of Department : ________________________________

Signature (with chop) : ________________________________

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The contents of this document / information remains the intellectual property of Maybank and no part of this is to be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically, including photocopying, recording or any information
storage and retrieval system without the permission in writing from the Information Owner. The contents of this document /
information are confidential and its circulation and use are restricted.

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