Mourinho In Mind - 2011 (Man City, Aug 2010).tac

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The Balance of Perfection

First up, this tactic is completely still in the testing phase, and will be tweaking it a lot until I find
the perfect tactic for every team after a solid defensive tactic also the tactic name was just
something I came up with on the spot, it really has minimal to do with Mourinho hahah.

And with Match Preparation, to get comfortable with the tactic set the focus to Defensive Positioning,
after having that on for awhile you can set it to whatever you please!
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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image.

This tactic bases itself, whilst defending, having 6, 7 or 8 bodies behind the ball and blocking
any route to goal by shutting down opponents and pressing quickly.

The defense uses a personally created partnership of center-back tactics, with one center back
hanging back and cleaning up any misplaced balls, covering for the other center back as he stays
in a normal central defending position.

The two central defensive midfielders play a vital part in the defensive aspect of the game, as
they hassle the opponents midfield and try to nullify any link up to their forwards by pressing
and closing down quickly, after gaining possession the defensive midfielders look for a direct
long pass to the attacking midfielders and forwards quickly, initiating the counter.

The attacking midfield trio consists of 2 inside forwards who look to push up and support the
lone striker as much as possible by cutting inside, taking shots or looking for quick short passes
in the box. The central of the attacking trio looks to initiate everything that happens in the
opposition half, playing through balls to the inside forwards or a simple pass to the sole striker,
or even look for the occasional shot - but not often.

The quality of players shouldn't affect this tactic at all, as long as you don't go expecting to beat
Chelsea with Accrington with ease, but hey don't expect to get owned either you never know.

I have tested this tactic with a variety of teams, Manchester City, winning the premier league
with 7 goal conceded all season, and mind you I didn't buy that many big stars for the team,
especially defensively.

Tested with West Bromwich Albion, finished up 3rd with 16 goals conceded all season, great
effort seeing as I purchased a few youngsters and loanees!

Also tested with Charlton Athletic in League One and came 1st with 19 goals conceded all
season, ended up scoring a fair chunk aswell, I don't have pictures for these yet but I will upload
them whenever I can be bothered getting to it D:v but you should all test for yourself!

Once you do test for yourself if it doesn't work for you please let me know, and what exactly just
doesn't work for you cause I am constantly tweaking and will be coming out with updates
frequently If you test and would like to post results that would also be dandy.

Sideline Shouts are fairly simple, if you are trailing or drawing when you shouldn't be, set the
talks to Get Ball Forward, Pump Ball Into Box & Push Higher Up, and change your strategy to

If you are sitting on a lead, and you don't want to/believe you can't build on it set your strategy to
Defensive or Contain, and set the talks to Hassle Opponents, Get Stuck In and Retain Possession.

Any further questions or assistance, don't hesitate to ask. I can suggest players that would fit
certain roles in your team for any team so don't hesitate to ask that either. This is one of my first
tactics, but I have been tinkering and tweaking massively on this tactic.
















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Hints & Tips

Here we will provide you with general hints and tips to help you through your football manager
career. This page will continue to be updated with new hints and
tips, if you have any useful hints and tips to be added to this page please visit the Contact Us

Arranging Friendlies - As soon as each season comes to an end you need to start arranging
friendly matches for the off-season. These are a great way of
boosting the finances. Always arrange friendlies to be played at your home ground to maximise
your income from the match.

Arrange friendlies with the highest profile teams that will accept your invitation, start with
higher teams first and then work your way down the leagues until
someone accepts your offer. The higher profile the team, the more money you will earn in fees.

Arrange frindlies as soon as you are able to in the arrange friendly screen, you want to book the
big teams before their schedule becomes too busy.

Arrange as many friendlies as possible. I usually arrange a match every third day during the off-
season to maximise my income, don't worry about the results of
these matches as they are just to generate income and you can use the temporary players and
under 18's if your main players are too tired due to the small
amount of time between matches.

Make sure your last 2 or 3 friendlies before the new season starts are against very small teams
that you can easily beat, this will help to boost your teams
morale back up and get them back into a winning stride. Also leave at least 7 days free before the
new season to allow your players to recover.

Selling Players Each Transfer Window - In the Janurary and Summer transfer windows i
recommend off-loading players that are half decent and not shining
in your team and replacing them with better free transfer players. This means that you will earn
money from transfer fees and replace your lost players with
better free transfer ones. The income you recieve may also mean you can increase your wage
budget in the board room request screen and thsu sign better
quality players. This is a vital tactic to help you move quickly up the leagues.

Even if you have a player who performs very well for you but you've found a better one on free
transfer or for a bargain transfer fee, sell your player while you can
get some money for them. (i always try selling at an inflated asking price first and reduce it
gradually until clubs start to show interest, this maximises the
transfer fee you will recieve)

Using this method, by the time i have reached Coca Cola League 1 i can be earning around
£2million in transfer fees per season and £10-20million in the Coca
Cola Championship.

Remember if you sign a player in the summer and he's not the star player you hoped, sell him on
in the January transfer window. You will free up wages, earn a
nice transfer fee and if nothing else hopefully you will at least get back enough to cover the
wages you've paid him so far.

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