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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

Overview of Electromagnetic Fields

Nguyen Thanh Long

RF3i - Smart Sensor Lab

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

1. Continuous media problems
1.1 Maxwell’s equations
1.2 Boundary Conditions
1.3 Potential Electromagnetic
1.4 Four dimensions
1.5 Drude model, Ohm’s Law and Kinetic Inductance

2. Properties of the field

2.1 Electrostatics & Magnetostatics
2.2 Reciprocal behavior of electric and magnetic fields
2.3 Electromagnetic wave and Poynting vector

3. Optical Properties of Materials

3.1 Reflection, Transmission and Absorbance
3.2 Permitivity depend on frequency

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

Maxwell’s equations

▶ D = εE. ▶ B = µH.
Electric fields Magnetic fields

Maxwell - Gauss Maxwell - Gauss

Flux ∇·D=ρ ∇·B=0

‚ ˝ ‚
S D · dS = ρdV S B · dS = 0

Maxwell - Faraday Maxwell - Ampere

∂B ∂D
Circulation ∇×E=− ∇×H=j+
∂t ∂t
¸ ˜ ¸ ˜ ˜
∂B ∂D
Edl = − S · dS H · dl = S j · dS + S · dS
∂t ∂t

Table: The four Maxwell’s equations.

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

Boundary Conditions
General: D = εE & B = µH. σ
∥ ∥
D⊥ ⊥
above = Dbelow , Eabove = Ebelow , E⊥
∥ ∥ S
B⊥ ⊥
above = Bbelow , = Habove Hbelow ∥
⊥ ⊥
σ = ε0 Eabove − Ebelow

∥ ∥
js = Habove − Hbelow . l

Prove with electric fields: E⊥

▶ Gauss’s law:
⊥ ⊥ Figure: Boundary Conditions.
Eabove S − Ebelow S = σS/ε0 .
▶ Faraday’s law: Metal: ε → ∞.
∥ ∥
Eabove l − Ebelow l = 0. Supercoductor: µ → 0.

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

Potential Electromagnetic
3 Potential:
▶ Scalar potential: ϕ. Define:
1 ∂A
▶ Vector potential: A. E = −∇ϕ − .
c ∂t
▶ Hertz vector potential: B = ∇ × A.
Πe &Πm . ∂ϕ
∇ · A + µε = 0.
Properties: ∂t
□ϕ = , ˆ
ϵ0 1 ρ (r′ , tr )
□A = µ0 j, ϕ(r, t) = d3 x ′ ,
4πϵ0 |r − r′ |
1 ∂2 µ0 j (r′ , tr )
where □ = c 2 ∂t 2
− ∇2 . A(r, t) = d3 x ′ ,
4π |r − r′ |
|r−r′ |
where tr = t − c .

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

Four dimensions
Electromagnetic four-potential: Aα = ϕ, A . Jackson 1998
Four-current jα = (cρ, j).
 
0 −Ex /c −Ey /c −Ez /c
Ex /c 0 −Bz By 
F µν = ∂ µ Aν − ∂ ν Aµ =  .
Ey /c Bz 0 −Bx 
Ez /c −By Bx 0

Maxwell Equations:

□Aα = µ0 J α ,
∂α F αβ = µ0 J β .

where □ = ∂ α ∂α .

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

Drude model, Ohm’s Law and Kinetic Inductance

Electronic equation of motion: E

d ⟨mv(t)⟩ l
⟨mv(t)⟩ = eE − . m, e
dt τ
where τ ∼ 10−14 s is a constant.
Equivalent circuit:
m l m l
R= , LK = .
Ne 2 τ S Ne 2 S Figure: Electrons in Drude
where the current: i = NevS, model.
Number density of free electrons: N.
▶ LK → 0: Ohm’s Law.
▶ LK ̸= 0: High frequency,
Figure: Equivalent circuit of
Superconductor. Drude model.

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

1. Continuous media problems
1.1 Maxwell’s equations
1.2 Boundary Conditions
1.3 Potential Electromagnetic
1.4 Four dimensions
1.5 Drude model, Ohm’s Law and Kinetic Inductance

2. Properties of the field

2.1 Electrostatics & Magnetostatics
2.2 Reciprocal behavior of electric and magnetic fields
2.3 Electromagnetic wave and Poynting vector

3. Optical Properties of Materials

3.1 Reflection, Transmission and Absorbance
3.2 Permitivity depend on frequency

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

Electrostatics & Magnetostatics

Electrostatics Magnetostatics

▶ j ≈ 0 and B ≈ 0. ▶ j = const and B = const.

▶ ∇ · D = ρ and ∇ × E = 0. ▶ ∇ · B = 0 and ∇ × H = j.
1 ´ ρ µ ´ J(r′ ) 3 ′
▶ ϕ= d3 r′ . ▶ A(r) = 0 d r.
4πε0 |r − r′ | 4π |r − r′ |


Metal ε → ∞
Figure: Electrostatics problem. Figure: Magnetostatics problem.

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

Reciprocal behavior of electric and magnetic fields

Faraday’s law Ampere’s law

∂B ∂D
▶ ∇×E=− . ▶ ∇×H=j+ .
∂t ∂t
dΦ ▶ Displacement current
▶ E =− . ∂D
dt jD ≡ .
▶ Motional emf & Faraday ∂t
emf. Griffiths 2023

E I q

Figure: Displacement current.Purcell
Figure: Faraday’s law. and Morin 2013

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

Electromagnetic wave and Poynting vector

▶ Wave equation:
y x
εµ 2 − ∇2 A = 0.
▶ Phase velocity:
c = (εµ)−1/2 = c0 /n. Figure: Electromagnetic wave.
▶ Poynting vector: S = E × H.
v1 FL v2 E
Figure: Newton’s 3rd law is wrong S
with Lorent force because of
Figure: Poynting vector.
Poynting vector.

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

1. Continuous media problems
1.1 Maxwell’s equations
1.2 Boundary Conditions
1.3 Potential Electromagnetic
1.4 Four dimensions
1.5 Drude model, Ohm’s Law and Kinetic Inductance

2. Properties of the field

2.1 Electrostatics & Magnetostatics
2.2 Reciprocal behavior of electric and magnetic fields
2.3 Electromagnetic wave and Poynting vector

3. Optical Properties of Materials

3.1 Reflection, Transmission and Absorbance
3.2 Permitivity depend on frequency

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

Reflection, Transmission, Absorbance

Snell’s law: (n ≈ ε) Incoming Reflection
θI = θR , n1 sin θI = n2 sin θT . θI θR
TE mode: (E ⊥ Plane of incidence) ε2
 q 2
n1 cos θI − n22 − n12 sin2 θI Transmission
R= q  .
2 2 2 Figure: Reflection, Transmission.
n1 cos θI + n2 − n1 sin θI

TM mode: (E ∥ Plane of incidence) Incoming Reflection

 q 2
n22 − n12 sin2 θI
n2 cos θI − Absorbance
R= q  .
2 2 2
n2 cos θI + n2 − n1 sin θI
Figure: Absorbance.

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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

Permitivity depend on frequency

The polarization:
− − + ++
 
Ne  fi −− +

P=  E. +
m ωj2 − ω 2 + iγj ω − +
j − +
− +
− P +
Permitivity: − +
− O− O+ +
Ne 2
fi − +
ε(ω) = ε0 1 + 2 2
. − +
mε0 ω0 − ω + iγω − +
− +
−− +
Anomalous dispersion: − − + ++
p B E = E0 cos (ωt)
n = ε/ε0 ≈ 1 + A 1 + 2 .
Figure: Rayleigh scattering.
Landau and Lifshitz 1984
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Continuous media problems Properties of the field Optical Properties of Materials References

bibliography I
[1] J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd ed. John Wiley
& Sons, 1998.
[2] D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 5th ed.
Cambridge University Press, 2023.
[3] E. M. Purcell and D. J. Morin, Electricity and Magnetism,
3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2013.
[4] L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Electrodynamics of
Continuous Media. New York: Pergamon, 1984.

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