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9.Assess the qualities to be found in a good advertisement.

“Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with
desires and belied, Leo Burnett.”

An advertisement means a promotional message designed to persuade an audience to take

particular actions. A good advertisement possesses a multiple of qualities that collectively, that
make it impactful and memorable. Moreover, it needs to be creative ,innovative and original so
as to attracts potential clients to purchase the products. To demonstrate this, Tesla is one of the
leading electric cars and clean energy companies in the world. Elon Musk , CEO of the
company, enables its employees to share their ideas freely to improve innovation in the company.

One main qualities a successful promotion needs to have is creativity and originality. The
business has to developed creative and original ideas, thus through this approach, it evolves a
unique concept which sparks potential customers to interest with the product and viewers
engaged with it. For instance, each year Samsung company creates and innovates new android
phones like the latest the new models Galaxy S24 ultra , which entices a large number of

Likewise, a good advertisement requires an emotional appeal as it plays a significant role in

influencing decision making of consumers, by evoking their emotions like joy, nostalgia,
empathy and excitement, so as to forge connections with audiences, and ,therefore leading to
impulsive purchase by potential clients. Specifically, Macdonald ‘s logo has its own signification
and also contributes to consumption of the products. The red colour in the logo stimulates
appetite and links to excitement and energy, and the yellow represents happiness, joyfulness and
Additionally, an effective marketing has to communicate its message leaving no room for
confusion and misinterpretation, so as to steer clear of conflicts and misunderstandings in the
company and so help to foster a stronger connections with the audience and so addressing to
their needs, desires. To illustrate this, Nike is a well known company ,which successfully meets
consumer needs as it provides consumers with designed shoes, jackets , joggers since it
collaborates with top athletes and sports team by leveraging their endorsement to market and
Nike clothes .

Also, a successful advertising ought to possess qualities of transparency and authenticity. A good
advertising is truthful an transparent about its claims, offerings so as to build trust with the
targeted audience and promote a long term relationship with them , as such, this helps to enhance
the profitability of the company. As a demonstration, in 2019, Dove a well known brand
maximised its profits by 700% as it encourages customers to embrace their natural selves,
promoting body positivity and self acceptance. Dove also fosters authenticity and realness by
featuring real people ,sharing experiences and stories as a tactics to attract customers.

Similarly, a good advertisements needs to be relevant so as to meets consumer’s wants and

needs , to make them more relatable and persuasive. Therefore, creates a sense connections with
the targets audience through making the product more memorable and unique. Considering ,
Coca cola’s advertisements , focus on creating emotional connections with viewers such as
evoking positive emotions and connect with people on a deeper level.

While, a successful advertising possess good qualities, it can also be misleading as some
businesses engage in deceptive advertising by using tactics like manipulation. For example, they
use special dates and events so as to convince and attract people to buy their products.

However, a good advertisement needs to possess these qualities so as to promotes the products
effectively and captivates the maximum number of audiences, to convince them to buy the
offerings. The enterprise launching the products needs to be creative, unique and original ,and
also evokes emotions such as nostalgia, excitement and joy , to forge connections with the
targeted audience. Authenticity and Transparency is another crucial aspect that the company must
have to as to make a good advertisement.

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