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Here’s a YouTube I made that has accompanying visuals for this topic:

You first want to research the other players in the market, see what they’re good and not
good at, then take advantage.

So let’s do this step by step.

First: list the main competitors in the market. This can really be just other brands you
admire or look up to, or other brands that you see often in your micro-space (like in the
genre of streetwear, there are smaller subsets that certain brand types revolve in more
often, so basically other brands that are similar to yours).

Second: Figure out who those competitors’ customers are. Who are buying the
competitors products? What makes those products appealing to them.

Third: Analyze the products and price points. Note if these competitors are selling high
quality or low quality products and what their respective price points are. You may see
some brands selling very similar products but offering very different price points. Why do
you think that is?

Fourth: Figure out the Unique Selling Point (USP) of these competitors. Basically, what
makes them stand out? Why are they where they are? Why do customers keep coming
back to them?

Fifth: What marketing strategies are these competitors using? Observe any sales,
discounts, giveaways, promotions, freebies, and so on. Brands sell products and
services in different ways, and many use a variety of incentives to achieve this. Some
are easy like a sale, and some are more complex like an in-person scavenger hunt.

So why did we do all this?

Once you know how your competitors operate, you can find holes and offer/do things
they don’t, and/or don’t do things they do. Observe their Unique Selling Point, then
differentiate yourself to standout. And if you think this is sneaky or slick, then you’re
right, and it’s a very normal business practice. Competition is great for the market and it
promotes growth.
The Second step in all of this is to create a SWOT analysis. If you’ve read literally
anything about business, you’ve probably seen this before; it’s super common.

S is for strength
W is for weaknesses
O is for Opportunities
T is for Threats.

Let’s run train through them:

Strengths are things you’re good at; like, why people go to you in the market to buy.
Also basically your Unique Selling Point.
Weaknesses are things you’re bad at, they’re a disadvantage to your brand. How could
you improve these? What should you avoid? How can you save more money/stop
losing money?
Opportunities could be trends in the market, collaborations, local events/popup stores,
changes in technology and manufacturing, etc… Things that you can begin to do that
could benefit your brand’s progress and growth.
Threats are obstacles you face. What are competitors doing better than you? Could any
weaknesses threaten your business? Would changing manufacturing prices disrupt your
profit margins?

And that’s pretty much it. Look at your market, see how the competitors behave, and
adjust from there. One part of success is doing things better than others, so figure out
what those things are.

Also, check out my digital asset bundles if you want more of my assets at a cheaper
price! These bundles include brand tools like clothing templates for design, a
manufacturer list to get your clothes, a measurement pattern pack with pre-made size
charts, and lots of other tools to help you in your clothing brand business.
Seaggs STARTER Bundle here, apply the 25% off discount SEAGGS4U and save $19
Seaggs DESIGNER Bundle here, apply the 25% off discount SEAGGS4U and save
Seaggs OMEGA Bundle here, apply the 25% off discount SEAGGS4U and save $70

If you have any more questions, please DM me on Instagram @byseaggs, and I'll try to
get back to you as quickly as possible.

Also, check out our other free digital products here for more free clothing brand sauce.

Remember to fail forward, embrace happy accidents, and keep pushing forward, life is
full of peaks and valleys.

Thanks for reading and Happy Designing.

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