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Sulphur Hexafluoride

Solvay Fluor GmbH


SF6 – a gas Behaviour under the influence

with unusual of electrical discharges 32
properties 5 Corrosion characteristics of SF6
and its decomposition products 32
Areas of application for
Measures for the removal of
sulphur hexafluoride corrosive constituents 33
Electrical engineering 6
High-voltage switchgear
and switching stations 7 New SF6 34

SF6 for the Itaipú Contamined SF6 34

hydroelectric powerstation 10
SF6 handling procedures
Gas insulated transmission line (GIL) 11
Filling an enclosed system 35
Medium-voltage switchgear 12
Temporary storage during
High-voltage cables 13 service and maintenace 36
Transformers 13 Handling of SF6 service equipment 36
Other high-voltage applications 14 Safety instructions 37
SF6 for the Vivitron accelerator 15
Specifications 39
SF6 in magnesium and aluminium
foundry technology 16 Packaging for new SF6
according to IEC 376 40
SF6 as a process gas in
semiconductor industry 17
The Responsible Care
Other areas of application 18 Programme for SF6 42
Electrical properties Transport of
Electron affinity 19 used SF6 43
Dielectric constants 19
Life cycle assessment
Dielectric strength 20 studies
Arc-quenching capacity 22 for the use of SF6 in high- and
medium-voltage applications 44
Loss factor 22
Product stewardship
Other physical
for SF6 47
Mechanical and caloric data 24 Fluorine compounds
Solubility 25
from Solvay Fluor 48

Specific heat (cp) 25 Your Solvay contact 49

Vapour pressure 25
Mollier, lg p, h-Diagram for SF6 27 Bibliography 50
Pressure in the SF6 tank as a
function of temperature and density 28
Further publications
about SF6 by Solvay Fluor 50
Optical properties 31

Chemical behaviour
Behaviour at elevated temperatures 32

3 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Sulphur Hexafluoride 4
Solvay Fluor GmbH

SF6 – a gas with

unusual properties

Solvay‘s sulphur hexafluoride is a non- Even in the very lowest concentrations,

toxic, inert, insulating and cooling gas sulphur hexafluoride can be detected by
of high dielectric strength and thermal halogen leak detectors. SF6 is therefore
stability. useful as an additive to other gases as a
tracer for the purposes of leak detection,
It is particularly suitable for application
or it can be used as a constituent of air for
in both high-voltage and medium-high
meteorological measurements.
voltage power circuit breakers as well
as in high-voltage cables, transformers, SF6 is also used in medical technology: for
transducers, particle accelerators, X-ray example as a contrast agent in ultrasonic
equipment and UHF transmission systems examinations as well as in ophthalmol-
and as an etching and chamber cleaning ogy, pneumonectomy and diseases of the
gas in the semiconductor industry. middle ear, e.g. treating loss of hearing in
middle ear infections.
The construction of new equipment with
higher capacity and improved perfor-
mance has been made possible by the
excellent electrical, thermal and chemical
properties of SF6. Changing from conven-
tional dielectrics to sulphur hexafluoride –
a non-flammable, chemically-inactive and
non-toxic heavy gas – results in consider-
able space and weight savings and im-
provements in the operational safety of
converted equipment.

SF6 / inert gas mixtures are used in the

production of magnesium and magnesium
alloys; the cleaning of aluminium melts; as
a protective gas to prevent ignition, oxida-
tion, and nitride formation; as well as for
removing oxides and solid inclusions.

5 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Areas of application for

sulphur hexafluoride

Electrical engineering  Regeneration capacity

Following a breakdown, sulphur hexafluo-

The use of sulphur hexafluoride in place of
ride regenerates itself. Its original strength
solid and liquid insulators offers a number
is spontaneously restored.
of important advantages:
 Low pressure-increase in
 High dielectric strength
the case of breakdown
at lower cost
Due to the very low adiabatic coefficient
When pressurized, sulphur hexafluoride
of sulphur hexafluoride, the pressure rise
can exhibit the same dielectric strength
as a result of thermal expansion follow-
as liquid insulators. However, the per-unit-
ing dielectric breakdowns is less than that
volume cost of SF6 is only a fraction of
with other gases and very considerably
that of liquid dielectrics.
less than is the case with liquid dielectrics.

Fig. 1 Enclosed, SF6 -insulated,

high-voltage plant
(ABB, Germany)

Sulphur Hexafluoride 6
Solvay Fluor GmbH

High-voltage switchgear Thanks to their insensitivity to polluted

air, enclosed outdoor versions of SF6 -
and switching stations insulated substations are installed in the
The excellent arc-quenching and insulating chemical industry, in desert regions and in
properties of sulphur hexafluoride have coastal areas.
permitted the construction of completely SF6 is used as a quenching agent both in
new types of high-voltage circuit breakers power circuit breakers for enclosed sub-
and switching stations with outstanding stations and in circuit breakers for open
features: compact and space-saving de- outdoor substations.
sign, low noise-levels, protection against
accidental contact of live parts, against
intrusion of foreign matter through the
metal cladding and elimination of the fire

Substations using sulphur hexafluoride

for insulation purposes are particularly
in demand where, on account of lim-
ited space, a compact design is required.
These substations occupy only 10-15 %
of the space required by conventional air-
insulated units. New SF6 -filled equipment
can thus be installed at distribution points
in densely-populated areas where site
costs would prohibit the use of traditional

Fig. 3 Gas insulated,

high-voltage switching station
for 145 kV operating voltage
(Siemens, Germany) Fig. 2 SF6 -insulated high-voltage swit-
ching station type L-SEP, 145 kV
( VA Tech Elin Holec High Voltage,

7 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Fig. 4 Enclosed switching

station, 500 kV
( AREVA , France)

Fig. 5 Gas insulated High-voltage

switching station, 550 kV
(Siemens, Germany)

Sulphur Hexafluoride 8
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Fig. 6 Outdoor transforming station

with SF6 equipment, 420 kV
(Siemens, Germany)

Fig. 7 SF6 switching station, 245 kV

(VA Tech, France)

Fig. 8 High-voltage switching station,

170 – 245 kV,
(AREVA, Switzerland)

9 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

SF6 for the Itaipú hydro-

electric station
Solvay Fluor GmbH supplied the SF6 for
the world‘s largest hydroelectric power
station at Itaipú in Brazil. The output at
Itaipú is particularly impressive: 18 tur-
bines supply 12.6 billion watts, equivalent
to the output of 10 nuclear power sta-
tions. The largest SF6 -insulated high-volt-
age switching station in the world was
installed at Itaipú, and contains more than
100 tons of sulphur hexafluoride.

Fig. 9a Hydroelectric power station

Itaipú, Brazil

Fig. 9b 550 kV SF6 -insulated high-voltage

switching station for the Itaipú
hydroelectric power station in Brazil
(ABB, Switzerland)

Sulphur Hexafluoride 10
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Gas insulated separation of SF6 / N2 mixtures at end of

service life or whenever required (Fig. 11).
transmission line (GIL) This technical service allows Solvay to
Gas insulated transmission lines are par- provide a closed product loop for SF6 / N2
ticularly well suited for high power trans- mixtures.
mission. Conventional designs are filled
with pure SF6, and have been operating
safely and reliably in all parts of the world
for more than 20 years.

The advantage of this technology is the

higher capacity compared with cables.

GIL’s are either buried or laid in tunnels.

They are a viable alternative for energy
supply where overhead power lines are
either not possible or where the capacity
of cables is insufficient.

For long distances the replacement of

pure SF6 with more economical SF6 / N2
mixtures has been researched because the
arc extinguishing properties of SF6 are not
relevant in insulating applications.

Today the overall optimisation of gas mix-

tures, gas pressure and dimensions of GIL
mean this technology is a highly competi-
tive transmission medium in a broad range Fig. 11 SF6 / N2-membran-separation plant
with condenser unit
of applications.

Solvay Fluor GmbH Technical Service sup-

ports this application with a spectrum of
services ranging from the initial produc-
tion of SF6 / N2 mixtures through to the

Fig. 10 SF6 / N2 mixture in

transmission lines, in tunnel
(Siemens, Germany)

11 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Medium-voltage switch-
The advantages of SF6 technology, in par-
ticular its excellent arc-quenching capacity,
are also put to good use in circuit breakers
for the 10-40 kV range. They replace con-
ventional, low-oil-volume circuit breakers
and also satisfy heavy-duty requirements
such as those occurring under short-cir-
cuit conditions and repeated switch-off
under load.

Fig. 12 Medium-voltage, heavy-duty

As with high-voltage circuit breakers,
power circuit breakers of the medium-voltage switchgear requires little
Minex type. SF6 -insulated for maintenance and are particularly suitable
installation in local-network and
for locations where oil-filled equipment is
consumer stations
(Driescher, Germany) undesirable.

Fig. 13 Metal-clad SF6 -insulated switching

station in a compact design
( ABB Calor Emag, Germany)

Sulphur Hexafluoride 12
Solvay Fluor GmbH

High-voltage cables and In high-frequency carrier sytems, out-

put has been increased almost tenfold
tubular transmission through the use of SF6 -filled tubular
lines transmission lines. An advantage from
the constructional point of view is the
In recent times, increasing interest has
ability to build high-performance UHF
been shown in the application of sulphur
transmission stations with greatly reduced
hexafluoride in the manufacture of gas-
insulated high-voltage cables and tubular
transmission lines used for high-power Transformers
distribution in heavily concentrated indus-
trial areas. Its excellent heat-transfer capacity, non-
flammability and non-toxicity have also
Tubular transmission lines are also used to
promoted the use of sulphur hexafluoride
connect power stations with transform-
in the construction of transformers.
ers or switching stations, as for example
in the case of underground power sta- On account of their high operational Fig. 14 SF6 -insulated high-voltage cable in
tions. Appropriately-dimensioned tubular safety, SF6 -gas transformers are installed the JET nuclear-fusion plant
transmission lines filled with pressurized in mines and department stores. Their rel- (kabelmetal electro, Germany)

SF6 permit unusually high current levels. atively light weight, compact design and
Compared to those values achieved with low noise levels are decisive advantages.
conventional types of cables, figures for
charging-current and electric loss are in-

Fig. 15 SF6 -insulated

transformer, 23–107 kV
(Fuji, Japan)

13 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Other high-voltage SF6 fulfills a similar function in voltage

stabilizers for electron microscopes and
applications in X-ray equipment used in production
The use of sulphur hexafluoride has also control and the non-destructive testing
established itself in the insulation of su- of materials.
per-voltage generators in particle-accel- Parallel to the development of SF6 plant
erating machines, such as in Van de Graaf technology in the high-voltage sector,
accelerators, betatrons, neutron genera- SF6 -insulated, high-voltage measuring
tors and other such equipment used for instruments and calibrated power sources
radiation applications in scientific institu- have also been produced. SF6 -fillings are
tions, medicine and industry. also used in instrument transformers,
By virtue of the high dielectric strength pressurized gas capacitors and surge ar-
of the gas, pressure vessels can be con- resters for super voltages.
structed in considerably lighter fashion.
The use of SF6 in older units, previously
insulated with mixtures of air and carbon
dioxide, has resulted in a marked increase
in efficiency.

Fig. 16 525 kV SF6 instrument transformer

(AREVA, Belgium)

Sulphur Hexafluoride 14
Solvay Fluor GmbH

SF6 for the It is 51 m long, has a maximum diameter

of 8.5 m and a volume of 1200 m3. The
Vivitron accelerator SF6 -gas supply is contained in two stor-
The largest electrostatic accelerator in age tanks whose total SF6 -capacity is
the world is already in operation in Stras- 60 tonnes. Solvay Fluor GmbH was re-
bourg. sponsible for both the supply of SF6 and
the associated logistics for this project.
Using new technology, the Tandem Van
de Graaf Vivitron accelerator is designed
to achieve an accelerating potential of
35 million volts.

Fig. 17 Perspective view of the Vivitron

accelerator and the SF6 -gas supply
system with its two SF6 storage tanks
(Centre de recherches nucléaires, France)

15 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

SF6 in magnesium and The optimum quantity and concentration

of the protective gas depends on various
aluminium foundry factors such as the furnace design, pig
technology flow and molten metal discharge, and
must be determined in trials.
SF6 is used in the manufacture of magne-
sium as a protective agent to prevent the Because only very small amounts of SF6
vaporisation and ignition of melts and also are used, there are no problems with
to prevent the formation of oxides and cleavage products (MAC of HF << 3 ppmv
nitrites. SF6 is used to clean the melt in or 2 mg / m³). Consequently, SF6 is an
aluminium manufacturing processes . ideal protective gas for magnesium melts,
Magnesium also for occupational safety aspects.

Magnesium is a reactive metal and there- Aluminium

fore has to be protected against ignition, In the manufacture of aluminium castings,
oxidation and nitride formation during porosity in the casting is a fundamental
foundry processing (Fig. 18) at tempera- problem because of the hydrogen content
tures up to 800 °C. in the aluminium melt. This can reduce
As a protective agent SF6 can replace pro- the strength of the finished part. The
tective salts, SO2 or sulphur powder and aluminium melt must be pretreated to
Fig. 18 Magnesium hot chamber die casting pure inert gases (argon). This eliminates improve the quality.
machine, protective gas SF6 -CO2- many side effects such as unpleasant
Air, from Huskvarna AB, Sweden SF6 can replace existing cleaning methods
(Norsk Hydro, Norway) odours, corrosion, salt inclusions in cast- using chlorine or chlorine / inert gas mix-
ings and magnesium vaporisation. tures, pure inert gases (argon), powder
Sulphur hexafluoride is mixed with a carri- or pellet-shaped hexachloroethane and
Gas-mixing station
Blast pipe er gas as shown in figure 19, because the CFC. The formation of aggressive chlorine
larger total quantity of gas ensures faster gases and the use of ozone endangering
and better distribution of the SF6 over substances can be avoided by using SF6.
carrier gas

the melt. Generally, the mixture, which is Unlike chlorine, no additional precautions

distributed evenly over the surface of the are required when handling SF6.
melt [1] , comprises around 0.04 – 0.3 % SF6 Feeding SF6 / inert gas mixtures into the
by volume and more than 99 % Air / CO2 liquid aluminium dramatically reduces the
by volume. hydrogen content and also removes oxides
Fig. 19 Diagram of a protective gas system
and inclusions, as illustrated in figure 20.
for a magnesium smelting furnace
Handling the SF6 gas mixtures is easy
because SF6 is completely safe physiologi-
cally. Thus, the use of SF6 improves work-
ing conditions and product quality.

Fig. 20 Cross-section of aluminium castings

with and without SF6
treatment (from top to bottom)

Sulphur Hexafluoride 16
Solvay Fluor GmbH

SF6 as a process gas in Gases for plasma etching

the semiconductor Etching produces structures on the surface
industry of the silicon. In the wafer manufacturing
process, fluorine ions and radicals are
To manufacture wafers, the semi- needed to etch the silicon. Structures with
conductor industry requires gaseous a width of 0.15 µm or smaller can be cre-
fluorinated compounds, silanes (e.g. SiH4) ated with this method.
and doping gases (e.g. AsH3, PH3). Wafers
Chamber cleaning after the
consist of high-purity silicon and are the
etching process
basic building blocks for all semiconductor
components. When the silicon layers are being applied,
a fraction of the silicon does not end up
Essentially, the high-purity gases (e.g.
on the wafer, but is deposited in the CVD
SF6) are used as etching gases for plasma
(Chemical Vapour Deposition) chamber.
etching or as cleaning gases to clean the
To prevent the wafers becoming contami-
chambers after the etching process.
nated by these deposits in downstream
processes, the chambers are cleaned at
defined intervals. The SF6 decomposed
by the plasma, allows the chambers to
be cleaned. Consistent use of retention
and cleaning systems, as well as the SF6
ReUse Concept, allows SF6 to be used in
an environmentally friendly manner and to
be kept in a closed cycle.

Grade 5.0 SF6, i.e. with 99.999 % pu-

rity, is supplied throughout the world by
Solvay Fluor GmbH.

Fig. 21 Silicon wafer

17 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Other areas of
Even at the lowest concentration levels,
sulphur hexafluoride is detected by mod-
ern halogen leak detectors.

For this reason it is used increasingly as a

test gas for detecting leaks in boilers, fu-
el tanks, pneumatic devices, pipeline sys-
tems, plastic tubing, containers for carry-
ing radioactive materials and many other
vessels. By carrying out a calibrated leak,
quantitative measurements are also pos-
sible. With the increasing demands im-
posed by ever stricter standards of en-
vironmental protection, work safety and
energy saving, this technique is gaining
steadily in significance.

Residence-time distributions in high-veloc-

ity-flow assemblies can be determined us-
ing SF6. This method is primarily applied in
those cases where a radiometric method
cannot be employed [2] .

On account of its very low detection limit,

SF6 is used as a tracer gas for meteorolog-
ical measurements. When added in mea-
sured quantities at an emission source,
the distribution of the emitted substances
can be determined even at relatively long
distances. Its high stability and the low
Fig. 22 Ophthalmology solubility of SF6 in water are of particular
advantage in this respect.

SF6 is also widely used in medical tech-

nology. For example as a contrast agent
in ultrasonic examinations as well as in
ophthalmology, pneumonectomy and dis-
eases of the middle ear, e.g. treating loss
of hearing in middle ear infections [3] .

Sulphur Hexafluoride 18
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Electrical properties

Electron affinity Dielectric constant

The excellent insulating properties of sul- The dielectric constant has a value of
phur hexafluoride are attributable to the 1.0021 at 20 °C, 1.0133 bar and 23.340
strong electron affinity (electronegativity) MHz; a rise in pressure to 20 bar leads to
of the SF6 molecule. This is based mainly an increase of about 6 % in this value.
on two mechanisms, resonance capture
At -50 °C, the dielectric constant of liq-
and dissociative attachment of electrons,
uid sulphur hexafluoride throughout the
in accordance with the equations:
range from 10 to 500 kHz remains un-
changed at 1.81 ± 0.02 [5] .

SF6 + e – —> SF6 – (1)

SF6 + e – —> SF5 – + F (2)

The process represented by equation (1)

applies to electron energies of 0.1 eV
with an energy range of 0.05 eV, and that
represented by equation (2) applies to an
energy range of 0.1 eV [4] .

Fig. 23 50 Hz breakdown voltage of SF6 in a

homogeneous field as a function of
the distance between electrodes at
various gas pressures
(ETZ Supplement 3 [1966])

19 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Dielectric strength 3 %, the addition of 30 % air by about

10 %.
The strong interaction of high-energy
The breakdown voltage of SF6 reaches
electrons with the polyatomic SF6 mol-
that of transformer oil at a pressure of
ecule causes their rapid deceleration to
only 3 bar (Fig. 25).
the lower energy of electron capture and
dissociative attachment. SF6 -breakdown The behaviour of sulphur hexafluoride
is therefore only possible at relatively high conforms over a wide range of pressures
field strengths. to Paschen‘s Law: at higher pressures,
however, deviations have been observed
The breakdown voltages at 50 Hz and
under certain conditions [6, 7, 8] .
1 bar in a homogenous field are thus 2.5
to 3 times higher than the corresponding The breakdown strength of SF6 is inde-
values for air or nitrogen (Fig. 23). pendent of frequency: it is therefore an
ideal insulating gas for UHF equipment [9] .
Figure 24 shows the relationship of break-
down voltage to pressure in a non-homo- The Corona-onset voltage using SF6 in
geneous field in comparison with that of a non-homogeneous fields is also consider-
N2 / CO2 mixture. ably higher than that using air. Figures 26
and 27 show the respective dependence
The breakdown strength of air is dramati-
on pressure and radius of curvature of the
cally increased by the addition of small
electrodes in the case of SF6 and air in a
quantities of SF6. In contrast, air has
point-to-plane electrode system.
only a limited influence on the breakdown
strength of sulphur hexafluoride. The ad-
dition of 10 % of air by volume reduces
the breakdown voltage of SF6 by about

Fig. 24 Relation of breakdown voltage to pressure

(IEEE Trans. Pow. App. Syst. 66 [1963] 357)
Comparison SF6 and N2 / CO2-mixtures

Sulphur Hexafluoride 20
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Fig. 25 Breakdown strength of transformer oil,

air and SF6 as a function of gas pressure
(Kali und Steinsalz, 3, issue 10 [1963] 319)

Fig. 26 Dependence on pressure of the

Corona-onset voltage in SF6 and air
(ETZ, Supplement 3 [1966] )

21 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Arc-quenching capacity Loss factor

On account of its thermal properties The loss factor, tan ∂ of sulphur hexa-
and low ionisation temperature, sulphur fluoride is extremely low (less than
hexafluoride exhibits outstanding charac- 2.0 · 10 -7). A value of tan ∂ < 10 -3 was
teristics for the extinguishing of electric determined for liquid SF6 at –50 °C [5] .
arcs (Fig. 28).
Diagrams and data pertinent to the elec-
All other conditions being equal, the arc- trical properties of sulphur hexafluoride
quenching time using SF6 is about 100 may be found in the Milek „Sulphur hexa-
times less than that using air [10] . fluoride data sheets“ [11] .

The superior arc-quenching performance

of SF6 compared with other gases is im-
pressively illustrated in figure 29.

Fig. 27 Corona-onset voltages for SF6 and

air as a function of the radius of
curvature rK at atmospheric pressure
(ETZ, Supplement 3, [1966])

Sulphur Hexafluoride 22
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Fig. 28 Radial temperature profile

in SF6 and N2 electric arcs
(schematic representation:
from Z. Angew. Physik 12,
[1960] 5, pp 231 to 237)

Fig. 29 Quenching capacity of SF6, air

and a mixture of both gases
(Insulating Materials for Design
and Engineering Practice, N.Y.
[1962], p. 116)

23 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Other physical

Sulphur hexafluoride is a colourless,

odourless, non-toxic and non-flammable
Mechanical and caloric data
gas. With a molecular weight of 146.05,
SF6 is about 5 times heavier than air and Sublimation point (1.0133 bar) –63.9 °C
one of the heaviest known gases.
Melting point (2.26 bar) –50.8 °C

Vapour pressure see page 27

Heat of sublimation 153.2 kJ / kg

Heat of fusion 34.37 kJ / kg

Heat of vaporization [12] :

Temperature (°C) –20 0 +20 +40
Heat of vaporization (kJ / kg) 91.71 78.96 62.54 34.08

Critical data [12] :

Critical temperature 45.58 °C
Critical pressure 37.59 bar
Critical density 0.74 kg / l

Density: (see Figs. 30 and 32)

Gas density (20 °C, 1 bar) 6.07 g /l
Liquid density (0 °C, 12.65 bar) 1.56 kg / l
Solid density (–100 °C) [13] 2.77 kg / l

Viscosity (see Fig. 33)

Thermal conductivity (see Fig. 34)

Heat transfer capacity (see Fig. 35)

Acoustic velocity in SF6

(0 °C, 1.0 bar) 129.06 m / sec.

Isentropic exponent (κ) [12] :

The dynamic compressibility of
SF6 is particularly high on account
of the low value of the isentropic
exponent: κ = 1.08 (30 °C, 1.0 bar)

Heat of formation (∆ HB, 25 °C)* –1221.58 ± 1.0 kJ / mol

Entropy of reaction (∆ SB, 25 °C)* – 349.01 J / mol k
* for formation from rhombic sulphur and
gaseous fluorine [13] .

Sulphur Hexafluoride 24
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Solubility in water [14]

Gas volume corrected

to 0 °C, 1.0133 bar

Temperature (°C) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50
Solubility (cm3 SF6 / kg H2O) 11.39 9.11 7.48 6.31 5.44 4.79 3.96 3.52

Solubility in
transformer oil [15]

(Esso-Univolt 35)
Gas volume under 0 °C, 1.0133 bar

Temperature ( °C ) 27 50 70
Solubility (cm3 SF6 / cm3 oil) 0.408 0.344 0.302

Specific heat (cp)

Solid and liquid phase [16]

Temperature (K) 200 210 220 225 230

Specific heat (J / mol K ) 104.17 116.60 184.22 110.95 119.58

Gas phase (1 bar) [13, 17]

Temperature (K) 298 373 400 473 500 573 600 673 700 773 1273

Spezifische Wärme (J / mol K ) 97.26 112.45 116.39 125.89 128.54 134.51 136.07 140.21 141.1 144.35 152.62

Vapour pressure
(cf. Fig. 30)

Temperature (°C) – 50 – 45 – 40 – 35 –30 – 25 – 20 –15 –10 –5

Pressure (bar) 2.34 2.87 3.49 4.20 5.02 5.95 7.01 8.19 9.52 11.01

Temperature (°C) 0 +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45
Pressure (bar) 12.65 14.47 16.47 18.67 21.08 23.72 26.62 29.79 33.27 37.13

25 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Fig. 30 Vapour pressure curve:

lines of equivalent gas density of SF6

Sulphur Hexafluoride 26
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Fig. 31 Mollier, Ig p, h-diagram

for sulphur hexafluoride

Mollier, lg p, h-diagramme
for sulphur hexafluoride SF6

Established by Dr.-Ing. R. Döring

Units: p in bar, h in kJ / kg, s in kJ /

kg K, v in m3 / kg, s=1 kJ K, h=200
kJ / kg at 0 °C for the boiling liquid

27 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Internal pressure in SF6 tank

as a function of temperature and Determined from experimental values [12]
density (kg SF6 / l tank volume)

Pressure in bar

kg/l 5 °C 10 °C 15 °C 20 °C 25 °C 30 °C 35 °C 40 °C 45 °C 50 °C 55 °C 60 °C 65 °C 70 °C
0.940 43.1 49.3 55.5 61.8 68.3
0.960 43.6 50.1 56.5 63.1 69.6
0.980 44.2 50.9 57.7 64.3 71.2
1.000 44.8 51.8 58.8 65.8 73.0
1.020 45.6 52.9 60.1 67.4 74.8
1.040 46.4 54.0 61.1 69.2 77.0
1.060 47.4 55.3 63.3 71.3 79.4
1.080 48.4 56.7 65.0 73.7 82.1
1.200 49.8 58.5 67.3 76.2 85.2
1.120 33.7 42.5 51.3 60.3 69.5 78.9 88.5
1.140 34.9 44.1 53.3 62.7 72.4 82.2 92.1
1.160 36.5 46.0 55.5 65.5 75.5 85.6 96.1
1.180 38.0 48.1 58.2 68.5 79.0 89.7 100.6
1.200 40.1 50.7 61.3 72.2 83.2 94.3 105.6
1.220 42.6 53.7 64.8 76.2 87.7 99.5 111.3
1.240 45.3 57.1 68.8 80.7 92.8 105.3 117.6
1.260 48.6 61.0 73.5 85.9 98.6 111.7 124.4
1.280 27.0 39.7 52.5 65.6 78.7 91.9 105.0 118.9 132.2
1.300 30.3 43.7 57.1 70.9 84.6 98.4 112.2 126.4 140.5
1.320 34.3 48.3 62.4 76.8 91.2 105.7 120.2 134.9 149.9
1.340 38.8 53.7 68.5 83.5 98.6 113.7 129.0 144.4 159.8
1.360 43.9 59.6 75.3 90.9 106.5 122.6 138.8 154.6 170.8
1.380 49.9 66.4 82.9 99.2 115.6 132.5 149.5 166.0 183.0
1.400 24.0 40.5 56.9 74.0 91.4 108.5 125.8 143.6 161.4 178.9 196.5
1.420 30.7 47.9 65.0 83.1 101.3 119.2 137.2 155.8 174.6 193.2 (211.8)
1.440 20.9 38.2 56.2 74.5 93.5 112.4 131.3 150.2 169.4 189.0 (209.2) (229.5)
1.460 27.9 46.8 66.0 85.4 105.2 125.0 144.9 164.9 185.0 (205.4) (226.7)
1.480 16.4 36.5 56.7 77.1 97.6 118.2 139.1 160.2 181.4 (202.5) (223.6)
1.500 25.4 46.8 68.1 89.5 111.1 132.7 154.6 176.8 (199.1)
1.520 (14.8) 36.8 59.0 81.3 103.8 126.4 149.2 172.1 (195.3) (218.4)
1.540 (27.5) 50.4 73.5 96.7 120.1 143.8 167.7 191.6 (215.6) (239.5)

Sulphur Hexafluoride 28
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Fig. 32 Pressure/temperature curves for SF6

(from Z. Phys. Chem.,
New Series 23 [1960] 96).
(1at = 0.9800665 bar)

Fig. 33 Viscosity of SF6 as a function of

temperature at atmospheric
pressure [13]

Temperature Viscosity
[°C] [mPa·s]

0 0.0141

25 0.0153

100 0.0186

200 0.0228

300 0.0266

400 0.0302

500 0.0335

29 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Fig. 34 Thermal conductivity of SF6

at atmospheric pressure [13]

Temperature Thermal conductivity

[°C] [W / cm·K]

0 1.0

25 1.3

100 1.9

200 2.5

300 3.1

400 3.6

500 4.1

Fig. 35 Heat-transfer coefficients of air and SF6

(for comparison – transformer
oil under natural convection)
July / September 1966, p 189)

Sulphur Hexafluoride 30
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Optical properties
Refractive index [18] nD (0 °C) 1.0133 bar 1.000 783

Fig. 36 Infrared spectrum of SF6 recorded

for three different concentrations
(Leitz M 3, NaCl prism)

31 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Chemical behaviour

Under normal conditions, sulphur hexa- Behaviour under the The hydrogen fluoride (HF) formed in
fluoride is chemically inert and stable; these reactions vigorously attacks any
its reactivity is among the lowest of all
influence of electrical materials containing silicon dioxide (SiO2)
substances. discharges [20] (e.g. glass and porcelain). The use of these
materials in equipment in which SF6 is to
Electrical discharges cause a decomposi-
Behaviour at elevated tion of the gas to an extent proportional
be used for arc-quenching is therefore
only suitable under certain conditions.
temperatures to the converted energy. Under the influ-
ence of an electric arc, part of the sulphur
SF6 can be heated to 500 °C in quartz hexafluoride is dissociated into its atomic Corrosion characteristics
containers without any decomposition constituents, as shown in the following of SF6 and its decompo-
occurring. At temperatures of up to ap- equation:
proximately 150 °C, generally used materi-
sition products
als such as metals, ceramics, glass, rubber As already indicated, pure SF6 is chemi-
and cast resins are completely stable in ∆E cally inert: it cannot, therefore, cause
the presence of sulphur hexafluoride. Not SF6 S + 6F corrosion.
until the temperature exceeds 200 °C do
some metals begin to have a decomposing In the presence of moisture, however,
effect on SF6; however, the usual working the primary and secondary decomposi-
This reaction is reversible. After the
metals and alloys do not have a significant tion products of sulphur hexafluoride
discharge, the dissociation products
decomposing effect until the temperature form corrosive electrolytes which may
recombine, provided that no secondary
reaches 400 to 600 °C. cause damage and operational failure,
reactions with vaporized electrode metal,
particularly in electrical equipment. If the
Since SF6 reacts with metals at high the container wall or other constructional
formation of decomposition products can-
temperatures, it is used as a protective components occur.
not be avoided by the use of appropriate
gas for melts. In particular, it is used in Both solid and gaseous products can re- construction methods, corrosion can be
magnesium foundries because it forms a sult from these secondary reactions: largely eliminated by the careful exclusion
thin and impervious layer on the surface of moisture and the employment of suit-
of the molten magnesium. This layer acts  metal fluorides, metal sulphides and
able materials.
very effectively in preventing further reac- metal oxides
tion with air [19] . In spite of the high tem- Commonly used metals such as alumini-
 sulphur fluorides such as SF4 um, steel, copper and brass remain virtu-
perature of the molten magnesium alloys,
there is only a minimal level of decomposi-  sulphur oxyfluorides such as ally free of attack. In contrast, materials
tion of the SF6. SOF2, SO2F2, SOF4 such as glass, porcelain, insulating paper
and similar materials may be severely dam-
Such decomposition products resulting aged, depending on the concentration of
from high-energy discharges are also the corrosive substances. Insulating mate-
good dielectrics, so that dust-like deposits rials such as epoxy-resin, PTFE, polyethyl-
on the surface of insulators do not impair ene, polyvinyl chloride and polymethylene
the operational efficiency of affected oxide are either only slightly or undetect-
equipment. ably affected [21] .
However, this applies only if the humidity
in the gas chamber is very low. If exposed
to moisture, the above-mentioned de-
composition products hydrolyse and form
secondary products, for example as illus-
trated in the following equations:

CuF2 + H2O CuO + 2HF

SF4 + H2O SOF2 + 2HF

Sulphur Hexafluoride 32
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Measures for the At the same time they also ensure main-
taining a low dew-point in the gas filling.
removal of corrosive
constituents Especially suitable are adsorbing agents in
the form of filter fillings, through which
Both moisture and the decomposition the gas is pumped in a circulation. This
products of sulphur hexafluoride can be method is employed for example in the
relatively easily removed by adsorption case of SF6 power circuit breakers, where
agents. Aluminium oxide and molecular considerable concentrations of decompo-
sieves or mixtures of these materials are sition products can occur in arc quench-
all suitable for this purpose. They very ef- ing. In many cases, however, static filters
fectively and practically irreversibly adsorb provide adequate protection.
the acidic and gaseous products.
Figure 37 shows the dew-point as a func-
tion of the gas moisture content.

Fig. 37 Dew-point as a function of the moisture content of SF6 (sample from liquid phase)

Dew-point Moisture content

[°C] [ppm by weight]
–75 0.148
–70 0.32
–65 0.65
–64 0.75
–63 0.86
–62 1.0
– 61 1.15
–60 1.3
– 59 1.5
– 58 1.7
– 57 2.0
– 56 2.2
– 55 2.5
– 54 2.9
– 53 3.3
– 52 3.6
– 51 4.2
– 50 4.8
– 49 5.4
– 48 6.1
– 47 6.9
– 46 7.8
– 45 8.7
– 44 10.0
– 43 11.0
– 42 12.0
– 41 14.0
– 40 16.0
– 39 17.0
– 38 20.0

33 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH


New SF6 Contaminated SF6

Pure sulphur hexafluoride is absolutely As mentioned previously, electrical dis-
non-toxic. The by-products arising dur- charges (e.g. switching processes, fault
ing production of the gas are completely electric arcs) lead to the formation of
removed during subsequent purification gaseous decomposition products and
operations. dusty metal compounds. Gaseous de-
composition products of SF6 exhibit very
Solvay sulphur hexafluoride is constantly characteristic warning signs even at low
tested for the presence of toxic constitu- concentrations. These warning signs
ents using the test decribed in IEC 376. are for example pungent or unpleasant
In places where work involving large quan- odours (like “rotten eggs”), or irritation
tities of sulphur hexafluoride in containers of nose, mouth and eyes. Such irritation
and in enclosed areas is carried out, the occurs within seconds, well in advance of
safety regulations should take into ac- any danger arising from poisoning.
count the potential asphyxiation hazard When handling contaminated SF6 care
arising from oxygen deficiency, as, due must be taken not to breathe in gaseous
to its high density, the gas can displace or dusty decomposition products. In case
air from lower-lying regions of enclosed this cannot be achieved by technical safety
areas (pits, sumps etc). This hazard can, measures, i.e. ventilation, personal protec-
however, be easily countered by the pro- tive equipment must be worn. Personal
vision of adequate ventilation. Measuring protective equipment consists of items of
instruments functioning on the principles protection for the eyes, body and breath-
of thermal conductivity can be installed to ing. More detailed information on hand-
check the SF6 content of air. ling SF6 is given in the information leaflet
The existing TLV in the Federal Republic of BGI 753 „SF6 plant“ (Trade Association
Germany for sulphur hexafluoride is for Precision Mechanics and Electrical
6000 mg / m3 = 1000 ppm. Engineering) and in the DIN Standard IEC
60 480 and VDE 0373, Part 2 / 4.80.

Sulphur Hexafluoride 34
Solvay Fluor GmbH

SF6 handling procedures

SF6 can be removed from its pressurized

gas containers either in the gaseous or in
the liquid phase. During the removal of
SF6 in the gaseous phase, the pressure-
regulator can be connected directly to the
cylinder valve. If the SF6 is removed in the
liquid phase, then a vaporizer must be
installed between the container and the

Filling an
enclosed system
Normally, equipment is first evacuated
and then filled with SF6 under pressure.
In this process, the feed line from the
gas cylinder to the unit to be filled is pro-
vided with a branch line incorporating a
shut-off valve. This branch line leads to
a vacuum pump. Before filling with SF6
commences, the complete system up to
the cylinder valve is evacuated. After the
valve in the branch line has been closed,
both the cylinder and the regulator are
gradually opened.

It is advisable to observe the progress of

the entire filling operation on an appropri-
ate pressure gauge (centre-zero). The final
pressure of the gas in the filled unit will
depend upon temperature. On account of
the fact that the gas undergoes a cooling
process on leaving the steel cylinder, the
pressure reading immediately following
the completion of the filling operation will
be less than that shown after the gas tem- Fig. 38 Leak testing of a
GIS aluminium housing
perature has risen to the ambient level.
(ABB, Switzerland)
This subsequent rise in pressure must be
taken into account.

35 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Temporary storage Handling of SF6 service

during service and equipment
maintenance This kind of equipment consists of main
Temporary storage of SF6 during service components such as SF6 compressor, vac-
and maintenance is highly recommended cuum pump, storage tank, evaporator and
in regard to SF6 reuse and as a preventive filter unit, which are piped together with
measure for environmental protection. valves and fittings. According to the size
of the switch gear the appropriate equip-
Suitable service equipment and / or ReUse ment with sufficient storage capacity and
containers should be available for per- performance is selected. SF6 gas handling
forming gas operations during temporary in such equipment is only carried out in
storage. closed cycles.

Every component within this cycle (SF6

compressors and diaphragm compressors)
are dry-running and therefore absolutely
oil-free, excluding the risk of SF6 gas con-
tamination. The built-in filters provide for
the drying and cleaning of the SF6 gas
during each gas operation. SF6 valves,
couplings and fittings guarantee a high
degree of leak-tightness and operational

The connecting couplings should be self-

closing in order to avoid air and moisture
penetrating into the lines.
Fig. 39a SF6 measuring devices (DILO, Germany)
When selecting service equipment, han-
dling should be as easy as possible to
avoid unnecessary faults. Maintenance
equipment with automatic sequences
is the state-of-the-art and is preferred
because of its high degree of operational

Fig. 39b SF6 servicing unit (DILO, Germany)

Sulphur Hexafluoride 36
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Safety instructions

Storage New SF6

Sulphur hexafluoride is transported as  SF6 to IEC 376
a pressurized liquified gas. In Germany,
 Potential hazard:
safety precautions and handling practice
are based upon the Order Governing
 Protective measures:
Pressurized Containers and its subordinate
Natural and forced ventilation
Technical Regulations (TRG).

The containers should not be exposed

to direct sunlight and must be secured Contaminated SF6
against overturning or rolling.
 SF6 is contaminated with
Storage and work areas must be well dangerous substances
ventilated. In particular, ventilation must  Potential hazard:
be effective at ground level on account of The SF6 decomposition products have
the fact that SF6 vapour is heavier than air. an irritating or corrosive effect on
If the gas is stored underground, appropri- eyes, skin and respiratory system
ate forced ventilation must be provided. Warning signals in the form of a
Wherever SF6 is handled, there must be pungent and unpleasant odour.
no open flames (e.g. welding flames) or Irritation occurs within seconds, well
hot metal surfaces (e.g. infrared equip- in advance of any danger arising from
ment). Eating, drinking and smoking poisoning.
whilst working with SF6 is strictly forbid-  Protective measures:
den. Personal protective clothing com-
prising eye-, body- and breathing
Although SF6 is recognized as being physi-
protection must be worn.
ologically safe, certain precautions have
to be taken in order to guarantee a safe Additional organisational safety meas-
handling of this substance. An important ures include the display of operational
precondition is a strict adherence to the instructions and an annual seminar on
threshold limit value (TLV). the potential hazards and the safety pre-
cautions to be adopted when handling
Wherever this cannot be achieved perti- SF6 which is contaminated with irritating
nent safety measures must be selected ac- and corrosive substances.
cording to the degree of potential danger.
If SF6 does not contain any hazardous
substances its potential hazards are com-
parable to those of new SF6.

37 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Sulphur Hexafluoride 38
Solvay Fluor GmbH


The SF6 produced by Solvay Fluor GmbH

is manufactured in a plant that ensures
consistent quality with a purity of min.
99.993 %.

It corresponds to the following guaran-

tee-analysis which in turn conforms to
IEC 376, 1st Edition, Section 3 or to IEC
376, Chapter 3 and to VDE 0373, Part 1,
Chapter 3 (according to this standard all
values apply to the composition of the
liquid phase).

In general, the impurities in Solvay sulphur

hexafluoride are substantially less than the
maximum values specified in the guaran-

The table below shows Solvay‘s typical

quality standards specification.

Prior to shipment, every batch of SF6 is

tested for physiological safety (cf. Toxic-

Solvay Fluor IEC 376

specifications specifications

SF6 % by weight ≥ 99.993 ≥ 99.90

Air ppm by weight ≤ 50 ≤ 500

CF4 ppm by weight ≤ 10 ≤ 500

H20 ppm by weight ≤ 0.65 ≤ 15

Mineral oil ppm by weight ≤1 ≤ 10

in terms of HF ppm by weight ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.3

Hydrolyzable fluorides,
in terms of HF ppm by weight ≤1 ≤1

39 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Packaging for new SF6

according to IEC 376

Fig. 40 SF6 cylinders and special high

capacity container
5 l, 10 l, 20 l, 40 l and 600 l

Fig. 41a Steel cylinder for SF6

test pressure 250 bar
capacity 40 l, tare Ø 48 kg

Fig. 41b Special high-capacity container

for SF6:
test pressure 70 bar
capacity 600 l, tare Ø 460 kg

Sulphur Hexafluoride 40
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Solvay sulphur hexafluoride is shipped as

a pressure-liquefied gas in steel cylinders
of various sizes. The filling level of SF6 per
litre of container volume is 1.04 kg (at test
pressure 70 bar) and 1.3 kg (at test pres-
sure 250 bar).

SF6 is supplied in steel cylinders of 5, 10,

20, 40, 50 and 52 kg capacity (Fig. 40).
For larger quantities, special high-capac-
ity containers are available. These have
a capacity of 600 kg SF6 (Fig. 41b). Tube
trailers (Fig. 42) with a capacity of 13 t are
also available.

The pressurized packaging are fitted with

a special gas-cylinder valve. The valves
have an external threaded port on the
side with the designation W 21.8 x 1/14“
(connection No. 6 in DIN 477).

Cylinder Container
Approval - Permit PI TÜV

Capacity litre 5 10 20 40 600

Max. fill weight kg 6.5 13.0 26.0 52.0 600
Height with cap mm 605 960 970 1670 2120 long
Outer dia. mm 140 140 204 204 770
Tare with cap kg 9 14 29 48 460
Test pressure bar 300 300 300 250 70

Valve connection W 21.8 x 1 / 14“

DIN 477 / 6

This side-connection piece is protected

from contamination and damage by a
hexagon cap nut. The screw-on safety
cap protects the valve from mechanical
damage and contamination. To avoid any
backflow of other gases, SF6 pressurised
gas packaging should never be emptied Fig. 42 Tube trailer for SF6
so far that a partial vacuum develops. The
valve must be closed immediately after
the packaging has been emptied. Please
return empty packaging in a suitable con-
dition for refilling.

Send them to:

Solvay Fluor GmbH
Carl-Ulrich-Straße 34
D-74206 Bad Wimpfen am Neckar

Railway station:
Bad Friedrichshall-Jagstfeld

41 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

The Responsible Care

Programme for SF6

SF6 – a reusable years of experience. The practical side of

this approach is illustrated by the follow-
commodity ing diagram.
SF6 is a user-friendly product which be- As an additional service, an analysis can
sides its many other positive characteristics be conducted on your used SF6 gas. De-
can be recycled as well. This is increasingly tailed information can be found in the
the important, particularly today. brochure “Analysis of Used SF6”.
This is why Solvay Fluor GmbH together You will find further information in the
with the producer of SF6 maintenance brochure “Concept of Reuse of Used SF6
equipment DILO Armaturen und Anlagen gas”, available upon request.
GmbH developed a common concept for
the re-use of SF6, based on many

Sulphur Hexafluoride 42
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Transport of used SF6

Transport by Road
40 l steel cylinders and 600 l high-capac-
ity containers (see Fig. 43) are available.
The pressurized containers are fitted with
a special stainless steel gas-cylinder valve,
external threaded port connection No. 8
(to DIN 477). This is necessary because
corrosive decomposition products could
be present.

In documents, the product has to be de-

clared as follows:

Liquefied gas mixture,

toxic, n.o.s.
(Sulphur Hexafluoride > 95 wt %,
Hydrogen Fluoride < 3 wt %,
Thionylfluoride < 2 wt %)


UN No.: 3308

Class: 2TC
Fig. 43 Packaging for used SF6
Danger label: 2.3 + 8
(for toxic, corrosive substances)

43 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Life cycle assessment studies for the use of SF6

in high and medium-voltage applications

Solvay Fluor GmbH, as a producer of SF6 With respect to the Kyoto Protocol, ing all the relevant environmental criteria
and the manufacturers and operators of switchgear manufacturers, operators and in connection with the use of SF6 in the
SF6 switchgear take the ecological issues SF6 producers saw the necessity of go- power generation industry. Criteria for
associated with the use of this product ing one step further with regard to their this comparison include the potential
very seriously. Because of this, switchgear product responsibility. For the first time, environmental effects, primary energy
manufacturers, power generation compa- they quantified the environmental profile requirements, space requirements, global
nies, trade associations and Solvay Fluor of the use of SF6 as an insulating and arc- warming potential, acidification potential
und Derivate established an SF6 ReUse quenching medium in high and medium- and nutrification potential.
Concept several years ago, which meets voltage circuit breakers and switchgear by
The life cycle assessments were performed
the basic requirements for the implemen- means of life cycle assessments.
according to the ISO 14040–43 standards
tation of a closed product cycle for the
One of the main reasons behind this was by a working group including scientists
majority of SF6 in use.
the need to get away from the prevailing, and other stakeholders, as well as a
one-sided focus on the substance-related critical review by an external, independent
global warming potential of SF6 by analys- verifier from TÜV NORD CERT.

Life cycle assessment study for SF6

in high-voltage applications
„Power supply using SF6 technology“
The study was carried out as a joint In the study, conventional and SF6 tech- grid variants (blue bar = AIS variant, green
project by ABB, PreussenElektra Netz, nologies were compared on a switch pan- bar = GIS / SF6 variant). Increasing the sup-
RWE Energie, Siemens and Solvay Fluor el level. The study also compared urban ply to the grid by around 50 per cent (that
und Derivate and relates to conditions in power supplies using air-insulated and SF6 is, improving grid capacity utilisation) led
Germany. gas-insulated switchgear with no change to a further reduction for the parameters
in the quality of the supply. of primary energy requirements, global
warming potential (GWP), acidification
The use of GIS switchgear in the public
potential (AP) and nutrification potential
grid reduced all the potential environmen-
(NP) of around 5 per cent in each case as
tal effects that were investigated. Figure
a result of the SF6 technology.
44 shows the relative potential environ-
mental effects in the first year of using the

Fluor und Derivate

Fig. 44 Potential environmental effects

for SF6 in high-voltage applications
for AIS and GIS

Sulphur Hexafluoride 44
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Life cycle assessment study for SF6

in medium-voltage applications
„SF6 GIS technology in energy distribution“
The study was commissioned as a joint customer substations. The data included
project by ABB, AREVA T&D (formerly electrical key figures (in particular ohmic
ALSTOM), SIEMENS, EnBW, E.ON Hanse, loss), material data from disassembly analy-
RWE and Solvay Fluor und Derivate. ses as well as load ratios and life times.

During the study, data was gathered for To determine the quantity structures, the
a representative mix of medium-voltage systems were examined at both a grid and
switchgear: transformer stations, ring- a switchgear level.
main units (RMU, network stations) and

Grid level – contribution of the public grid to the Fluor und Derivate
greenhouse effect
When the contribution made by distribu- ohmic losses in cables, transmission lines
tion grids to the greenhouse effect (Glob- and transformers (Fig. 45). At present, SF6
al Warming Potential, GWP) in Germany emissions from medium-voltage switch-
is analysed, it can be seen that by far the gear contribute less than 0.005 % to the
greatest share of this can be attributed to greenhouse effect in Germany.

Fig. 45 Observation of the total global warming potential (GWP) of a representative urban grid

45 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Switchgear level – comparison between AIS and

GIS technologies
Analysis of the switchgear level in figure noticeable climatic protection potential it
46 comparing air-insulated (AIS) and SF6 would appear that load flow management
insulated technologies, illustrates the in grids is a further way of optimising
advantages of the SF6 GIS technology switchgear design.
with regard to primary energy require-
In principle, the results of this life cycle
ments, acidification potential (acid rain),
assessment could be transferred to other
nutrification potential (over-fertilisation of
European countries. A sensitivity analy-
waterways) and global warming potential
sis shows that the selection of primary
(GWP). It was shown that the determining
energy carriers used for electricity gen-
factors impacting on the greenhouse ef-
eration (as the most significant regional
fect are in fact the load ratios in the grid
impacting factor) only has minor effects
and the switchgear. The current trend
on the results.
towards higher capacity utilisation of the
grids increases the advantages of SF6 -in-
sulated switchgear. Thus, to develop any

Fig. 46 Overview of the environmental categories that were examined in the study
at switchgear level.

Summary of life cycle assessment studies

The use of SF6 technology provides eco- A narrow-based environmental study fo-
logical advantages compared with the use cussed exclusively on the global warming
of SF6 -free switchgear and equipment. potential of SF6 is not sufficient to provide
One condition for this is that GIS switch- an ecological assessment of the use of SF6
gear guaranteing the corresponding low in high and medium-voltage technologies.
SF6 emissions is used, and on the other As a result of the life cycle assessments
hand, it is important that the SF6 ReUse that were carried out, it can be seen that
concept for a closed SF6 cycle is applied bans and application restrictions on the
consistently. use of SF6 -insulated high and medium-
voltage switchgear cannot be justified
from an ecological point of view.

Sulphur Hexafluoride 46
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Product stewardship for SF6

Solvay Fluor – well known as a global sup- Solvay Fluor GmbH is the only company
plier of new SF6 gas according to IEC 376 worldwide delivering such a complete
– cares for the environment. We are your range, to fullfil the requirements of the
partner for the SF6 ReUse concept and full responsible care programme.
technical services.
For further information, please refer to
our SF6 ReUse Folder.
The SF6 ReUse concept of Solvay Fluor
GmbH includes:

 environmental consulting
 analytical services of used SF6
 packaging and transport
of used SF6
 reclaiming of used SF6

47 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH

Fluorine compounds from Solvay Fluor GmbH

Professional Fluorochemistry
Solvay Fluor – the name of the inter-na- Solvay Fluor stands for a professional
tional Solvay Group‘s globallyactive Stra- team of outstanding chemists and sales
tegic Business Unit Fluoro-chemicals – is personal, all committed to the best in
made up of many committed companies fluorochemistry. It is a name synonymous
and 11 production operations, including with powerful application technologies,
a fluorsparmine: Together with our sister prepared to take on any challenge, seek-
company, Solvay Solexis, Italy (fluorine ing to solve the problem at hand in close
materials: polymers, elastomers, fluids) consultation with the client. It also means
we ranksecond worldwide in these grow- an unusually broad range of fluoro-com-
ing markets. Our structure is targeted at pounds and specialties, produced at 11
providing rapid and flexible responses to locations worldwide. Solvay Fluor is the
the demands of a global market – for the only company offering a full range of
benefit of our clients. fluor products using fluorspar sourced

Sulphur Hexafluoride 48
Solvay Fluor GmbH

The product range includes both organic

and inorganic compounds:

Fluoro Compounds Inorganic Fluorides Specialty Fluorine

■ Solkane® hydrofluoroalkanes ■ Hydrofluoric acid
Solkane® 22 ■ Hydrofluoric acid semigrade ■ Fluorine (F2)
Solkane® 23 ■ Aluminium fluoride hydrate ■ Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
Solkane® 123 ■ Ammonium fluoride semigrade ■ Iodine pentafluoride (IF5)
Solkane® 124 ■ Ammonium hydrogen fluoride ■ Ammonium fluorideelectronic
Solkane® 125 ■ Barium fluoride
■ Hydrofluoric acid electronic grade
Solkane® 134a ■ Calcium fluoride
■ Sifren® (C4F6)
Solkane® 141b ■ Fluoroboric acid
■ Sulphuryl fluoride
Solkane® 142b ■ Potassium fluoroaluminate
Solkane® 22/142b blends ■ Potassium hydrogen fluoride
Solkane® 143a ■ Potassium fluoride solution Intermediates
Solkane® 152a ■ Potassium fluoroborate
■ Trifluoroacetic acid
Solkane® 404A* ■ Potassium cryolite
■ Trifluoroacetic acid anhydride
Solkane® 407C* ■ Synthetic cryolite
■ Trifluoroacetyl chloride
Solkane® 410* ■ Lithium cryolite
■ Trifluoroacetic acid ethyl ester
Solkane® 507 ■ Sodium fluoride
■ Trifluoroacetic acid ethyl ester
Solkane® 227 ■ Sodium hydrogen fluoride
■ Trifluoroethanol
Solkane® 365mfc* ■ KaCeflux
■ Trifluoroacetone
Solkane® 365mfc/227blends ■ NOCOLOK® brazing flux
■ CF2-products
Solkane® 134a pharma
Solkane® 227 pharma Fire Extinguishing Agents
■ IXOL® B251
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49 Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay Fluor GmbH


[1] IMA Technical Commitee Report [10] G. Frind, Z. Angew. Physik 12 (1960) [19] J. W. Frühling und D. J. Hanawalt,
„Recommended practices for conser- 5, 231-37 Mod. Cast. 56, U 969 Nr. 2 (1969)
vation of sulfurhexafluoride in 159-64
[11] T. Milek, Sulfur Hexafluoride-
magnesium melting operations“
Data Sheets DS 140. Air force [20] W. Becher u. J. Massonne,
[2] M. Colditz, Chem.-lng.-Techn. 19 systems command Contr. AF 33 Elektrotechn. Zeitschr. A 91 (1970)
(1972) 1116-1120 (615)-1235 (Oct. 1964) AD 607 949 11, 605-10

[3] K. K. Maggon, Medical uses of [12] Dampftafel für SF6, Kali-Chemie AG, [21] H. R. Sheppard, Insulation,
sulphur hexafluoride, (Review 1979 (Mai 1962) 21-25
Article) Drugs of the Future 1994,
[13] VDI Wärmeatlas, 7. Auflage
19(12): 1101-1107
[14] J. T. Asthon u. a.,
[4] W. M. Hickam u. R. E. Fox,
J. Chem. Soc. (A) 1968,1793-96
J. Chem. Phys. 25 (1956) 4, 642-47
[15] Vanderkool, AIEE Feb. 1-6 (1959),
[5] D. Berg, J. Chem. Phys. 31 (1959)
Paper No. CP 59-258
[16] A. Eucken und E. Schröder,
[6] E. Steiniger, Dissertation
Z. Phys. Chem. B 41 (1933) 307-19
TU Berlin 1964
[17] P. A. G. O’Mare, J. C. Bettle und
[7] A. Hartig, Beiheft 3 der Elektrotechn.
W. N. Hubbard, Trans Faraday,
Zeitschrift, 1966
Soc. 62C196W558
[8] Electra 32 (Jan. 1974) 61-82
[18] M. Trautz, K. Ehrmann,
[9] J. W. Gibson u. E. F. Miller, J. prakt.Chem. 142 (1935)
J. Elektrochem. Soc. 100 79-124
(1953) 265-71

Further publications about SF6

by Solvay Fluor

 SF6 ReUse Informationen  „Life Cycle Assessment Electricity  „Das SF6 -ReUse-Konzept als Beispiel
Supply Using SF6 -Technology“; weltweiter Produktverantwortlichkeit“;
 Ökobilanz Hochspannung „Stromver-
Preissegger, Dürschner, Klotz, Jannick et. al.; Internationaler ETG
sorgung unter Nutzung der SF6 -Tech-
Krähling, Neumann, Zahn; Kongress 2003; S. 35-39
nologie“; 1998
IPCC 2nd International Symposium on
 Ökobilanz Mittelspannung „SF6 -GIS-
 „SF6 ReUse Concept and New NON-CO2 Greenhouse Gases; 1999
Technologie in der Energieversor-
Applications“; Pittroff, Schütte, Meier;
 „Separation of SF6 / N2 Mixtures“; gung“; 2003
8th Int. Symp. On Gaseous Dielectrics;
Pittroff; 2nd European Conference of
1998 p. 465–470  „Introduction of a Newly Developed
Industrial Electrical Equipment and
Purification Process for Used SF6 From
Environment; 2000
Electrical Equipment“, Jannick et. al.;
10th Int. Symp. On Gaseous
Dielectrics; 2004

Sulphur Hexafluoride 50
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