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VPN with Overlapping


VPN with Overlapping

When connecting two sites together using a Virtual Private Network (VPN),
a common issue that is encountered is trying to build a VPN with
overlapping networks — where both sites happen to use the same Private
IP addresses.

In such cases, hosts on one side of the VPN tunnel will be unable to
communicate with the hosts on the other.

The problem can be circumvented, however, with clever use of Network

Address Translation.

VPN Overlapping Networks: The Problem

In the example below, there are two sites – Seattle and Denver – connected
with a VPN tunnel between R1 and R2. Both Seattle and Denver are using for their internal network.

Host A in Seattle ( ) needs to speak to Host D in Denver

( ).

Since Host A is configured with the IP , Host A believes that

every IP address in the range of – exists on its own
local network in Seattle. Therefore, if Host A attempts to send a packet to , it will not send the packet to the Router.

Host D will have the same problem, Host D is configured with the IP and also believes that the range –
exists on its own local network in Denver. Therefore, any packet Host D
sends to the IP will be sent to the local network, and not to the

If the packets are not sent to the Router, then the Routers are unable to
forward them through the VPN tunnel to the other side. As a result, because
of the overlapping networks, neither side will be able to speak to the other.

VPN Overlapping Networks: The Solution

The solution to the problem is to convince each host that the other host is
on a foreign network. That would cause them to send packets to the Router,
which can then send them through the VPN tunnel.

This will be attained by making the Seattle network appear as when speaking to Denver, and making the Denver network
appear as when speaking to Seattle.
There are two ways of deploying Network Address Translation to facilitate
this solution, one involves a NAT configuration on both routers, the other a
NAT configuration on one router.

This article uses Routers as the device’s performing NAT. Many other
devices can also perform NAT and the concepts described will still apply.

Solution #1 – Policy NAT on Both Sides

The first solution involves using Policy NAT on both routers to mask their
internal network when speaking to the opposite side. Recall that a Policy
NAT is a type of NAT that involves making a translation decision based upon
matching both the source and destination address.

R1’s Policy NAT configuration will match packets with a Source IP of (Seattle’s actual network) and a Destination IP of (Denver’s masked network), and translate the Source IP to
the network (Seattle’s masked network).

R2’s Policy NAT configuration will match packets with a Source IP of (Denver’s actual network) and a Destination IP of (Seattle’s masked network), and translate the Source IP to
the network (Denver’s masked network).

In this way, R1 is masking the Seattle network as , and R2 is masking the Denver network as .
When Host A sends a packet to Host D, the source IP will be
and the destination IP will be – an IP address in a foreign
network. Host A will send this packet to R1, who will change the Source IP
to in accordance with R1’s Policy NAT configuration.

The same will occur when Host D sends a packet to Host A – the packet will
have a source of and a destination of . This packet
will be sent to R2, who will translate the source IP to .

Inside the VPN tunnel, the packets will be appear as if the 10.1.1.x
network is speaking to the 10.2.2.x network.

When each hosts’ packet arrives at the opposite router, the router will un-
translate the destination address back to the appropriate IP address:

R2 will un-translate the destination IP of the blue packet from

to and send the packet to Host D.

R1 will un-translate the destination IP of the red packet from to and send the packet to Host A.

This will enable hosts in Seattle and hosts in Denver to speak to each other,
despite both sites having IP addresses in overlapping networks.
The whole process can be seen in the illustration below. This is, essentially,
a combination of both images above, with the translations each router is
responsible for highlighted:

Solution #2 – Policy Twice NAT on One side

Solution #1 requires both Routers to configure a Policy NAT. However, there

are times when the NAT Device on one side does not support a Policy NAT
configuration. In those cases, all the address translation will have to occur
on a single device. Which brings us to Solution #2.

Solution #2 will still involve a Policy NAT – making a NAT decision based
upon the Source and Destination. In addition, Solution #2 will also involve a
Twice NAT – translating both the Source and Destination. Combined,
Solution #2 will require Policy Twice NAT configuration.

Solution #2 will still solve the overlapping networks problem in the same
way – by convincing the local site that the opposite site is on a foreign
network. The only difference is Solution #2 will attain this effect by
deploying address translation on only one router.

Once again, the goal will be to make the Seattle network appear as when speaking to Denver, and make the Denver network
appear as when speaking to Seattle.
Since Host A (in Seattle) considers Denver as , R1 must be
configured with a Policy NAT that matches traffic with a Source of and a destination of .

For matched traffic, the source will be translated from to (making Seattle appear as the network).
Additionally, the destination will be translated from to (to allow the packet’s to be successfully delivered to
Denver’s true network).

On the way back, when Host D is responding, the packet will have a source
of and a destination of . The packet will be sent to
R2, which will forward it through the VPN tunnel. Upon arriving at R1, R1
will un-translate the packet:

The source IP of will be translated to (making

Denver appear as the network), and the destination IP of will be translated to (to allow the response packet
to be successfully delivered to Seattle’s true network).

In this way, we can use a single Policy Twice NAT on one side of the VPN
tunnel to mimic the behavior of using a Policy NAT on both sides outlined in
Solution #1.
In the end, both solutions above accomplished the same goal: they made it
seem like the IP networks on either side of the VPN tunnel were unique, and
did not overlap.

Of course, the ideal situation would be for both sides of the VPN tunnel to
actually have unique IP networks. But failing that, the solutions above
provide a practical work around.

Comparing the two solutions, Solution #1 is cleaner, and most likely to lend
itself to simpler troubleshooting and debugging in the future. Both sides of
the VPN tunnel are equally contributing to the overall solution.

Solution #2, while viable, should be reserved only for cases where both
sides are unable to or unwilling to configure a Policy NAT.

Either way, solving the problem of overlapping networks on a VPN simply

involves using two tools in the Network Address Translation arsenal: Policy
NAT and Twice NAT.

Related Posts:

Policy NAT and FLSM and VLSM

Dynamic NAT Twice NAT Why NAT? – Part 2


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44 COMMENTS   Oldest 

Tim Kowalski
 5 years ago

Hello Ed,

Thank you for the excellent explanation on how to solve an issue like this. I have
included an example of how your Solution #2 would look on a Cisco device. Is
this correct?




nat (inside,outside) source static SeattleInside Seatle2Denver destination static
ToDenver DenverInisde

Thanks again!!

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Tim Kowalski  5 years ago

Yeap, looks right to me! You’re configuring a Policy, Twice NAT on a Cisco
ASA running 8.4+ code.

0 Reply

 5 years ago

Hej Ed,

You are gem in explaining and depicting the network diagrams to clearly focus on
the subject, there is always a pleasure reading your posts. Thumps Up!

A gentle request to add the NAT configurations further emphasis the

understanding this concept.

Cheers, Tech Kludge

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to techkludge  5 years ago

Hi techkludge,

I wanted this article to apply to all vendors, so opted intentionally to avoid

any specific configuration.

Hopefully though, there is enough details in the article and in this Cisco ASA
NAT configuration guide or Cisco IOS Router NAT configuration guide that
readers can put together the relevant NAT commands themselves. =)
Thank you for the kind words.

1 Reply

Jai Hind
 5 years ago

Good work.
May I know which tool do you use for drawing those topology diagrams?

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Jai Hind  5 years ago

Hi Jai, Thank you! I use PowerPoint for all my illustrations. It isn’t the best
tool, but I’ve gotten pretty accustomed to using it.

0 Reply

 5 years ago

Hi Ed,
Your websirte is a treasure for me. Thanks for the great explanations.

I do understand the whole NAT-ting process, However I still don’t get how does
the computers in seattle know that they should use the to reach
Denver (and vice versa) ?
Is this achieved through a DNS manipulation ?


0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Ibrahima  5 years ago

Hi Ibrahima, glad you enjoyed the content =).

That part is somewhat abstracted from this process. Maybe it’s DNS. Maybe
it’s the users in Seattle manually typing “ping 10.2.2.x” (or SSH, or RDP, or
etc…). Maybe it’s something else. One way or another, the NAT
configurations above would simply enable connectivity between the IP
subnets. How the user utilizes that connectivity is an entirely different
problem to solve.

Hope this helps =)

0 Reply

 4 years ago

Hello Ed,

Thank your very much for your article. However I’m not quite sure to understand
this part in the #1 solution :

R2 will un-translate the destination IP of the blue packet from to and send the packet to Host D.

How the router is able to know that the destination adress must be translated ?
It only has a Nat rule to translate the source adresse no ?
Thanks for you help.

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to FXG  4 years ago

Hi FXG. Glad you liked the article.

The NAT configuration on R2 does this:

R2’s Policy NAT configuration will match packets with a Source IP of (Denver’s actual network) and a Destination IP of (Seattle’s masked network), and translate the Source IP
to the network (Denver’s masked network).

Notice the configuration translates the source of outbound packets, from to

For inbound packets, the reverse happens: the destination is translated from back to, hence — untranslated from the outbound

Remember, Static NAT is Bidirectional, which means even if the packet

wasn’t initiated from an internal host, the “un-translation” will still occur.

0 Reply

Georg Pauwen
 3 years ago


great article. How does the routing work ? If I ping a remote address that
overlaps with a local address, the router will never know it is a remote address,
unless you ping the DNS name associated with the other side, is that the right
assumption to make

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Georg Pauwen  3 years ago

Hi Georg. That is exactly why you need to mask the other side to so it
appears as a different network to the local side. In each example above,
Seattle thinks Denver is the network, even though Denver is
actually the network.

0 Reply

 3 years ago

Best ever explanation on vpn concept with NAT. Thank you for your effort on
emphasizing on each and every major point.

0 Reply
Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Richa  3 years ago

Thank you for the kind words, Richa =)

0 Reply

 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for this guidance.

But can you please fix my problem in my network, i try my best to explain it to

Main Office with 1 ip Public to mikrotik that have local ip

second Office with IPsec VPN with local ip
i can ping to second Office without any problem prom all local ip Main Office

here is the problem:

since now we have situation (COVID19)
half my people working from home using their home internet.
some of those need to access Second Office local network ip
so i try to setup new VPN connection for those peoples.
1st i try PPTP ( directly to my mikrotik, the result is i only able to
ping my VPN gateway, cant ping my main mikrotik gateway
(from also cant ping to Second Office ip
2nd i try using OpenVPN also directly to my mikrotik with all the certificate and
user. But i have same result, cant ping my main mikrotik gateway (from also cant ping to Second Office ip

i already try to create NAT but still no clue whats happend.

sorry for my bad english.
and Thank you in advance for the help.


0 Reply
Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Oshie  3 years ago

This doesn’t sound like an Overlapping Networks problem. Sounds like a

Hairpinning and VPN problem. I’d encourage you to contact your support
vendor or use public help forums like Reddit or Spiceworks.

0 Reply

yasir ilyas
 3 years ago

Good article. helped me a lot. I have one question though . I am assuming but
wanted to confirm.
So when traffic sourced out of Seattle with Src ip of I am assuming
Seattle network will somehow advertise that src subnet within Seattle network
may be a null route and redistribute internally with igp or ibgp etc. So the return
traffic is delivered back to this Seattle headend router?

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to yasir ilyas  3 years ago

Yes. The Routers in Seattle will have to know about and advertise
knowledge of the 10.2.2.x network. Once the traffic gets to the
Headend/VPN Router, it can do the NAT necessary to get it to Denver.

0 Reply

 3 years ago

In both the case, what will be the VPN Encryption Domain ACL/ Intresting traffic
ACL through the VPN is ???
It will be 10.1.1.x/24 and 10.2.2.x/24 on R1 and on R2 vice versa if im not wrong.

0 Reply
Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Sajesh  3 years ago

It’s going to differ for each device and vendor, some interpret the Encryption
Domain (or Proxy IDs) before translation, and some do it after translation. So
I can only speak to the devices I’ve had experience with, and for those
devices the Encryption Domain will typically match the traffic as it appears
inside the tunnel ( <-->

0 Reply

Dan Joe
 3 years ago

Hi This is very helpful. Can you elaborate if it is possible for the following
scenario for the Solution #2?

Currently your example is using two /24 subnets to mask the source IP for both
the West and East endpoints. The Seattle sees Denver as 10.2.2.x/24 and
Denver sees Seattle as 10.1.1.x/24.

Can the same configuration for solution #2 be accomplished using a single

shared /24 subnet? Or this is only possible to use two subnets?

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Dan Joe  3 years ago

Interesting question. Do you mean something like a dedicated subnet that

always represents “the other side”. Meaning Seattle and Denver both see the
other side as

If so, the honest answer is I don’t know. I don’t think anything would stop
you from configuring the NAT in that way, but I’m wondering if you’ll confuse
the Router/Firewall, since now a single subnet exists in two locations?

0 Reply

 3 years ago

This fine explanation for fine theory, thank you

I am trying to lab this example in GNS3 with R1 and R2 as IOSv Software (VIOS-
ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.6(1)T
and i dont succeed
Could you clarify with the NAT commands to help me

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Dom ROSS  3 years ago

You’re welcome.

For NAT configuration instructions on Cisco Routers, I would point you to this

Although, what you would need is instructions on a Policy NAT, which I’ve
only published in my Cisco IOS NAT Course.

0 Reply

 Reply to Ed Harmoush  3 years ago

should i find in the course the configuration commands (with IOS) for
this example ?

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Dom ROSS  3 years ago

Yes. =)
0 Reply

 3 years ago

Hi Ed,

Thank you for the explanation. I don’t understand one thing. I want to migrate
VMs from Site A to Site B without changing any IP configurations on them. WHat
will happen if I move the DC to Site B, how will the VMs from Site A
communicate with it? As it is the same subnet…

Thank you!

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to sahara101  3 years ago

By default they won’t. A computer will only send something to the

Router/Default Gateway if what it’s trying to speak to is on a foreign
network. That is why you need the address translation described above.

0 Reply

 Reply to Ed Harmoush  3 years ago

Thank you, so we are better off creating new network on one side and
migrate all machines at once.

0 Reply

Girish P
 3 years ago

Hello, Great Explanation, very useful.

I have a question, for the masked networks we have to provide routing in routers
right!! for the packet to be delivered to other side of the peer ??
0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Girish P  3 years ago

Yes. Of course =)

0 Reply

Muhammad Kashif Minhas

 3 years ago

I have two subnets both on same network ( behind two
ubuntu server devices. how I gave NAT to these devices to look that these
subnets are on different networks.
My configuration is under:

0 Reply

Muhammad Kashif Minhas

 Reply to Muhammad Kashif Minhas  3 years ago

UbuuntuS2 has IP of (

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Muhammad Kashif Minhas  3 years ago

I’m not familiar with ubuntu NAT configuration. I’m afraid I can not help you.
The article is meant to speak to the concepts, not the actual configuration.

0 Reply

Cesar Sindoni
 2 years ago
Question, it seems this is happening between predeterminate locations…what
about users trying to access a site from multiple locations, Is there any way to
change the settings on their computers so they are able to login via VPN?, as I
understand, NAT has to be configured from both sides, but I am talking about
users at home. Its admirable that you reach the point to explain this process in
such details. Your efforts are appreciated!

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Cesar Sindoni  2 years ago

Often it’s easier to simply change the IP address assigned to VPN clients so
it doesn’t overlap with their home network, or a foreign VPN network.

0 Reply

Jeff Rozar
 2 years ago

Can anyone show or know how to setup DNS for this configuration to get it to

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author

 Reply to Jeff Rozar  2 years ago

What do you mean? Perhaps post the question on Discord:

0 Reply
 2 years ago

VxLAN is a best approach to this topology

0 Reply

 1 year ago

Hello Ed Harmoush,

Is Solution #2 (Policy Twice NAT on One side) for overlapping networks is

possible with Cisco CSR Router? if so could you please help me with sample

I watched all your videos including Twice NAT on IOS router but
couldn’t configure it. If you provider sample configuration based on above image
that would be helpful.
Thank you!

0 Reply

 1 year ago

Hi Ed,
Thanks for explaining the need of NAT in Site-to-Site VPN configuration. I have a
situation where there might be a problem utilizing NAT for VPN configuration
and I need your advise on that.

Taking reference from the example network used in blog, lets suppose both
PC”A” and PC”D” wants to transfer data using some protocol where only their
original IP address can be used (not the translated one) to address the Host.
How in that scenario, they would be able to communicate?

0 Reply

Ed Harmoush Author
 Reply to Farrukh  1 year ago

They cannot.

IP was meant to uniquely identify every device on the Internet. RFC1918

allowed the re-use of IP space (10.x, for instance) which “broke” the original
intent of IP that every device has a unique address. Hence, we play games
with NAT to make it look like pcA and pcB are speaking to IP addresses in
foreign networks.

Short of other such work arounds, two devices physically sitting in foreign
networks, but sharing IP space cannot communicate.

0 Reply

 Reply to Ed Harmoush  1 year ago

Thanks Ed for the reply.

Let’s say PC”A” (eg. and PC”B” (eg.
wants to communicate over VPN tunnel but they are sharing same
subnet mask ( In this case, is this possible to avoid
NAT and use some other means to have communication?

0 Reply

 1 year ago

try some vpn of this list

0 Reply
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