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School: Quiz N°: 5 Units: 1-5 Student: N°:

Teacher: Type: Reading, Language & Writing Class: Common Core

Date: Semester: 1 Duration: 1 hour Mark: …….… /20


Mary is 65. Her husband, Paul, is 68. She's retired. She doesn't work. Paul is retired too. Paul usually
goes out and buys the newspaper and reads it in the morning with his breakfast. He has toast and tea. Mary
often has cereal and coffee. Sometimes Paul watches the news on TV but Mary never watches TV in the
morning. Paul has a nice garden and sometimes works in it.
Mary has a lot of hobbies. In the morning she sometimes paints and she sometimes goes to French
lessons. Sometimes they watch TV in the afternoon. They like TV game shows. In the evening they have
dinner at seven-thirty and Mary sometimes drinks a glass of wine. Paul never drinks it but he sometimes
drinks beer. They never eat pizza because they don't like Italian food. They usually eat English food. They
never go out in the evening. They watch TV or play cards.

I. Comprehension (7 points)
A. Answer the following questions from the text: (3 pts)
1. What language does Mary study?
2. When do Paul and Mary have dinner?
3. What does Mary have for breakfast?

B. Are these statements true or false? Justify. (3 pts)

1. Paul has a beautiful garden.
2. Paul and Mary have dinner at eight in the evening.
3. Mary has got a job.

C. What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1 pt)

1. He (paragraph 1): ............................................
2. It (paragraph 2): ............................................
II. Language (6 points) 2/2
A. Give the correct form of the bracketed words. (2 pts)
1. Silk Jackets are (attractive) ……………………….………….wool ones.
2. Cotton gloves are (cheap) ……………..…….………….….. leather ones.

B. Fill in the blanks with: much; many; some (2 pts)

1. James: How ……………………….. school subjects do you study, Latifa?
Latifa: Eight subjects.
2. Joe: Would you like …………………………. tea?
Aziz: Yes, please.
C. Write the verbs in present simple or continuous. (2 pts)
1. Peter usually (to listen) …………………………….. to music.
2. Saida (to watch) …………………………….. TV at the moment.

III. Writing (7 pts)

Complete the following dialogue.
1. A: …………………………………………………………………….…………….…., please?
B: Jonathan Edwards.
2. A: ……………………………………………………….……………………………….….…?
B: I am a doctor.
3. A: ……………………………………………………………………………………….……..?
B: I’m British.
4. A: ……..………………………………………………………………….……………………?
B: I’m 36.
5. A: ……………………………….………………………………………………..……………?
B: No, I’m single.
6. A: ……………………………………………………………………...………………………?
B: 149, The regency Avenue, New York.
7. A: ……………………………………………………………………..………………………?
B: Yes, I like it. And my favourite is football.
Quiz Plan
1. General information

School: Quiz N°: 2 Units: 1- 5 N° of Exercises:

Teacher: Type: Reading, Language & Writing Class: Common Core
Date: Semester: 1 Duration: 1 hour Mark: …….… /20

2. Objectives:
- Assess students’ ability to skim, scan and locate referents .
- Asses students’ ability to use quantifiers, comparatives and tenses(present simple and continuous)
- Assess students’ ability to complete a conversation.

3. Exercises:
- Number of exercises: 7
- Number of items: 15
- Type: Integrative, receptive and productive exercises.
- Techniques: T/F, comprehension questions, locate referents, fill-in the gaps, dialogue completion.
- Level of difficulty: medium
- Marking for each exercise:
I. 7 marks (A- 3pts, B- 3 pts, C- 1 pts) ; II. 6 marks (A- 2pts, B- 2pts, C- 2pts) ; III. 7 marks

4. Quiz answer key:

I. Reading comprehension
A. 1. She studies French. ; 2. They have dinner at seven-thirty. ; 3. She often has cereal and coffee.
B. 1. True. Paul has a nice garden.
2. False. They have dinner at seven-thirty.
3. False. She is retired. She doesn’t work.
C. 1. Paul ; 2. a glass of wine.

II. Language
A. 1. more attractive than ;2. cheaper than.
B. 1. many; 2. some.
C. 1. Listens ; 2. is watching.

III. Writing
1. What’s your name?
2. What do you do?
3. Where are you from?
4. How old are you?
5. Are you married?
6. What’s your address?
7. Do you like sport?

5. After the quiz:

- Correction date:
- Comments on the quiz:
- Comments on students’ marks:
- Remedial work:

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