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Research Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2018, Vol. 10(6) 1–9
Ó The Author(s) 2018
Analyze the characteristics of DOI: 10.1177/1687814018782013
electro-hydraulic servo system’s
position-pressure master-slave control

Heyong Han1 , Yuan Liu1, Lifeng Ma1, Zhiqi Liu1 and Long Quan2

For electro-hydraulic system of large flow and overloading, established position and pressure closed-loop control in
accordance with the conventional hydraulic servo system theory that system control algorithm is complicated and diffi-
cult to implement. This article presents a method which gives priority to position closed-loop control and establishes
the corresponding relation between pressure of hydraulic cylinder and load by collecting the pressure signal from rear
cavity and rod cavity of hydraulic cylinder; meanwhile, applied position-pressure conversion formula will turn dynamic
pressure signal into position signal and compensate the transformed position signal to the master position closed loop
of the electro-hydraulic servo system which could achieve the position-pressure master-slave control. The simulation
results show that the control method is correct, effective, and feasible. The results indicate that the method can achieve
online converting between position and pressure which are different variables and improve the response speed and con-
trol precision of the system.

Hydraulic transmission and control system, electro-hydraulic servo system, position-pressure master-slave control, con-
version equation, hydraulic

Date received: 11 July 2017; accepted: 14 May 2018

Handling Editor: Farzad Ebrahimi

Introduction the pressure closed-loop structure are used, and the

pressure and position controllers will not affect each
Large-flow, heavy-load, and pressure-position electro- other. Asymmetrical valves control asymmetric cylin-
hydraulic servo system with the advantages of fast- ders is a trend, especially in large systems with large
response high control precision and high output power load changes and high system accuracy requirements,
is widely used in heavy-duty equipment. It is considered and the establishment of asymmetric servo valve con-
to be the most promising choice for modern industry trol servo cylinder models2,3 and asymmetric valve
and has become an indispensable control method in the
metallurgical industry, mechanical manufacturing, con- 1
Heavy Machinery Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of
struction machinery, and defense industries’ sophisti- Education, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan, P.R.
cated equipment. China
In order to improve the control precision of conven- 2
Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, P.R. China
tional electro-hydraulic servo systems for large-flow,
heavy-duty, high-precision, and multi-degree-of-free- Corresponding author:
Zhiqi Liu, Heavy Machinery Engineering Research Center of the Ministry
dom (DOF) in conventional metallurgical equipment. L of Education, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan
Quan et al.,1 based on the position and pressure con- 030024, P.R. China.
trol, conclude that only the closed-loop position and Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 1. Master-slave control theory diagram.

control asymmetric cylinder can improve the control order to achieve the simultaneous reasonable online
accuracy, reduce the requirements of the servo valve control between position and pressure in one process.
and the oil on the equipment, and reduce the use cost.4,5 In order to meet the above requirements, this article
At the same time, the influence of different algorithms proposed a position-pressure master-slave control
of proportional–integral–derivative (PID) adaptive method of electro-hydraulic servo system as shown in
fuzzy control on the control precision and the research Figure 1. The specific approach is that in the low pres-
of the function of adaptive fuzzy control on the system sure and a certain range, the system is only controlled
defect have been greatly developed.6–8 Zulfatman9 by position closed loop, which is due to electro-
applied PID controllers to the identification of indus- hydraulic servo valve opening range and closed-loop
trial hydraulic drive systems to improve the control gain value of the entire electro-hydraulic control system
accuracy of electro-hydraulic servo systems. JB Lei are large, and the response of the whole system is rela-
et al.10 studied the proposed sliding-mode controller tively stable in a situation of position closed-loop con-
over a PID controller when the load varies within a cer- trol. When the pressure reaches a certain high-pressure
tain range. HY Han et al.11,12 proposed a new type of range, the corresponding relation between pressure of
composite link rolling shear and established the motion hydraulic cylinder and load by collecting the pressure
and balance equations to calculate the data of the signal of rear cavity and rod cavity of hydraulic cylin-
shearing mechanism’s motion curve and cylinder posi- der could be established, meanwhile applying position-
tion and pressure. YH Bai and L Quan.13 adopted a pressure conversion formula will turn dynamic pressure
dual-flow valve control scheme and specifically used a signal into a position signal, then, compensating the
fast-response servo valve for flow compensation. The transformed position signal to the master position
maximum dynamic error using this solution can be closed loop of the electro-hydraulic servo system to
reduced by 75%. G Shen et al.14,15 proposed a new con- achieve the position-pressure master-slave control. This
troller and hybrid controller combining offline designed method not only simplifies the control process but also
feedback controller (ODFC) and online adaptive com- guarantees the control precision and stability of the
pensator, which effectively improved the control accu- position and pressure at the same time to make the two
racy of the electro-hydraulic proportional system. With control variables of position and pressure reasonably in
the continuous development of technology and the con- the same control process to achieve the dynamic com-
tinuous improvement of the control precision require- pensation and coordination control.
ments, in the large-flow, heavy-load, high-precision,
and multi-DOF electro-hydraulic servo system should
not only ensure the position control accuracy but also Mathematical model of electro-hydraulic
solve the problem which high strength load to the sys- servo system
tem’s shock and the position deviation of the hydraulic
cylinder, while considering pressure deviation impact The simplified model of the common electro-hydraulic
on the equipment. This requires high-precision control servo system is shown in Figure 2, which includes pro-
of position meanwhile achieves precise control of pres- portional servo valve and asymmetric hydraulic cylin-
sure. The control mechanism has obvious difference der. The servo valve flow equation, hydraulic cylinder
between position closed-loop and pressure closed-loop, flow continuity equation, and the force-balance equa-
the control variable need to be converted and unified in tion of the hydraulic cylinder with load need to be
Han et al. 3

where Cd is flow coefficient; w1 is the valve orifice area

gradient; xv is the displacement of servo valve spool; ps
is the pressure of oil source of system; r is the density of
the hydraulic oil; Set l = A2 =A1 .
In order to better analyze and study the performance
of the leveler press control system formula (5) is linear-
ized, and based on the Tailor formula, a first-order
Tailor series expansion is performed near a certain
operating point qLO = f (xvO , pLO ), we get

∂qL ∂qL
qL = qLO + jO Dxv + jO DpL ð6Þ
∂xv ∂pL
Linearized equation of servo valve incremental form
is as follows

∂qL ∂qL
qL  qLO = DqL = jO Dxv + jO DpL ð7Þ
Figure 2. The servo valve control servo cylinder schematic. ∂xv ∂pL
deduced in order to deduce the mathematical model of ∂qL 2(ps  p1 )
Kq = = Cd w1 ð8Þ
electro-hydraulic servo system. ∂xv r(1 + l)
∂qL Cd w1 xv
Building the mathematical model of position master Kc = = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð9Þ
∂pL 2r(1 + l)(ps  p1 )
control of valve control cylinder
The flow equation of servo valve. When the servo valve where Kq is the flow gain of the valve; Kc is the flow-
control servo cylinder is stable, it satisfies the stable pressure coefficient of the valve.
equilibrium equation In order to simplify the operation equation (7), it can
be written as
p1 A1  p2 A2 = FL ð1Þ
qL = Kq xv  Kc pL ð10Þ
where p1 is the pressure of rear cavity of cylinder (Pa);
p2 is the pressure of rod cavity of cylinder (Pa); A1 is the The flow continuity equation of servo cylinder. In order to
effective action area of the rear cavity of the cylinder deduce the flow continuity equation of servo cylinder,
(mm2); A2 is the effective action area of the rod cavity of this article assumes that the ideal conditions are as fol-
the cylinder (mm2); and FL are the loads of cylinder (N). lows: the pipeline loss and the dynamics of the pipeline
The direction of piston rod of the servo cylinder can be neglected; the oil bulk modulus and the tem-
stretched out is a positive direction, the pressure of perature can be regarded as constants, the internal and
loads is pL , and the load-flow is qL . external leakage of servo cylinders are laminar flow.
From equation (1), we get Flow continuity equation of servo cylinder can be got
FL p1 A1  p2 A2 A2 dxp Vt dpL
pL = = = p1  p2 ð2Þ qL = A1 + Ctp pL + ð11Þ
A1 A1 A1 dt 2(1  l2 )be dt
For the cylinder, set l = A2 =A1 , hence we can get where xp is piston displacement; be is the comprehensive
bulk modulus of hydraulic oil, be = 1:0 3 109 N=m; Ctp
pL = p1  lp2 ð3Þ
is total leakage coefficient of servo cylinder as
The output power of the cylinder is
1+l 1
  Ctp = Cip + Cep ð12Þ
A2 1  l2 1  l2
N = p1 q1  p2 q2 = p1  p2 q1 = pL q1 ð4Þ
A1 where Cip is the internal leakage coefficient of the
hydraulic cylinder; Cep is the external leakage coeffi-
Then the load-flow is qL = q1 cient of the hydraulic cylinder.
2(ps  p1 )
qL = Cd w1 xv ð5Þ The equilibrium equation between servo cylinder and
r(1 + l) load. The dynamic characteristics of hydraulic power
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

component are affected by load characteristic. Load control between two different control variables easily
force generally includes an inertial force, viscous drag, and feasibly in the electro-hydraulic servo system mean-
the elastic force, and any external load force. while optimize the original control model so as to
The dynamic equilibrium equation of the cylinder achieve the better control effect. Pressure conversion
and loads is computation formula is as follows
d 2 xp dxp DX  Xt  Xt1 
A1 pL = mt 2 + Bp + Kxp + FL ð13Þ  
Kf =   =   ð18Þ
dt dt DP Pt  Pt1 
where mt is the mass piston and load converted to the
where Kf is pressure conversion formula; DP is the dif-
piston; Bp is the viscous damping coefficient of piston
ferential pressure signal of hydraulic cylinder by online
and loads; K is the spring stiffness of the loads, and FL
real-time measured between the adjacent time; DX is
are the loads.
the differential displacement signal of hydraulic cylin-
der by online real-time measured between the adjacent
The transfer function of servo valve control servo cylinder. By time periods; Xt is the displacement signal of hydraulic
using Laplace transform to the equations (10), (11), and cylinder at the time of t; Xt1 is the displacement signal
(13), we can get of hydraulic cylinder at the time of t–1; Pt is the pres-
sure signal of hydraulic cylinder at the time of t; Pt1
QL = Kq Xv  Kc PL ð14Þ the pressure signal of hydraulic cylinder at the time of
Vt t–1; and t is the time of detecting.
QL = A1 sXp + Ctp PL + sPL ð15Þ Set the load pressure FL as constant, after the load is
2(1  l2 )be
loaded, we get the equilibrium equation between servo
A1 PL = mt s2 Xp + Bp sXp + KXp + FL ð16Þ cylinder and load between t and t–1 according to the
formula (14) as follows
According to equations (14)–(16), we get the servo
cylinder piston displacement calculation formula (as A1 pt1 = mt at1 + Bp vt1 + Kxt1 + FL ð19Þ
shown below) under the action of the servo valve spool
displacement and load. A1 pt = mt at + Bp vt + Kxt + FL ð20Þ
At the same time, we get the transfer function of
master control of position as follows Set equation (20) minus equation (8), we can get

=  KKce 
Xv 1+ s s2
+ 2j0
vh v2 0
A1Xv  AKce2 1 + 2(1lV2 t)b K FL
Xp =  1
  e ce 
m t Vt Kce mt Vt Bp B K KVt KKce
2(1l2 )be A1 2
s3 + A1 2
+ 2(1l2 )b A 2 s + 1 + Ap 2ce + 2(1l2 )be A1 2
s+ A1 2
e 1 1

where vh is first-order frequency; v0 is second-order

natural frequency; and j0 is the damping ratio Xt  Xt1 A1 mt (at  at1 ) Bp (vt  vt1 )
=   ð21Þ
Pt  Pt1 K Pt  Pt1 Pt  Pt1
vh =   In the process of practical work, the change of accel-
1 + KK0
A2 eration and speed is very small during the time of Dt,
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffirffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi mt (at  at1 ) and Bp (vt  vt1 ) can be regarded as zero.
2(1  l2 )be A1 2 K Hence, in order to simplify the control process
v0 = 1+
V t mt K0 mt (at  at1 ) and Bp (vt  vt1 ) can be ignored, hence we
0 1
can get
1 @2(1  l2 )be Kc Bp A
j0 =   +
2v0 Vt 1 + K mt Xt  Xt1 A1
K0 Kf = = ð22Þ
Pt  Pt1 K
According to the position-pressure master-slave con-
Building the mathematical model of pressure valve
trol requirements of valve control cylinder electro-
control of valve control cylinder hydraulic servo control system, we get the main calcu-
This article defined a position-pressure conversion for- lation basis in the transformation control model, as is
mula expressed with Kf which can achieve unified shown in the following formula
Han et al. 5

Figure 3. The position and pressure master-slave control system block diagram.

(Pg  Pt ) 3 Kf (Pt  P0 ) Ui
Xz = ð23Þ Ki = ð26Þ
0 (Pt \P0 ) P
where Ki is the pressure sensor gain; Ui is the output
where Xz is displacement which is converted by pres-
voltage signal of the pressure sensor.
sure; P0 is set point when conversion is beginning; Pg is
the pressure signal that has been given; Pt is the pres-
sure signal at the time of t. The mathematical model of position-pressure
From equation (22) and (23), we get master-slave control
 Fg Ft According to the system components and the master-
Xz = (Pg  Pt ) 3 Kf = (Pg  Pt ) 3 K = K (Pt  P0 )
slave control principles, combined with the conversion
0 (Pt \P0 )
formula of pressure, the position-pressure master-slave
ð24Þ control system block diagram as shown in Figure 3.
Where Ug is input; Xp is output; U0 is the set voltage
Building the mathematical model of other
control elements
Simulation of the system
The mathematical model of displacement sensor
In this article, relevant parameters of the electro-
Displacement sensor response frequency is far greater hydraulic servo system, as is shown in Tables 1 and 2.
than the response frequency of the whole system, hence Aiming at the proposed position-pressure master-
its transfer function is approximated with the propor- slave control method, in this article, using MATLAB/
tional element Simulink software simulate the straightening Q345B
steel plates process of straightening machine under the
Ur condition of the output power is 5.5 3 103 kN in a sin-
Kr = ð25Þ
Xr gle servo cylinder. As is shown in Figure 4, simulation
model of position-pressure master-slave control of
where Kr is the displacement sensor gain; Ur is the out-
electro-hydraulic servo system can be represented.
put voltage signal of the displacement sensor; and Xr is As is shown in Figures 5 and 6, system simulation
the stroke of displacement sensor. time is 5.5 s, and the load pressure signal is loaded when
the simulation time is 0.4 s, we obtain the simulation
position curve of the cylinder and pressure curve.
The mathematical model of pressure sensor From the data (Figure 5) in the field, it is known
Pressure sensor has advantages of small volume and that the displacement is fluctuated when the master-
high sensitivity and good stability, the role of sensor is slave control system of single servo cylinder is loaded
pressure signal acquisition by computing and trans- instantly, maximum fluctuation to 25.074 mm and the
forming it into a feedback current signal, which is pro- minimum fluctuation to 24.917 mm. The impact of load
portional to the pressure has not been dramatic after the adjustment of the
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 1. The parameter in hydraulic system.

Number Name Symbol Value Unit

1 Working pressure Ps 250 bar

2 Density r 0.9 g=cm3
3 Load stiffness K 1:03107 N=mm
3 Bulk modulus be 1:03109 N=m
4 Conversion formula kf 0.0322 mm3 =KN
5 Servo amplifier gain KA 0.003 A=V
6 Displacement sensor gain Kr 200 V=m
7 Pressure sensor gain Ki 0:53104 A=bar

Table 2. The parameter of main working element.

Number Name Symbol Value Unit

1 Flow coefficient Cd 0.6

2 Area of gradient v 16 p g=cm3
3 Quality of the piston rod mi 950 kg
4 Area of rear cavity Ai1 321,536 mm2
5 Area of rod cavity Ai2 162,574 mm2
6 Working stroke L 300 mm

Figure 4. Electro-hydraulic servo position-pressure master-slave control system simulation model.

master-slave control method which has replied to load transformation that pressure turns into position during
change quickly and make position steadily in a very the process that makes the deviation of the average
short time that location control accuracy within pressure of cylinder is controlled in less than 0.1 MPa
0.066 mm. after the system is stable.
From the data (Figure 6) in the field, it is known From the simulation results above, it is known that
that the pressure response is lagged and then increased position-pressure master-slave control system can
rapidly when the master-slave control system of single quickly reply to pressure fluctuation by load changes
servo cylinder is loaded instantly. This is because the caused, thereby adjusting the position control of the
load leads to fluctuating position, and then the results system, guarantee high precision of position control,
in pressure change needs certain time response. After meanwhile also can control pressure of the system.
establishment of pressure, the pressure response This control method is not only correct and feasible
increases rapidly and appears a fluctuation phenom- but could be achieved better using online unified con-
enon that maximum fluctuates to 17.056 MPa. The trol of different variables for position and pressure.
Han et al. 7

Figure 5. The position simulation curve of straightening 25 mm

Q345B steel.

Figure 6. The pressure simulation curve of straightening

25 mm Q345B steel.

Experimental studies
All experiments were performed on eleven-roll-plate
leveler equipment of Wuyang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.
and installed HYDAC pressure sensor, MTS displace- Figure 7. Block control schematic of the experiment.
ment sensor, and REXTROH high-response servo
valve on the hydraulic cylinder in order to obtain accu-
rate data. Research the straightening Q345B steel plate
process of straightening machine under the condition
of the output in double servo cylinder. Block control
schematic of the experiment, as is shown in Figure 7.
Set the roll gap value as 25 mm, when system tends
to be stable after contacting load, respectively, collect-
ing the roll gap value and the pressure signal of servo
cylinder. The comparison of roll gap experimental fluc-
tuations is shown in Figure 8. The comparison of
experimental pressure fluctuations is shown in Figure 9.
From the table data and Figure 8, under position
closed-loop control, the maximum deviation between
the experimental value and the target value of the roll
gap position of the servo cylinder is 0.31 mm, the aver-
age deviation is controlled within 0.131 mm; under the Figure 8. The comparison of roll gap experimental fluctuations.
position and pressure master-slave control process. The
maximum deviation between the experimental value
and the target value of the roll gap position of the servo latter has higher position control accuracy. According
cylinder is about 0.12 mm, and the average deviation is to the table data and Figure 9, under position closed-
controlled within 0.078 mm. It can be seen that the loop control, the pressure deviation of the servo
8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

deviation is controlled in less than 0.3 MPa. This con-

trol method can satisfy the needs of actual production.
The proposed method in this article mainly carried
out on a single servo cylinder system by modeling,
simulation, and experimental research. Later work
requires a combination of multi-DOF feedback decou-
pling control theory knowledge and the online calculat-
ing partial load of hydraulic cylinder theory to research
dynamic change and put the single cylinder position-
pressure master-slave control model into the multiple
control channels in order to achieve the precision
master-slave control of multi cylinder electro-hydraulic

Figure 9. The comparison of experimental pressure

fluctuations. Conclusion
In conclusion, through simulation and experimental
cylinder is 0.55 MPa at the maximum, the average research, it was found that the proposed idea of control
deviation is controlled within 0.402 MPa; under the method is simple, which can achieve online converting
position and pressure master-slave control, the pressure between position and pressure which are different vari-
deviation of the servo cylinder is 0.42 MPa and the ables and improve the response speed and control preci-
average deviation is controlled within 0.3 MPa. It can sion of the system. The position control accuracy of the
be seen that both the closed-loop position control and entire leveler control system can be improved, and the
the position-pressure master-slave control can satisfy position and pressure of the system can be controlled
the working requirements of a single hydraulic cylinder more reasonably at the same time, which also has cer-
system, while the latter has a better pressure control tain guiding significance to other electro-hydraulic
effect. servo system design and research.
Therefore, the Simulink simulation result of
position-pressure master-slave control is ideal because Acknowledgements
Simulink simulation system is based on electro-
H.H. and Z.L. were responsible for building a model and per-
hydraulic servo system mathematical model of
formed the experiment and wrote the paper. Y.L. and L.M.
position-pressure master-slave control which ignores
were responsible for the acquisition and analysis of experi-
the impact of nonlinear instability and other factors. mental data. L.Q. supervised the research.
Thus, no matter the control accuracy or the deviation
of simulation results is better than the experimental
results, while in the field experiment, when the hydrau- Declaration of conflicting interests
lic oil has different temperature and gas content, it The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
causes different hydraulic spring stiffness. Hence, the respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
experiment error and the simulation error have a cer- article.
tain gap.
Discussion The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
The proposed method in this article has improved the article: This work is supported by the National Natural
control accuracy of position of the system: the simula- Science Foundation of China (grant no.: 51505315, ‘‘Youth
tion position maximum deviation is about 0.083 mm, SanJin scholars’’ plan in Shanxi Province, Focus on research
the average deviation is controlled in less than and development plan in Shanxi Province (201603D111004,
0.066 mm; the position maximum deviation by experi- 201603D121010),and the Taiyuan Heavy Machinery and
ment between experimental value and target value is Equipment Collaborative Innovation Center funded at the
provincial level, sponsored by the Fund for Shanxi ‘‘1331
about 0.12 mm, the average deviation is controlled in
Project’’ Key Subjects Construction.
less than 0.078 mm. The simulation pressure maximum
deviation is about 0.207 MPa, the average deviation is
controlled in less than 0.1 MPa; the pressure maximum ORCID iD
deviation by experiment between experimental value Heyong Han
and target value is about 0.42 MPa, the average Zhiqi Liu
Han et al. 9

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