B.Inggris Tag Question

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1. They don’t normally pay their account late, do they?

2. The phone number is 518361, isn’t it?

3. They’ll let us know before the end of the month, arn’t they?
4. We can send the catalogues by surface mail, can’t we?
5. They can’t provide us with the information we need, can they?
6. She isn’t in the office today, is she?
7. This machine doesn’t operate automatically, does it?
8. You know a great deal about economics, don’t you?
9. You’ve studied this subject for some time, haven’t you?
10. We shouldn’t interrupt the meeting, should we?
11. we must confirm this by sending them a fax, must we?
12. he hasn’t heard that the firm has been taken over, has he?
13. They had to paint the wall, haven’t they?
14. Nothing will frighten her, won’t she?
15. Let’s go to the library
1. A. I don’t mind leading you some money,
B. “don’t you?”

2. A. That cat seems to be friendly,

B. “arn’t it?” Does it

3. We all need more practice in speaking English

B. Do we?

4. You are very gorgeous.

B. “Are you?” “Am I?”

5. My nephew won’t continue taking frequent trips to Singapore?

B. : “Won’t he?”

6. All nations are continuing to build up their armies.

B. : “Are their?

7. His laziness caused him to fail.

B. : “ did It?”

8. Their house has been sold

B. : “ Has it?”

9. She would like to see MR. Maslon.

B. : “Would she?”

10. My brother can’t sleep well

B. : “

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