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‘Plastics now have global ecological impacts —

we need green intelligence to address this’
O John P. Wargo teaches at Yale University. Speaking to Srijana Mitra Das at Times Evoke,
nce, plastic was considered a
miracle material, its synthetic
polymers giving it astonishing
durability. Its spread became a modern
Wargo discusses why the use of plastics must become far more transparent and regulated: Over 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic
Photo: iStock

epic — the World Economic Forum finds What is the core of your research? have been produced since the 1950s
the use of plastics increased twenty-fold I research the relationship between AN UNENDING DELUGE — only 9% of all plastic waste has
over the last fifty years. But plastic also environmental quality and human Cumulative plastic waste generation and disposal projections till 2050 show a constant rise been recycled while 60% has reached
poses a massive challenge. Currently, 400 health, especially focusing on women a landfill or percolated into nature
million tonnes of plastic are produced and children’s exposure to chemicals 25,000
We now produce over 300 million
annually. But, as the UN finds, only nine that can induce disease or Primary waste generated
tonnes of plastic waste annually —
percent of all plastic waste has ever been interrupt normal growth. All waste discarded
20,000 that’s almost equal to the weight of
recycled. The rest — over 6.3 billion tonnes I study the types of expo- All waste incinerated

Million metric tons

the entire human population
— is buried or cast off into nature, leaching sures people experience All waste recycled
into rivers carrying this to the seas. The and the health risks 15,000 Globally, one million plastic
World Bank finds eight million tonnes of associated with these. I drinking bottles are purchased every
plastic waste enter the seas each year — by research what shortfalls minute. Five trillion single-use plastic
2050, the world’s oceans could contain more in the private and public 10,000 bags are used worldwide every year.
plastic than fish. Already, the Great sectors are allowing these Cigarette butts, whose filters have
Pacific Garbage Patch, a collection of exposures to happen, generating
5000 small plastic fibres, are one of the
debris the size of Texas, has created a conclusions about what can be done. most common pollutants globally
lifeless zone in the Pacific. Microplastics — food wrappers, packets, lids and
have polluted coral atolls, mighty peaks, Why do you call the global spread of 0 straws are also mostly discarded
Arctic snows and the soil beneath our feet. plastics ‘the quiet revolution’? 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Most plastic items never disappear
Worryingly, plastics are now travelling The use of plastics in our lives has Data Courtesy: 'Production, use and fate of all plastics ever made', Geyer, Jambeck & Law, Science Advances, 2017
— they just get smaller and smaller.
through water, sediments and air back to grown to an enormous scale. But along-
Plastic microfibres are swallowed by
their point of origin — us. side, there’s been a presumption about ingredient chemicals can disrupt human heavier vehicles. Plastics were also helplessness, an inability to control
The implications are profound. Plastic, the benefits of plastics, without concern health. Some can be oestrogenic while introduced into the food sector because plastics in our world and misunderstand- plankton, birds, animals and fish and
which degrades over centuries, derives for their environmental fate or their some are carcinogens. Further, there are they have a preservation effect, resulting ings of the long-term ecological, travel through multiple ecosystems
from fossil fuels, increasing global effects on human health. There’s been a nearly 4,000 different chemicals involved in less food waste. Such benefits are clear climatological and health consequences. to arrive back in the human food
warming. Plastic threatens over 700 supposition of their being benign. But in plastics. We are exposed daily to mixes — but what is also clear is that consumers chain and the water we drink
species, disrupting nature’s ecosystem now, scientists studying the long life cycle which have not been fully studied for never know enough about either the Can your concept of ‘green intelligence’ Research: Harvard Medical School, UNEP,

benefits — UNEP finds the natural capital of multiple plastics have found through their impacts. environmental trajectory or the health help people address this?
cost of plastic use is $75 billion annually. human tissue testing that many of their impacts of such plastics to make The idea of green intelligence is that fewer plastics, we could also recycle more.
Alongside, scientists find certain How would you analyse plastic contamina- rational, self-protective decisions. we need to build fundamental knowledge
chemicals from plastics making their way tion in the environment? about the environmental fate and effects What other remedial actions could help?
into the food and water humans consume, WHAT WE DISCARD The scale of environmental plastic of different kinds of technologies. Peo- Industries using plastics should be
estimating we could be ingesting over Global Waste Composition contamination is global now. Plastics PLASTIC PROLIFERATION ple should think about the products and much more transparent about what’s in
50,000 microplastic particles a year. are found in the air, rain, soil, plants and chemicals they bring to their everyday the products they make. The absence of
However, solutions are possible. animals and in the human food chain. Authorities in many countries looked the environments and their own selves. This information makes it very difficult for
Recycling is the most effective way to Significantly, they are used in some forms other way even when it was evident that is a very different way of thinking, of consumers to protect the environment or
reduce plastic discards. Importantly, with 2% of agriculture and aquaculture while the plastics were har ming both the being inquisitive and planning ration- themselves. Second, we need an
billions lacking recycling services, a Pew 2% food packaging industry is largely environment and people. They kept ally to reduce harmful exposures. It isn’t independent body responsible for testing
Centre study finds closing the collection 4% unregulated over the migration of giving licenses to chemical companies to impossible — you can stop ingesting the safety of these chemicals. Next,
gap means connecting 5,00,000 people a day 5% 44% plastics from packaging to foods. Plastics use plastics in cosmetics, foods and chemicals in plastic packaging by switch- industries should take producer
upto 2040 — the livelihoods prospects are are also used to convey our drinking drinking water conveyance without ing to foods in more natural packaging. responsibility for plastic products at the
enormous. Industry also holds keys. In the water — again, there is a presumption of prior testing. Compare this to pesticides With water, it’s harder because few people end of their life cycles. We also need a
1980s, industry created the breakthrough 12% no transfer of chemicals occurring from where, following the 1960s, there has been can buy water filters capable of removing body of consumers making the effort to
solution of recycling. Today, it could the pipes to the water. a presumption of danger. As a result, all environmental contaminants. become more knowledgeable about these
manage end-of-life plastic products. Mean- pesticides are much better tested. This disparity in the capacity to products and more thoughtful about the
while, scientists are working on biodegrad- Does this reflect on consumer behaviour? Supporters of America’s vast plastic manage risks is a serious issue. But living implications of our daily purchases.
able plastics. Alongside, as Times Evoke’s Consumers aren’t at fault here — they industry argue over the absence of a simpler life, trying to avoid more Every year, I challenge my students
Food/green Metal
global experts emphasise, we can all make are looking at the benefits of plastics and evidence of risks — but the absence of plastics in your world and demanding to spend one full day without touching a
a difference by educating ourselves about Paper/cardboard Rubber/leather indeed, many plastics have advantages. evidence doesn’t prove evidence of that these ingredients be identified will plastic product. I’ve promised to take the
the plastics in our lives. Join Times Evoke Plastic Wood For example, they reduce the weight of absence. That is the irony here. help. Ideally, we should have a world winner out for dinner. Of the thousands
on an exploration of the world’s plastic Glass Others transport vehicles like aircraft, which Plastic’s environmental legacy also where only two or three plastics are of students I’ve taught over the years, I’ve
challenge — and its solutions. Data Courtesy: 'What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of means they use less fuel and have lower doesn’t reflect an absence of concern allowed upon being found to be safe and not yet had to buy that celebratory dinner.
Solid Waste Management to 2050', World Bank, 2018
carbon emissions compared to older, from consumers — it reflects a sense of capable of breaking down quickly. With I hope a day comes when I can do this.
Photos: iStock

The mighty Indian elephant, found The Hawaiian monk seal, with only 1,400 Several bird species are highly vulnerable to plastic
Paying across Asia, is frequently migratory,
using rivers, fields and streams for food
individuals left, is one of the world’s most
endangered species. Found in the Hawaiian
pollution — in Korea, birds picking up discarded plastics to
build nests with led to a blackfaced spoonbill chick found
For Our and water as it travels — it is defenceless
against plastic. Ecologists have found
archipelago, once relentlessly hunted for
its skin, the monk seal now faces one of the
with plastic rope entangled around its legs. Fishing lines
and plastic kite strings also threaten water birds and
Plastic wild elephants from Kerala to Thailand
perishing from ingesting plastic bags and
highest plastic entanglement rates of any
pinniped or marine mammal species, its pups
land avian species — over a million birds perish each
year after ingesting plastic bottle caps, clips, etc.
other trash polluting forests and lakes often trapped in nets and other plastic debris Research: UNEP, National Geographic, WWF

‘Phthalates in plastics can ‘Our lab discovered ambient fluid flows like rain
impact adult and child health’ transport microplastics across large distances’
Russ Hauser teaches at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Sujit S. Datta teaches chemical and biological engineering at Princeton University. Sharing
Health. Discussing his insights with Times Evoke, Hauser outlines the his research findings with Times Evoke, Datta discusses his lab’s discovery of how
health implications of one kind of chemical found in multiple plastics: microplastics travel huge distances within land and water — and what they carry along:

Photo Courtesy: S. Datta

focus my research on groups containing one to ten or androgenic phthalates — how- y research is properties could be a helpful
exposure to a variety of more carbons. ‘Ortho’ refers to ever, manufacturers’ use of these called squishy intervention. We are now
chemicals called endocrine the arrangement of the alkyl chemicals in other products, like engineering — realising that micro- and
disruptors. These include groups on the aromatic ring, so food packaging materials, is cur- I focus on the nanoplastics are all around us
phthalates, phenols, flame the two chemical chains are right rently not regulated in the US. scientific principles underly- and they spread very easily. It
retardants, dioxins, pesticides, next to each other. There are The Toxic Substance Control Act ing soft materials, including is incredibly important to
etc. I study varied phthalates — some plastic does have plans to review seven suspensions of particles such study how to control this,
the impact of bottles are made with terephtha- different phthalates for potential as nanoplastics and micro- given the consequences of
these chemi- lates which are different from health effects. The EPA is in plastics, polymer solutions in their prevalence in our
cals on the ortho-phthalates. Ortho-phtha- the process of doing this review. gels and biological materials. environment, our water
health of hu- lates themselves have a very Meanwhile, it’s difficult to We use tools and ideas from sources and our food chain.
mans, includ- specific structure which enables reduce our use of plastics with- physics, mathematics, materi- We are at the very begin-
ing fertility, their extremely wide use. out industry developing other als science and engineering to ning of that process but with
pre gnancy I was part of a group which materials to replace these. I understand what determines the tools we have developed,
outcomes and children’s health. recently published a paper in the would suggest that people try to the properties of these HOW THEY SPREAD: Datta's lab found microplastic particles (in red) moving swiftly through an we can start to answer
I primarily study the chemi- American Journal of Public reduce consuming food and materials, how they behave in earth-like material (grey), pushed forward by fluid flows important questions like what
cals used in plastics — we’ve Health, reviewing the studies beverages stored in plastic. industrial settings and factors determine the move-
found health effects from iStock natural environments and ing question to answer since By being able to see what they pick up other contami- ment of micro- and nanoplas-
exposure to some chemicals how we can develop principles it’s very difficult to watch the individual particles were nants. When these particles tics and how to inform
found in plastics, including to control their behaviour. what goes on inside soil. doing inside the complex spread, they carry those pol- decision-makers of strategies
reduced fertility. This has been Soft materials describes Sediments and soil act like a porous media, we saw the lutants with them. Plastic to curb these processes.
linked to exposure to chemicals fluids, gels and anything that black box — we know what’s particles did accumulate but particles are thus modified by An enormous amount of
called ortho-phthalates. Other is runny or squishy in consist- going in and what’s coming as fluids flowed through the Data Courtesy: UNEP

researchers have found impacts ency. Microplastics and nano- out but we don’t know what porous material, rather like
of phthalates on reproductive plastics come within this happened inside. Hence, we water seeping into earth, that
tract development and there are category. Most studies focus don’t know flow pushed
also epidemiologic studies on the on these materials in homog- what physical the microplas-
effects of phthalates on chil-
enous environments — but we and chemical IN OUR PLANET tic particles
dren’s behaviour and cognition. wanted to know how micro- processes ac- through the
These are observational studies, plastics and nanoplastics be- tually determine the move- pores. That process kept re-
measuring exposure from every- have in complex settings, like ment of microplastics. peating itself and the parti-
day sources in expectant O—R the ground beneath our feet. One of the techniques we cles spread over large distanc-
mothers and assessing their Soil is literally packings of developed in my lab was figur- es. The finding came as a
child’s neurodevelopment after O — R' (R, R' groups can be linear, solid particles which house a ing out how to make our own shock because it suggests that
birth and into adolescence. Also, branched, or linear/ tight, porous space. One of the model medium that in many perhaps in nature, ambient
certain hormones, like testoster- branched or cyclic ring) most important questions we ways preserved the same fluid flows, like rainfall and
one, are called androgenic. Some focused on was — how do properties and structures as groundwater movement,
phthalates have been found to O Data Courtesy: Phthalates Action Plan, US EPA (2012)
fluids and suspensions of soil — but was completely transport micro- and nano- WATER WAYS: Transported from soil and coasts, these ten rivers
alter the production of testoster- microplastics and nanoplas- transparent. So, we could plastics over much larger now carry 90% of the plastic waste that reaches the oceans
one, leading to a reduction in the THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK: Like toys and personal care products, tics navigate through these watch what happened as distances than thought. This
body. This quality makes them plastic straws can also contain phthalates added as a softener complex materials? suspensions of these particles explains why these materials the environment, other research is needed. But people
anti-androgenic. The answer really took us moved through the porous are so ubiquitous and also, pollutants getting stuck to can inform themselves much
Such chemicals themselves looking at maternal exposure Limit using plastics in heating by surprise. Microplastics are material. Considering the size how they can travel across them and plastic particles more about the sources of
are called ‘everyday, everywhere’ during pregnancy to ortho- food items and reduce the use of micrometre-scale plastic and chemistry of the micro- great distances. enabling these pollutants to micro- and nanoplastics in
chemicals because they’re found phthalates in relation to chil- children’s toys made of vinyl particles while nanoplastics plastic particles we were We also found that while spread over large distances. their environment. We can
in so many different products. dren’s behaviour and cognition. plastic because a small child are even smaller versions in working with, one expected plastics change our environ- Our research is geared to rethink many personal
Phthalates are frequently used to Ortho-phthalate exposure has could put this in their mouth and nanometre-scale, nearly a that they would likely get ment, the environment also now help remedial action by practices — to drink water, do
s o f t e n P VC been linked to ef- the phthalates may leach out, million times smaller than stuck in the porous material, chang es plastics. One industry and governments. If we really need a new plastic
plastic or vinyl fects on these leading to exposure. human beings. We posited clogging it and not spreading. example came from our obser- we find that certain fluid flows bottle or can we carry a
plastic. Phtha- IN OUR SELVES outcomes — 30 Other remedies are possible. having a suspension of these But, to our surprise, we found vation that micro- and nano- push ahead microplastics, reusable bottle? These might
lates can be found studies exam- Substitutes for phthalates, like particles floating in water — the particles were able to plastics aren’t just inert pe rh aps ch an gin g th e seem like small steps but they
in children’s toys, building mate- ined how exposure of an expect- citrates, can be used to soften how would they move through spread and move over much particles simply spreading structure of porous materials, make a significant difference
rials, personal care products like ant mother can lead to vinyl plastic. Industry is also a porous material like soil? larger distances than we through our environment — introducing a barrier or in saving our planet’s health
cosmetics, nail polish, colognes detrimental effects on children. moving in that direction, trying That is an extremely challeng- had expected. due to their surface chemistry, altering the plastic’s chemical and, by extension, our own.
and soaps. They are sometimes Currently, the EU has taken to use substitutes when possible.
used in pharmaceuticals, in the steps through its REACH system Of course, phthalates are one
coating of medicines. Depending to regulate or reduce the use of group of chemicals causing READERS WRITE I really like wonderful Times Evoke by the Times Group. I greatly appreciated the Times Evoke is so commendable.
Through expert articles on ecology and sustainable beautiful Times Evoke article on In today’s world, climate change
on the country and economy, phthalates, even banning some. concern about impacts on living, you make us aware of urgent aspects in our Cantor’s giant softshell turtles. is the biggest issue but it’s often
The US has done less. Over five human health. But there are Dear Times Evoke,
researchers find there is nearly planet’s health. Ayushi Jain’s article was very thought- Such efforts by ecologists remind overlooked. TE highlights this
ubiquitous exposure to phtha- years ago, I was part of the others, like phenols, including I love your enlightening and aesthetic us that human beings are not the in-depth. We never even knew
provoking. Thanks, TE, and keep up the good work.
lates. In the US, Canada and Consumer Products Safety bisphenol A, and flame retard- articles! Times Evoke is my favourite ultimate species on Earth. This that the Cantor’s giant softshell
—Rachna Babel, Indore
Europe, studies show nearly Commission panel (CPSC) where ants, to be concerned about. part of the Times of India. The article planet belongs to all species and turtle exists in our country. Kudos
100% of the population has been we reviewed the effects of Importantly, people must ensure about Cantor’s giant softshell turtles Ayushi Jain’s article highlighting the importance of others are evolved beings too. to TE’s team! Such efforts make
exposed to these chemicals. phthalates in children’s toys and they and their children consume (18th September) was thrilling. Kudos Cantor’s giant softshell turtles in freshwater ecosystems —C Trivikrama Raju, executive this world a better place to live.
Ortho-phthalates is a struc- childcare articles. We made foods and beverages containing to conservationist Ayushi Jain. I hope was excellent. This rare species has existed since the engineer, Ibrahimpatnam —Sumanta Ghosh, Panchkula
ture of the phthalate which has recommendations to ban or fewer chemicals from packaging those six turtle hatchlings are fine! dinosaur era. Nature enthusiasts should protect it.
an aromatic ring and two alkyl restrict the use of several anti- and processing materials. —NA Mukesh, Ooty —Atul Sharma, environmental engineer, Gandhinagar Share your thoughts at:

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