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Planning for 1-2 hours class session

Brainstorming (5 mins)
Use this as advance organizing during the
induction session. Allow individual
brainstorming first, and followed by pairing
and sharing session. This session allows for no
right or wrong answers.

Tools: Paper and pen

Short lecture (10-15mins)

Give lectures on the topic. You can relatebthe
topic on brainstorming sessiom with the
current lecture.

Tools: Laptop, projector, Canva/Powerpoint

Cooperative note taking

In pairs, student take note on the lecture
session. After short lecture session, each
student will give summary on his/her note,
while the partner will add/correct info
wherever possible. Every students should
improve their notes based on info from the

Tools: Paper and Pen/ Canva Doc/ Digital


Short lecture (10-15mins)

Give lectures on the topic..

Tools: Laptop, projector, Canva/Powerpoint

Think. Pair. Share (3-5mins)

Lecturer provide a question. Ask students to
think individually. Next, pair and talk about the
idea with partner. Finally, student share ideas
with the class.

Tools: Paper and Pen/ Canva Doc/ Digital


Closure (5mins)
Ask students to summarise the most
important points of concept/ issue/ principle/
formula that has been learned during the

Tools: Paper and Pen/ Canva Doc/ Digital



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