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1. I find it hard to keep my mind on a task or job. True False

2. I have had periods of days, weeks, or months when I couldn’t True False
take care of things because I couldn’t “get going”.

3. I wish I could be as happy as others seem to be. True False

4. Most of the time I feel blue. True False

5. I do many things which I regret afterwards (I regret things True False

more or more often than others seem to).

6. Criticism or scolding hurts me terribly. True False

7. I have often lost out on things because I couldn’t make up my True False
mind soon enough

8. I brood a great deal. True False

9. I have difficulty in starting to do things. True False

10. When in a group of people, I have trouble thinking of the True False
right things to talk about.

11. I have often felt that strangers were looking at me critically. True False

12. Life is a strain for me much of the time. True False

13. Even when I am with people I feel lonely much of the time. True False
14. I am easily embarrassed. True False

15. I feel anxiety about something or someone almost all the True False

16. I usually have to stop and think before I act even in trifling True False

17. Often I cross the street in order not to meet someone I see. True False

18. I often feel as if things were not real. True False

19. I have more trouble concentrating than others seem to have. True False

20. Sometimes some unimportant thought will run through my True False
mind and bother me for days

21. At periods my mind seems to work more slowly than usual. True False

22. I wish I could get over worrying about things I have said that True False
may have injured other people’s feelings.

23. People often disappoint me. True False

24. I feel unable to tell anyone all about myself. True False

25. My plans have frequently seemed so full of difficulties that I True False
have had to give them up.

26. Often, even though everything is going fine for me, I feel that True False
I don’t care about anything.
27. I have sometimes felt that difficulties were piling up so high True False
that I could not overcome them.

28. If makes me feel like a failure when I hear of the success of True False
someone I know well.

29. I am apt to take disappointments so keenly that I can’t put True False
them out of my mind.

30. At times I think I am no good at all. True False

31. I worry quite a bit over possible misfortunes. True False

32. I am apt to pass up something I want to do because others True False

feel that I am not going about it in the right way.

33. I have several times had a change of heart about my life True False

34. I must admit that I have at times been worried beyond reason True False
over something that really did not matter.

35. I have a daydream life about which I do not tell other people. True False

36. I have often felt guilty because I have pretended to feel more True False
sorry about something than I really was.

37. I feel tired a good deal of the time. True False

38. I sometimes feel that I am about to go to pieces. True False

39. I very seldom have spells of the blues.

True False

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