ZHANG Et Al. - 2008 - Analytical Models of Floating Bridges Subjected by Moving Loads for Different Water Depths-Annotated

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The First Engineers Scientific Research Institute of the General Armaments Department, Wuxi 214035, China,
E-mail: zj_163mail@163.com
MIAO Guo-ping
School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Shanghai 200030,
LIU Jian-xun, SUN Wen-jun
The First Engineers Scientific Research Institute of the General Armaments Department, Wuxi 214035, China

(Received November 2, 2007, Revised May 8, 2008)

Abstract: There are two types of floating bridge such as discrete-pontoon floating bridges and continuous-pontoon floating bridges.
Analytical models of both floating bridges subjected by moving loads are presented to study the dynamic responses with
hydrodynamic influence coefficients for different water depths. The beam theory and potential theory are introduced to produce the
models. The hydrodynamic coefficients and dynamic responses of bridges are evaluated by the boundary element method and by the
Galerkin method of weighted residuals, respectively. Considering causal relationship between the frequencies of the oscillation of
floating bridges and the added mass coefficients, an iteration method is introduced to compute hydrodynamic frequencies. The results
indicate that water depth has little influence upon the dynamic responses of both types of floating bridges, so that the effect of water
depth can be neglected during the course of designing floating bridges.

Key words: floating bridge, analytical model, moving load, water depth

1. Introduction  continuous-pontoon type bridge is constructed

Floating bridges, which are of great importance continuously by a series of pontoons with buoyancy of
in both military and civil fields, have been constructed water to support the dead and the live loads on the
across rivers and seas with floating pontoons instead bridge. A discrete pontoon type bridge has a beam
of conventional piers and foundations in many deck and several discrete-pontoons as piers to support
countries[1]. There are the Lacey V. Murrow Bridge the dead and the live loads.
and the Hood Canal Bridge in USA, the Bergs In recent years, more and more attention has been
Ysundet Floating Bridge in Norway, and the Daxie paid to floating bridges. Seif and Inoue[1] investigated
Island Floating Bridge in China. Until now, two the dynamic behavior of a discrete-pontoon floating
different structural forms for floating bridges have bridge under the condition of wave effects with the
been used: a discrete pontoon type floating bridge and finite element method and the three-dimensional
a continuous pontoon type floating bridge. A source distribution method. Wang et al.[2] investigate
the dynamic performances of a pontoon-separated
floating bridge, under the effect of a moving load with

* Project supported by the National Natural Science the super-element method. Wu and Shih[3] and Shi[4]
Foundation of China (Grant No. 50379026). presented the same finite element model to analyze
Biography: ZHANG Jun (1977-), Male, Ph. D., Engineer the dynamic responses of a moored uniform floating
bridge under a moving load. Fu et al.[5,6] investigated

dynamic displacement and connection force be rigid. It is assumed that no flow of energy takes
characteristics of a nonlinearly connected floating place through the bottom surface or the free surface.
bridge considering the nonlinear properties of Energy is gained or lost by the system only through
connectors subjected to moving loads based on 3-D waves arriving or departing at infinity or due to the
nonlinear finite element method. Oka et al.[7] external forces acting on the pontoon. The motions,
considered the influence of structural elasticity on the which are considered as heave in this study, are
dynamic response of the floating bridge to waves with assumed to be small, so that the body boundary
the finite element method and the boundary element conditions are satisfied in the vicinity of the
method. Seif et al.[8] presented an overview of a study equilibrium position of the pontoon.
on the design and analysis aspects of the Lake Urmia 2.1 Radiation problem of a 2-D pontoon
Bridge in Iran. Langen[9] presented probabilistic The general configuration of a 2-D pontoon
methods for dynamic analysis of floating bridges interacting with a monochromatic linear wave is
exposed to short-crested sea waves. Chen et al.[10] shown in Fig.1. The state of the fluid can be
tested the vertical displacement of a floating bridge completely described by the radiation velocity
based on the track records of the dynamic potential I ( y , z ) with the heave motion. The linear
displacement of multipoints in time domain by using radiation boundary value problem is defined by the
the digital vidicon. Tang et al.[11] researched the governing Laplace equation and the boundary
nonlinear response behaviors of a moored floating conditions as defined below:
bridge subjected by wave-current with the sway
equations of bridges and the nonlinear analytical
w 2I w 2I
model based on the piece-wise linear stiffness of + = 0 , in : (1)
chains. These researches were rarely concerned with wy 2 wz 2
different water depths.
In this study, attention is focused on the dynamic
wI Z 2
behaviors of floating bridges for different water = I , at * F ,z = 0 (2)
depths with analytical method. Bridge decks are wz g
assumed to be elastic beams with uniform section
supported by springs to simulate the water buoyancy. wI
Vehicles are simplified as constant loads moving with = 0 , at * B , z = h (3)
constant speed on bridge decks. Analytical models on wz
the basis of beam theory[12] are presented to study the
dynamic responses of two types of floating bridges wI
B ikI o 0 , at * f , y o rf (4)
subjected by moving loads. The formulae of wy
hydrodynamic frequencies and dynamic responses are
provided by using the Galerkin method of weighted
residuals[13]. Potential theory[14,15] in the field of naval = n , on * 0 (5)
architecture and ocean engineering is introduced to wn
take into account hydrodynamic effects on bridges for
different water depths. Hydrodynamic coefficients where n is the general unit normal vector for heave
such as added mass and radiation damping radiation, Z is wave angular frequency, g is the
coefficients are evaluated by the boundary element gravitational constant, k is the wave number
method[16-19] with the Rankine source distribution. satisfying the dispersion relation,
Considering causal relationship between the
frequencies of the vibration of floating bridges and the
added mass coefficients, an iteration method[20] is
Z 2 = gk tanh kh (6)
presented to evaluate hydrodynamic frequencies of
floating bridges. with the water depth of h .

2. Hydrodynamic analysis of pontoons

Consider hydrodynamic effects on bridges for
different water depths, potential theory is presented to
study the dynamic behaviors of floating bridges. For
the present wave structure interaction problem,
incident wave is not involved. For the potential theory,
the fluid is assumed to be ideal, and the flow is Fig.1 Definition sketch of a 2-D pontoon
considered as irrotational. The pontoon is assumed to

2.2 Radiation problem of a 3-D pontoon

The problem geometry is shown in Fig.2. The ­I1 ½
radiation problem of a 3-D pontoon can also be °I °
described by the following equations: ° °
> H1 H2 H3 H 4 @<® 2 ¾ =
°I3 °
w 2I w 2I w 2I °¯I4 ¿°
+ + = 0 , in : (7)
wx 2 wy 2 wz 2
­ q1 ½
wI Z 2 °q °
= I , at * F , z = 0 (8) ° °
wz g >G1 G2 G3 G4 @<® 2 ¾ (13)
° q3 °
= 0 , at * B , z = h (9) ¯°q4 ¿°
where the subscripts indicate the belonging
§ wI · boundaries, and q j represents the normal derivative
lim R ¨  ikI ¸ = 0 , at * f (10)
R of
©w R ¹ of the wave potential at the i-th boundary. The matrix
coefficients H j and G j can be found, for example,
wI in Brebbia[17] and Zhang[18]. Substitution of the
= n , on * 0 (11) boundary conditions into Eq.(13) and rearranging the
unknown variables to left-hand side of the equation
where R is the polar coordinate.

ª Z2 º
« H1 H2  G2 H3 H 4  ikG4 » <
¬ g ¼

­I1 ½
°I °
° 2°
® ¾ = >G1 <n @ (14)
Fig.2 Definition sketch of a 3-D pontoon °I3 °
°¯I4 °¿
2.3 Boundary element solution with the Rankine
source distribution
The complex matrix equation (Eq.(14)) can now
To solve the radiation problem by the boundary
be used to solve the wave potentials on the problem
element method, the Rankine Green function is

M ( P, Q ) = (12)
r ( P, Q )

where r is the distance between the field point P

and the source point Q .
The schematic definition of the numerical
Fig.3 Definition of the numerical problem domain for BEM
domain is shown in Fig.3. For details of the method, solution
one can refer to the relevant documents by Lee[16],
Zhang18] and others[17]. In Fig.3, the structural 2.4 Hydrodynamic coefficients
boundary, free surface boundary, water-bottom Once the wave potentials are solved, the
boundary and radiation boundary are designated as hydrodynamic pressure at any point on the structural
B1 , B2 , B3 , B4 , respectively. The corresponding boundary can be expressed as
boundary element equation can be written as:

ª wI º w2 § w2 z · w2 z
F = Re «exp(iZt )Z 2 Z U ³ I d* » (15) ¨ EI ¸ + ( m0 + P ) +
wn wx 2 © wx 2 ¹ wt 2
¬« *0 ¼»
(c0 + K ) + k w z = G ( x  vt ) F (18)
where Z is the heave amplitude. wt
Define The boundary conditions are

iK wI z (0, t ) = 0, z ( L, t ) = 0,
P+ = U³I d* (16)
Z *0 wn
w 2 z ( x, t ) w 2 z ( x, t )
the hydrodynamic restoring forces can be evaluated as = 0,  =0 (19)
wx 2 x =0 wx 2 x = L
z P  zK
F =   (17)
and the initial conditions are
where z is the structural heave displacement, P is
wz ( x, t )
the added mass coefficient proportional to the z ( x, 0) = 0, =0 (20)
structural heave acceleration and K is the added wt t =0
damping coefficient proportional to the heave
velocity. The symbols used in Eqs.(18) to (20) have the
following meanings: x is the length coordinate, t
is the time coordinate with the origin at the instant of
3. Dynamic models of floating bridges the force F arriving upon the bridge, z ( x, t )
In the models of floating bridges, there are a bridge dynamic deflection response at section x
series of assumptions made as follows: and time t , E is the Young’s modulus of the bridge
(1) The bridge beam is a simply supported beam beam, I is the principal second moment of area of
made from a uniform homogeneous and isotropic the cross section of the bridge beam, m0 and P are
(2) The bridge beam is subject to a load moving natural mass and added mass per unit length of the
with a constant velocity. bridge beam, c0 and K are natural damping and
(3) The bridges have uniform beams with added damping coefficients per unit length of the
rectangular section. bridge beam, L is the span of the bridge, k w = U gB
(4) The seabed is horizontal or the water depth is is the characteristic coefficient of buoyancy spring
infinity. caused by vibration, with B being the breadth of the
3.1 Model of a continuous floating bridge cross section of the bridge beam (shown in Fig.1), U
Consider a load of F moving on the bridge at
water density, and G ( x ) is the Dirac function[21]
constant speed of v from left to right, as shown in
Fig.4, the dynamic problem is described by the which has the following relation:
G ( n ) ( x  J ) f ( x)dx = (1) n f ( n ) (J )

aJ b (21a)

G ( n ) ( x  J ) f ( x)dx = 0 J  a,b  J (21b)

3.2 Model of a discrete floating bridge

Fig.4 Definition of a continuous-pontoon bridge subjected to There is a discrete floating bridge with N
a moving load rectangular pontoons. A load of F moves on the

bridge at constant speed of v from left to right

(shown in Fig.5). The dynamic equation of the J

discrete floating bridge is given by z ( x, t ) = ¦ q j (t )\ j ( x) (23)

j =1

w2 § w2 z · w2 z wz
2 ¨
EI 2 ¸
+ m0 + c0 + where \ j ( x) is spatial function that satisfies the
wx © wx ¹ wt 2
boundary conditions at the two ends of the bridge
beam, and q j (t ) is temporal one that satisfies the
w2 z
¦ G ( x  xi )(mi + Pi )
i =1 wt 2
+ initial conditions. \ j ( x) is assumed to be the modal
function for the vibration of a uniform bridge beam
simply supported at both ends[12], which is expressed
¦ G ( x  x )K
i =1
i i
+ as

sin j Sx
\ j ( x) = (24)
¦ G ( x  x )k z = G ( x  vt ) F
i =1
i i (22)
The residual in the continuous-pontoon floating bridge
model is
with the same boundary conditions and initial
conditions as the continuous one. N is the number of
w 2 § w \ j ( x) ·
J 2 2
pontoons, and the mi , Pi , K i , xi , ki = U gAi Bi are RI = ¦ q j (t ) 2 ¨ EI ¸+
respectively the natural mass, added mass, added j =1 wx ¨© wx 2 ¸¹
damping coefficient, position in the direction of the
bridge axis, and the buoyancy-spring coefficient of the J w 2 q j (t )
i-th pontoon. Ai and Bi are the length and breadth ¦ (m0 + P ) wt 2
\ j ( x) +
of the i-th pontoon, respectively. j =1

J wq j (t )
¦ (c
j =1
0 +K)
\ j ( x) +

j =1
w q j (t )\ j ( x)  G ( x  vt ) F (25)

Fig.5 Definition of a discrete-pontoon floating bridge And the residual in the discrete-pontoon floating
subjected to a moving load
bridge model is

w 2 § w \ j ( x) ·
J 2
4. Models’ solution
RI = ¦ q j (t ) 2 ¨ EI ¸+
In the present study, the Galerkin
j =1 wx ¨© wx 2 ¸¹
weighted-residual method is used to solve models of
both continuous and discrete floating bridges. The
Galerkin weighted-residual method[13] can be J w 2 q j (t ) J wq j (t )
employed in the approximate solution of any ¦ m0j =1 wt 2
\ j ( x) + ¦c
j =1
\ j ( x) +
differential equation with no quadratic functional or
virtual work principle. In the Galerkin method, the
º J w q j (t )
parameters of the approximation are determined by ªN
means of a weighted-integral form of the given « ¦ G ( x  xi )( mi  P i ) » ¦ wt 2 \ j ( x) +
equation, with the weight functions being the ¬i 1 ¼j1
approximation functions.
4.1 Solving models with the Galerkin weighted- ªN º J wq j (t )
residual method « ¦
¬ i =1
G ( x  xi )Ki » ¦ wt \ j ( x) +
¼ j =1
In the Galerkin weighted-residual method, the
solution of z ( x, t ) is sought in the form

ªN º J Fv
«¦ G i » ¦ q j (t )\ j ( x ) 
( x  xi ) k Pj = N
m0\ ( x)dx + ¦ (mi + Pi )\ ( xi )
¬ i =1 ¼ j =1
2 2
0 j j
i =1
G ( x  vt ) F (26)
c0\ 2j ( x)dx + ¦K\
From the above both residuals orthogonal to J i j ( xi )
linearly independent set of weight functions \ j ( x) 2] jZ j = N
i =1

m0\ 2j ( x)dx + ¦ (mi + Pi )\ 2j ( xi )


i =1

RI\ j ( x)dx = 0 ( j = 1, 2," , J ) (27) (34)

Eqs.(29) and (32) are quantity of the j-order

a series of SDOF equations are accurately yielded for
hydrodynamic frequency which is the function about
the continuous-pontoon floating bridge, and
the added mass coefficients . The function is solved
approximately yielded for the discrete-pontoon one.
with an iteration method[20] which will be stated in
4.2 Solution of SDOF equations
detail in Section 4.3. It is easy to solve the SDOF
The resulting SDOF equations of two types of
Eq.(28)[21,22]. Ignoring the damping influence[22], the
floating bridge model can be expressed as
dynamic deflection can be expressed as
j Svt q j (0)
qj + 2] jZ j q j + Z q j = Pj sin 2
j qj = sin Z j t + q j (0) cos Z j t +
l Zj
( j = 1, 2," , J ) (28)
sin Z j t  E sin Z j t (35)
where the variable coefficients Z j , Pj and ] j are Z 1 E 2

different for both models. The coefficients Z j , Pj

where E = Z j Z j , and Z j = j Sv / L indicates the
and ] j for the continuous-pontoon floating bridge
circular frequency subjected by moving loads.
can be calculated by

§ w 2\ j ( x) ·
EI ³ ¨ ¸ dx
0 ¨ wx 2 ¸¹
© kw
Zj =
+ (29)
0 +P
( m0 + P ) ³ \ j ( x)dx
2 m

Pj = L
(m0 + P ) ³ \ 2j ( x)dx

c0 + K Fig.6 Hydrodynamic-frequency curves ( Zn ( P ) ) and added-

2] jZ j = (31)
m0 + P mass-coefficient curve ( P (Z ) )

And the coefficients for the discrete-pontoon one can 4.3 Calculation of hydrodynamic frequencies with the
also be expressed as iteration method
Iteration methods are common computational
2 approaches to solve systems of non-linear
§ w 2\ j · N
equations[13]. In the present study, there are plenty of
EI ³ ¨¨ 2 ¸¸ dx + ki\ 2j ( xi ) discrete data of the added mass coefficients which are
© wx
Z j2 = ¹ i =1
(32) solved with BEM. These discrete data of the added
m0\ ( x)dx + ¦ (mi + Pi )\ ( xi )
mass coefficients can be represented by the added
2 2
i =1
mass coefficient curve ( P (Z ) ) with fitting function

method in a smooth, continuous fashion. Figure 6

shows the hydrodynamic frequency curves ( Zn ( P ) ) of B P
Eqs.(29) and (32) and the added mass coefficient Z = Z , P = (37)
2g U BT
curve, which indicates that the added mass of every
hydrodynamic frequencies at the junctions are
different from each other. Table 1 Circular frequencies for the continuous-pontoon
Suppose that the approximate frequency Z 'n of floating bridge with different depths (Unit: Hz)
n-order is known, the correlative added mass P 'n,Z Hydrodynamic frequencies
Natural dry
can be yielded with function Zn ( P ) . The Order
approximate added mass P 'n, P can also be solved by 3 m deep 4 m deep 5 m deep

using fitting added mass coefficient function. Thus the

basic principle of the present iteration method is 1 0.920 1.380 1.410 1.409

2 3.679 2.888 2.971 2.999

Z 'n o Zn , H = min P 'n ,Z  P 'n, P (36)

3 8.278 5.960 6.165 6.234

where H is the computational error.
4 14.716 10.471 10.828 10.951

5. Computational results
5 22.993 16.306 16.861 17.053
5.1 Example 1: A continuous-pontoon bridge with
different water depths
There is a continuous-pontoon bridge with 200 m
span and a rectangular cross section, which is
subjected to a load of 250 kN. In the rectangle cross
section of bridge beam, the breadth B is 4 m, height
D is 2 m, draft is 1m, and stiffening ribs are arranged
at intervals of 0.5 m in the direction of breadth. The
thick of both ribs and pontoon surface is 0.02 m. The
line density m0 of the bridge beam is 4000 kg/m, the
Young’s modulus E is 206 GPa, and the principal
second moment of area of the cross section is 0.2698

Fig.7 The added mass coefficients of the cross section of the

bridge for different water depths

In this example, the added mass and radiation

Fig.8 The response curves of the displacement for sections of
damping coefficients are calculated in cases of the bridge with vehicle moving speed of 10 m/s for
different water depths with 3 m, 4 m and 5 m. The different water depths
results of the added mass coefficients of the cross
section of the bridge are shown in Fig.7, where the The hydrodynamic frequencies (shown in Table
non-dimensional wave frequency Z and the added 1) of the continuous-pontoon floating bridge can be
mass coefficient P are defined as calculated with the iteration method (Section 4.3).

Figures 8 and 9 show the response curves of the

displacement for sections of the continuous-
pontoon bridge with vehicle moving speed of 10 m/s
and 20 m/s respectively for different water depth, in
which the value of abscissa indicates the position of a
load on the bridge, and the value of ordinate indicates
the dynamic displacement response.

Fig.10 Computational model of the discrete-pontoon floating


Table 2 Principal particulars of pontoon

Length (A) 20.0m

Breadth (B) 10.0m

Draft (T) 3.0m

Mass (m) 4.95 u 105kg


coefficient(k) 1.96×106N/m

Table 3 Sectional parameters for bridge deck

Mass per unit length(m0) 1050kg/m

Flexural rigidity(EI) 6.353×1011N·m2

Fig.9 The response curves of the displacement for sections of
the bridge with vehicle moving speed of 20 m/s for
different water depths

5.2 Example 2: A discrete-pontoon bridge with

different water depths
The discrete-pontoon floating bridge (Fig.10)
consists of three cuboidal pontoons placed 100 m
apart: the total bridge span is 400 m. The bridge deck
is a steel truss, which is subject to a load of 300 kN.
All pontoons are assumed similar, and their principal
Fig.11 The added mass curves of the pontoon with different
particulars are given in Table 2. For the bridge deck,
water depths
estimated sectional parameters are presented in Table
3. Because of the large distance between pontoons, the
interacting hydrodynamic forces among pontoons can The hydrodynamic frequencies are shown in
be ignored. The added mass coefficients of the Table 4. The responses of vertical motions of all the
pontoon with water depths of 6 m, 9 m, and 12 m are pontoons for 10 m/s and 20 m/s vehicle speeds with
shown in Fig.11, where the non-dimensional wave different water depths are presented in Figs.12 and 13,
frequency Z and the added mass coefficient P are in which the value of abscissa indicates the position of
defined as a load on the bridge, and the value of ordinate
indicates the dynamic displacement response.
A< B P
Z = Z , P = BT (38) 6. Conclusions
2g UA
Two analytical models are proposed to study the
hydrodynamic behaviors of a continuous-pontoon

floating bridge and a discrete-pontoon one for results indicate that the hydrodynamic frequencies are
different water depths. The beam theory and potential all lower than the same order dry natural frequencies.
theory are presented to produce the models of two
types of floating bridges subjected by moving loads.
Both models can be extended to evaluate the
behaviors of moored bridges.

Table 4 Circular frequencies for the discrete-pontoon

floating bridge with different depths (Unit: Hz)

Hydrodynamic frequencies
Order Natural dry
6m 9m 12 m
deep deep deep

1 1.517 1.362 1.377 1.374

2 6.069 2.011 2.081 2.105

3 13.656 3.662 3.830 3.894

4 24.277 9.635 10.118 10.313

5 37.932 13.828 14.521 14.802

Fig.13 Dynamic displacement of pontoons with vehicle moving

speed of 20 m/s for different water depths

The hydrodynamic coefficients and dynamic

responses of bridges are evaluated by the boundary
element method and by the Galerkin method of
weighted residuals, respectively. Results of the two
examples show that the response curves induced by a
high-speed moving load is smoother than a low-speed
one, and water depth has little influence upon the
dynamic responses of the both types of floating
bridges. The use of the analysis indicates that the
effect of water depth can be neglected during the
course of floating bridge design.


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