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PSID 000 ol5)4G4 Date 14/os/a
Batch 9RCY


propertiee ef Bompaunds. C2)

Saluhens. Gaive 2 examples.
Q2)What are hoh- a9ueoug
water isa Suepensien but
Qa)E platn. Sand in
galt in water is. soluhena)
a-4) What tyndall
youdiferentiate batween metalsand
Q.5) How would
hoh-tnetals the basis e physical
Wtite name the foliaingCu
lgid olidgaseouS hon-tkal
a metalwit a melingpoint

Lwhot is aeant by centeifugotian ?(a

Define - a alleability
b) Tenaile Atrngth
camplk -
(L)gas- iquid solh

The propertiesa t e Canshtuents miture are bot

came os t h a t h e properhes. mixture
statement correct ! hot Correct 4 and
wtth cLam ple

Aa) Ropeuties emplundls.s.

uben more eiments corbíne
Lchamicalyuth a
praperhiese the cehsitusnts ef the érnpsund ate og
that s the cemplondl

tonroh be sepscaBed byeical

agolaben in which golvent is anytbing sthe than ate

goidto be hoh- 0gucouG solutisn

Lugter solh

isa aUs petsiehas it shaus he

prapeties sGus pansian or gq) Sparticle size ae
-grcettt than nm
ui)hews Ayndalleffect
en water is.a. -qsoluhen
ttuc solution or e
Ghaaller tag 1nm
() No tyndall efect
bínl ci) Gable

A:5) Medal Nen- etale

are Holleable 2dhey are nonmalleable

Ducile i Neh-duc file
(iiy Chcnuallys bad conducrs
conductos of clechicty af clecdricity
Cceptier haphde
iyd Liqaid/alisat eern denpattre

sally kad and

acrptien Dlamond
Grasns hon=haatal H
Solid hanbdal CCarben LTadine

be proparhy ef mkls to be hcatak

Jbto thihshuts withet
sinechedar n yorce per ubit
perubhit areaSasociafed ath.

process f sepcrati en. olote
Galventam oa mictore by chunisg at
Bigh speod.
Ars, 9)i) Alley_ iy Carbønated dtinks / Aerated deinks.
Correct tereht

No teGlateint is wreng bepraperthes e censtituhs

&miture are Cgarne that e the ature. This is
bacusetheoatien ùxture cloes not nvalve any
chamical rcacheh érampleueSamemakee tute &
6al! andwafert illthavethkdaste e salt and
sater both

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