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Chapter 6

4 Conceptions of Power and Influence

■ Power – Capacity of one party to influence another party

■ Authority – The rights, prerogatives, obligations, and duties associated with particular positions in an
organization or social system

6 Types of Resistance
■ Refuse to carry out the request
■ Make excuses about why the request cannot be carried out
■ Try to persuade the agent to withdraw or change the request
■ Ask higher authorities to overrule the agent’s request
■ Delay acting in the hope that the agent will forget about the request
■ Make a pretense of complying but try to sabotage the task.

9 Different Types of Power

Position power

- Legitimate power
- Reward power
- Coercive power
- Information power
- Ecological power

Personal power
- Referent power
- Expert power

Chapter 7
4 Nature of Traits and Skills
■ Trait – Variety of individual attributes, including aspects of personality, temperament, needs, motives,
and values
■ Need (motive) – Desire for particular types of stimuli or experiences
■ Values – Internalized attitudes about what is right and wrong, ethical and unethical, moral and
■ Skill – The ability to do something in an effective manner
7 McCelland’s Managerial Motivation
■ Measured with the Thematic Apperceptions Test (TAT)
■ Need Basis
■ Need for power
■ Socialized power orientation
■ Personalized power orientation
■ Need for achievement
■ Need for affiliation
■ Optimal Pattern for Large Organizations
■ Strong socialized power orientation
■ Moderate need for achievement
■ Low need for affiliation

8 Miner’s Managerial Motivation

■ Measured with a Sentence Completion Scale
■ Correlates with Advancement
■ Desire to exercise power
■ Desire to compete with peers
■ Positive attitude toward authority figures

9 Critical Incident Research on Competencies

■ Measured with Behavior Event Interview
■ Traits of Effective Managers
■ Strong efficiency orientation
■ Strong socialized power orientation
■ High self-confidence
■ Strong belief in self-efficacy
■ Internal locus of control

14 Big Five Personality Traits

- Extroversion
- Energy/activity level
- Need for power
- Dependability
- Personal integrity
- Need for achievement

- Cheerful and optimistic
- Helpful and sympathetic
- Need for affiliation

- Emotional stability
- Self-esteem
- self-control

- Curious and inquisitive
- Open-minded
- Learning oriented

15 Managerial Skills and Effectiveness

■ Technical Skills – Include knowledge about methods, processes, and equipment for conducting the
specialized activities of the manager’s organizational unit
■ Conceptual Skills – Involve good judgment, foresight, intuition, creativity, and the ability to find
meaning and order in ambiguous, uncertain event
■ Interpersonal Skills – Include knowledge about human behavior and group processes, ability to
understand the feelings, attitudes, and motives of others, and ability to communicate clearly and
Chapter 9
5 Attribution Theory of Charismatic Leadership
■ Leader Traits and Behaviors
■ Advocate a vision highly discrepant from the status quo
■ Acts in unconventional ways
■ Make self-sacrifices
■ Appear confident about their proposals
■ Inspire them with emotional appeals
■ See opportunities that others fail to recognize
■ Influence Processes
■ Personal identification
■ Internalization
■ Facilitating Conditions
■ Follower disenchantment
■ Crisis situation

6 Self-Concept Theory of Charismatic Leadership

■ Indicators of Charisma
■ Leader Traits and Behaviors
■ Articulating an appealing vision
■ Using strong, expressive forms of communication when articulating the vision
■ Taking personal risks and making self sacrifices to attain the vision
■ Communicating high expectations
■ Expressing confidence in followers
■ Modeling behaviors consistent with the vision
■ Managing follower impressions of the leader
■ Building identification with the group or organization
■ Empowering followers

7 Self-Concept Theory of Charismatic Leadership (Cont.)

■ Influence Processes
■ Personal identification
■ Social identification
■ Internalization
■ Individual self-efficacy and collective efficacy
■ Facilitating Conditions
■ Leader’s vision is congruent with existing follower values and identities
■ Task roles defined in ideological terms that appeal to followers
■ Crisis situation

13 Transformational Leadership
■ Leader Behaviors
■ Transformational Behaviors
■ Idealized influence
■ Individualized consideration
■ Inspirational motivation
■ Intellectual stimulation
■ Transactional Behaviors
■ Contingent reward
■ Active management by exception
■ Passive management by exception

14 Transformational Leadership (Cont.)

■ Influence Processes
■ Transactional Leadership
■ Instrumental compliance
■ Transformational Leadership
■ Internalization
■ Personal identification

15 Transformational Leadership (Cont.)

■ Facilitating Conditions
■ Some aspects of transformational leadership are relevant in most, if not all, situations
■ Dynamic, unstable environment that increases the need for change
■ Leaders are encouraged to be flexible and innovative
■ Follower traits and values

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