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intervention will include the following investigations:

1- Assessment of the corrosiveness of the atmosphere at HJAR NHAL:

1.1- Chemical analysis of the surrounding air, in order to check the presence or absence of gas

corrosives such as chlorine (Cl2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfide

hydrogen (H2S) and other aggressive constituents, and determine their concentrations,

and this in accordance with the requirements of standards EN 14212, ISO 7996,,...The corrosiveness

the atmosphere will then be evaluated on the basis of the results obtained and according to the
specifications of

the ISO 9223 standard.

1.2- Continuous recording of the relative humidity of the ambient air in the project area over a

period of minimum 48 hours according to the requirements of the ISO/DIS 7726 standard.

2- Study of corrosion of metallic installations and equipment falling under the

project at HJAR NHAL:

2.1- Record of damage affecting the components of installations and equipment

metal (framework, storage tanks, piping, valves, pumps, exchangers

heat , fixing elements, handling equipment, etc. ) on different areas

by sampling, by direct visual examination or using a magnifying device,

in accordance with the requirements of standard EN 13018.

2.2- Measurement of metal thickness of components of installations and equipment

metallic by probing according to the ultrasonic method prescribed by standard ISO 16809, and

this in order to evaluate the impact of a possible corrosive attack on the initial thickness of the

metal .

2.3- Evaluation of the quality of anticorrosive coatings applied to components

installations and equipment using thickness measurements in

different zones by the magnetic method according to ISO 2808 and NFT 30-124 standards, and

by the eddy current method according to the ISO 2360 standard, as well as tests

adhesion by grid according to the ISO 2409 standard and by traction according to the ISO standard


2.4- Assessment of the corrosivity of water stored or conveyed by certain equipment

metallic , through physicochemical analysis on site and in the sample laboratory

of water in order to determine their various constituents and parameters (pH, chlorides, sulfates,
carbonates , nitrates, fluorides, etc.) according to the standards in force, in order to evaluate their

corrosiveness and their mode of interaction with the metal surface.

2.5- Identification of the nuances of the constituent metals of the installation components and

equipment , using chemical analysis by emission spectrometry

optical or X-ray fluorescence on site, and the Brinell hardness test according to ISO 6506-

1, and verification of compliance of the results with the specifications of the standards in force and

data sheets from manufacturers.

2.6- Point EDX microanalysis (by probe integrated into the Electron Microscope at

Sweeping), according to the requirements of standards ASTM E1508 and ISO 22309, of the products

corrosion taken from degraded areas of metal installations and equipment, and this

in order to reveal their constituents in the atomic state.

2.7- Analysis by X-ray diffraction according to the requirements of standard EN 13925-2

encrusted corrosion products, taken from degraded areas of the installations and

equipment , in order to determine their constituents in the molecular state and

know their formation mechanisms.

2.8- Depending on the results of these investigations, precise assessment of the corrosiveness of

the atmosphere of the HJAR NHAL region, determination of origins and mechanisms

appearance of corrosion products on the affected components of installations and

equipment , and recommendation of preventive and curative solutions

adequate , including the possible choice of new replacement materials, the

recommendation of the best constructive provisions hindering the triggering of the

corrosion , as well as the choice of a coating system best suited to the atmosphere of the

area , with the detailed preparation and application procedure, with the aim of ensuring

durability for all metal installations and equipment

concerned .

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