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Analysis of Athlete's Warehouse: A SWOT Perspective

Written Assignment #5

BUS 1101


Lynetta Mcallum (Instructor)


Athlete's Warehouse, a prospective sports retail venture founded by Colin and Ed Power,

presents an intriguing case study of entrepreneurship in the athletic goods market. By delving

into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of this business endeavor, we

can gain valuable insights into its potential viability and challenges.


Athlete's Warehouse benefits from several internal strengths. Firstly, Colin's established supplier

contacts from his previous ventures provide a robust foundation for sourcing quality athletic

goods. Secondly, both Colin and Ed possess deep expertise in athletics, enabling them to offer

valuable guidance to customers, particularly in the realm of running shoes. Finally, the unique

product mix focusing on quality athletic footwear and clothing fills a gap in the market, setting

Athlete's Warehouse apart from competitors.


However, the venture is not without its internal weaknesses. Financial instability, evidenced by

the closure of the Comer Brook store due to cash flow issues, highlights potential challenges in

managing profitability. Moreover, the limited availability of full-time management resources,

coupled with reliance on Ed's financial support, poses a risk to effective business operations.

Additionally, past location-related issues underscore the importance of selecting an optimal

location for the new store in Grand Falls.


Despite these challenges, Athlete's Warehouse can capitalize on several external opportunities.

Economic growth in Grand Falls, coupled with a relatively affluent consumer base, presents a

favorable market for athletic goods. Moreover, the lack of competitor expertise in offering

personalized customer advice provides Athlete's Warehouse with a unique selling proposition.

Furthermore, the potential for expansion beyond Grand Falls to neighboring towns offers

avenues for growth.


Nevertheless, the venture faces external threats that must be carefully navigated. Intense

competition from existing sporting goods stores in Grand Falls, such as B & B Sports and Sports

Experts, poses a significant challenge to market penetration. Additionally, shifts in consumer

preferences towards online shopping or alternative leisure activities could impact demand for

physical retail stores. Economic uncertainties, such as fluctuations in inflation rates and

employment, also pose potential risks to consumer spending on discretionary items like athletic


Overall Evaluation

In conclusion, Athlete's Warehouse presents a promising business opportunity in the athletic

goods market. By leveraging internal strengths such as established supplier contacts and

expertise in athletics, while addressing weaknesses such as financial instability and location

concerns, the venture can position itself for success. Furthermore, capitalizing on external

opportunities such as economic growth and lack of competitor expertise, while mitigating threats
such as intense competition and changing consumer preferences, will be crucial for long-term

viability. With strategic planning and prudent management, Athlete's Warehouse has the

potential to carve out a niche in Grand Falls' retail landscape.


The SWOT analysis of Athlete's Warehouse illuminates both the prospects and challenges facing

this entrepreneurial endeavor. By critically assessing its internal strengths and weaknesses, as

well as external opportunities and threats, we gain valuable insights into the strategic

considerations necessary for its success. Ultimately, with careful planning and execution,

Athlete's Warehouse can aspire to become a prominent player in the athletic goods market of

Grand Falls.

Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management principles, v. 1.1.

Howse, B. (1992). Athlete's warehouse (A). Atlantic Entrepreneurial Institute.

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