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My name is Adumbi.

Name ____________ Date ________

My name is Adumbi. I come from Africa.

I am African.
I am married. My wife’s name is Marugi.
We have two sons and one daughter.
I am a taxi driver.

Connect the matching words:

son girl
husband mother
father married
brother sister
single daughter
boy wife
Complete the sentences about Adumbi:

His name is ____________.

He comes from ______________ . He is _______________.

He is married / single. His wife’s _________ is Marugi.

They have ______ sons and one _________________ .

He is a taxi ____________.

Now write about yourself:

____ name is ___________________. I am married / single.

I come ___________ ____________ . I am ______________

I have _______ brother (s) and __________ sister(s).

January 2011. Kindly contributed by Marion Martin, ESOL / SEN community based support teacher, Australia. Search for Marion on
E1 literacy, ESOL & Functional English. For related resources and further curriculum links visit the download page for this resource at skillsworkshop Page 1 of 1

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