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How successful companies were

From FedEx to Honda
• 4 inspiring short stories of starting up world famous companies
• 3 guys who went from renting mattresses
to a $10 billion company. In 2007
• Designers Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia,
couldn’t afford the rent on their San
Francisco apartment.
• There was a design conference coming to
San Francisco and the city’s hotels were
fully booked, so they came up with the
idea of renting out three airbeds on their
living-room floor and cooking their guests
• They set up a simple blog and got three
renters (two guys, one girl) for $80 each.
• After a small success and product market
fit, they enlisted a former flatmate and a
computer science graduate, Nathan
Blecharczyk, to develop the website and
join the venture.
• Interview With Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky |
Fortune - YouTube
• Two guys who made an app
in flat 8 weeks.
• Kevin Systrom, a Stanford
graduate who worked on
Google’s Gmail and
corporate development,
spent his weekends
building an app that
allowed location-aware
photo and note-sharing,
dubbing it Burbn.
• That’s how Kevin met Mike
Krieger, an early Burbn user
and Instagram’s co-founder.
Later, Burbn was
reduced to photos only and
dubbed named Instagram.
• Ben Silbermann attended Yale
University starting in 1999 and
soon realized that he didn’t
want to be doctor.
• In 2009, Ben and a college
friend, Paul Sciarra, along with
Evan Sharp, started working
on a site on which people
could show collections of
things they were interested in,
on an interactive pin-board
• Ben personally wrote to the
site’s first 7,000 users offering
his personal phone number
and even meeting with some
of its users.
• Over Thanksgiving dinner,
Ben’s girlfriend thought of a
name for it: Pinterest.
Angry Birds
• In late 2002, Reid Hoffman
recruited a team of old
colleagues from SocialNet
and PayPal to work on a
new idea.
• May 2003, Reid launched
LinkedIn out of his living
room, inviting 350 of his
contacts to join his network
and create their own
• The business started with a
slow growth at first—as
few as 20 signups on some
days—but, by the fall, it
showed enough promise to
attract an investment from
Sequoia Capital.
• After a conference in
Paris, Travis Kalanick
and Garrett Camp
were complaining
about the many
crappy things we all
have to deal with in
life, including finding a
• The next thing you
know, the two were
already brainstorming,
thinking about ways to
find cars at the right
place, at the right
What is the Internet of Things?

• Definition: A network of physical objects or "things" that collect and share

data using embedded sensors, software, and connectivity.
• Extends the Internet: IoT builds upon traditional internet connectivity,
expanding it to everyday devices.
• Key Characteristics:
• Sensing capabilities
• Network connectivity
• Data-driven intelligence
Types and Applications of IoT
• Types of IoT:
• Consumer IoT (CIoT): Devices primarily for personal use (smartwatches, smart home appliances)
• Enterprise IoT
• Industrial IoT (IIoT): Applications within industrial settings (manufacturing, energy, logistics)
• Agriculture IoT: improving farm efficiencies
• Healthcare IoT: Connected medical devices, patient monitoring, remote care solutions
• Public IoT:
• Smart Cities: IoT infrastructure for optimizing urban environments (traffic control, energy grids)
• Applications:
• Predictive maintenance (factories)
• Personalized fitness and health tracking
• Home automation and energy efficiency
• Connected vehicles and traffic optimization
• Precision agriculture
• Remote patient monitoring
What is AI?
• "AI is the new electricity. It will transform everything." - Andrew Ng
• "Data is the new oil. It's valuable, but it's not enough. What matters most is
the refinery - the ability to extract insights and turn them into value." - Clive
Humby, Data Scientist and Author
• "The future of AI is not just about data, it's about understanding and
interpreting data in a way that is meaningful and impactful." - Yann LeCun, AI
Researcher and Director of Meta AI
• "Garbage in, garbage out. The quality of your data determines the quality of
your AI results." - Andrew Ng, AI Researcher and Entrepreneur
• "AI is not a substitute for human intelligence; it is a tool to amplify human
creativity and ingenuity. Data is the raw material that allows AI to learn and
evolve." - Gary Kasparov, Chess Grandmaster and AI Advocate
• "AI and data are a powerful combination, but they raise important ethical
questions. We need to use them responsibly and ensure they benefit
everyone." - Tim Cook, CEO of Apple
What is AI?
• "AI and data have the potential to solve some of the world's most
pressing challenges, but we need to ensure they are used for
good." - Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google
• "The next decade will be defined by the ethical and responsible
development of AI and data. We need to work together to ensure
they are used to create a better future for all." - Audrey Tang,
Taiwan's Digital Minister
• "We are just at the beginning of the AI and data revolution. The
possibilities are endless, but we need to be careful and thoughtful
about how we use these powerful tools." - Klaus Schwab, Founder
and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum
Secure and Responsible AI
• Ethical development.
• Responsible deployment.
• Sensitive data is secure from breach.
• AI tools are not compromised by malicious actors.
• Pillars
• Fairness
• Reliability and safety
• Privacy and security
• Inclusiveness
• Transparency
• Explainability
• Accountability
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
• Definition: The ability of computers or machines to mimic intelligent human behavior.
• Key Concepts:
• Learning: AI systems can improve their performance over time by analyzing data and
identifying patterns.
• Reasoning: AI can draw inferences and make decisions based on available
• Perception: AI systems can process sensory input like images, sounds, and text.
• Problem-solving: AI can find solutions to complex problems through goal-oriented
search and optimization techniques.
Types and Applications of AI
• Types of AI:
• Machine Learning: Algorithms that learn from data without explicit programming.
• Deep Learning: A subset of ML using neural networks, especially powerful for image and speech
• Natural Language Processing (NLP): Understanding and generating human language.
• Computer Vision: Enabling machines to "see" and interpret the visual world.
• Applications:
• Self-driving cars
• Virtual assistants (Siri, Alexa)
• Medical diagnosis
• Fraud detection
• Personalized recommendations
• Industrial Automation
The Power Duo: IoT and AI Working Together
• IoT and AI are not competing technologies, but rather complementary forces that
strengthen each other.
• IoT excels at collecting vast amounts of real-time data from the physical world through
• AI excels at analyzing this data, extracting insights, and making intelligent decisions.
IoT solutions, traditionally…
• Measure
• Visualize
• Act

• Focus on accurate measurements, reliable transmission, rich visualization

• Interpretation of measurements and analysis
• most often, done by a human operator
How AI Enhances IoT Solutions
• Real-time Analytics: AI enables real-time analysis of data streams from connected
devices, allowing for immediate decision-making and course correction.
• Predictive Maintenance: AI can analyze sensor data from equipment to predict failures
before they occur, preventing downtime and saving costs.
• Improved Automation: AI algorithms can automate tasks based on insights from sensor
data, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.
• Data-Driven Optimization: AI helps optimize processes and resource allocation by
identifying patterns and trends within the data collected by IoT devices.
What is digital transformation?
• Digital transformation refers to the process of using digital
technologies to fundamentally change the way businesses operate.
• Examples of digital transformation in business include cloud
computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence.
• Digital transformation can help businesses streamline operations,
improve customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge.
Combining IoT, Generative AI, and Digital
• Improved efficiency and productivity: Entrepreneurship, IoT,
generative AI, and digital transformation can all help businesses
become more efficient and productive, enabling them to do more
with less.
• Increased innovation and competitiveness: By fostering creativity and
innovation, these topics can help businesses stay ahead of the
• Enhanced customer experiences: By leveraging new technologies,
businesses can provide better and more personalized experiences for
their customers.
Starting a company
Starting a company
• Identify a problem.
• Explore and analyse potential solutions for the problem.
• From Passion to Idea or Technology - YouTube
• Understand the market (is there already someone offering something
similar), estimate the size of the market
• Understand your (potential) customer – in which way your solution
will bring benefits to them, is it significant to make them pay for it?
• Create a solution for the problem in a way that brings tangible
benefits to your customers.
When can you say that you have a business?
• What Makes a Business - YouTube
How to create a company?
• How to Create a Company | Elon Musk's 5 Rules - YouTube
Assignment #2
• Brainstorm examples of how IoT is used (or could be used) in your
personal lives and familiar industries (60 minutes).
• Prepare a presentation outlining the main need addressed, the value
provided, the features
• Present (5 minutes each group)

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