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Received May 24, 2022, accepted June 16, 2022, date of publication June 21, 2022, date of current

version June 24, 2022.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3184706

Performance Assessment of Millimeter-Wave

NOMA System With Intelligent Reflecting
1 2
Department of Information Assurance (IA), FPT University, Hanoi 100000, Vietnam
Academy of Cryptography Techniques, Hanoi 100000, Vietnam
Corresponding author: Phan Van Tri (

ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the performance of millimeter-wave (mmWave) non-orthogonal

multiple access (NOMA) system with the aid of an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS). We derive the
outage probability (OP) expressions at two users D 1 and D2 of the IRS aided mmWave-NOMA
system (the IRS-mmWave-NOMA system in the following). We validate the derived expressions via
computer simulations. By considering the Nakagami-m fading channels and the path loss model proposed
for 5G standard in the IRS-mmWave-NOMA system, our results are more suitable in practical
scenarios. Specifically, numerical results observe that even the carrier frequency is extremely high
= (fc 90
GHz) and the transmitter-receiver distances are further than 50 m, the OPs at D 1 and D2 can achieve 10−4
when the transmit power of base station (BS) is 30 dBm (dB in the following). Moreover, the OPs at D 1
and D2 with IRS are greatly lower than OPs without IRS. This result demonstrates the huge benefits of
utilizing IRS in mmWave-NOMA system. In addition, we can use an IRS with larger number of reflecting
elements to maintain the OP performance at D1 and D2 when the distances are increased and fc is higher.
On the other hand, we should choose a suitable value of power allocation coefficients to obtain the same
performance at D1 and D2.

INDEX TERMS Non-orthogonal multiple access, millimeter-wave, intelligent reflecting surface, moment
function, outage probability.

I. INTRODUCTION approving it for publication was Amjad Mehmood .

Under the fast developments of wireless networks,
especially in the beyond 5G (B5G) of mobile
communications, the available frequency bands may not
satisfy the high capac- ity demand in practice. In this
circumstance, millimeter- wave (mmWave) communications
become a key technology [1], [2]. It is because mmWave
communication systems use frequency from 30 GHz to 300
GHz. Thus, they can support ultra-high transmission rate
and massive connectivity [3], [4]. Consequently, the
propagation characteristics as well as the applied scenarios
of the mmWave communications have been intensively
determined [5], [6].
Besides mmWave communications, non-orthogonal mul-
tiple access (NOMA) is a new technology that enables
to aid multi-user in the same code, frequency, and time
resources [7]. Specifically, the transmitter uses
superposition coding in the power domain for transmitting
multi-message to multi-user. At the user, successive
interference cancella- tion (SIC) is used to distinguish and
subtract messages of

The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and

other users [3]. As the results, the capacity and the number NOMA communications lead to a significant increase in
of users of NOMA systems are significantly higher than computational complexity. It is because the OP expression
those of classical orthogonal multiple access (OMA) of mmWave-NOMA com- munications is very complex
systems [8], [9]. Therefore, applying NOMA scheme in [4]. Moreover, the performance of mmWave-NOMA and
B5G systems has attracted attention in both industry and mmWave-OMA systems were compared [13]. It was
academy [7], [9], [10]. Recently, mmWave demonstrated that mmWave-NOMA not only outperforms
communications and NOMA mmWave-OMA but also has good
technology are combined in wireless systems. [3]–[6], flexibility.
[11]–[13]. Specifically, the energy efficiency, outage On the other hand, intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)
prob- ability (OP), and sum rate were derived in has recently become a key solution in B5G networks due
mmWave-NOMA system with multiple base stations [4]. to its advantages. Specifically, IRS significantly enhances
Compared with tra- ditional NOMA systems, mmWave- the performance of wireless systems without power supply,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 10, 2022 66143
N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

signal processing, and converters [14]–[19]. Moreover, the with direct links. The main contributions of this paper can be
IRS can work at any frequency. Thus, it can help to summarized as follows:
significantly reduce the effects of unfavorable parameters
induced by high frequencies and far distances between • We determine an IRS-mmWave-NOMA system where
transmitter and receiver in the mmWave communications base station (BS) transmits signal to two NOMA users
[6], [14], [20]. In particular, the OP with IRS is greatly using frequency of mmWave communications. Both
lower than OP with classical relay when they are deployed far and near users combine signals via direct and
in wireless systems [16], [21]. Additionally, the energy reflected paths for enhancement of received signal
efficiency is significantly improved by utilizing IRS instead power. We consider the channel model proposed for
of relay. Furthermore, the performance of the IRS aided 5G standard, thus, the considered IRS-mmWave-
wireless systems over Nakagami-m fading channels was NOMA system is more suitable in practice.
also studied such as in [22] and [23]. However, the works • We derive the expressions of OP at two users
in [22] and [23] considered only one user and without D1 and D2 of the IRS-mmWave-NOMA system over
mmWave communications. Thus, the advantages of NOMA Nakagami-m fading channels. We observe that the
technology and mmWave communications were not combination of direct and reflected paths leads to
exploited. Due to the huge benefits of the IRS, it is recently a significant increase in mathematical computations.
combined with NOMA technology for dramatically However, by exploiting them, the performance at D1
improving the capacity and quality of service of wireless and D2 is considerably improved. We validate the
systems [20], [24]–[37]. However, the specific carrier derived expressions via Monte-Carlo simulations by
frequencies used for system operations were ignored in using PC running MATLAB.
these reports. Nowadays, the IRS is combined with • We investigate the OP at D1 and D2 in practical
mmWave-NOMA communications for greatly improving scenarios. Numerical results clarify that the usage of
the system performance [6]. Particularly, power allocation IRS considerably enhances the OP performance at D 1
problem and hybrid beamforming were formulated for and D2. Specifically, the effects of scientific
maximizing the sum rate of the system. However, the parameters such as the carrier frequency, distances,
mathematical expressions such as OP were not obtained in and antenna gains on the OP at D1 and D2 in the IRS-
[6] to gain useful insights in the system behaviors. mmWave- NOMA system are deeply determined. In
As the aforementioned, the mmWave, NOMA, and IRS particular, the OPs at D1 and D2 with IRS can achieve
technologies have many benefits and they can be combined 10−4 when the transmit power of BS is 30 dBm even
and deployed in B5G of wireless systems. However, the the carrier frequency is extremely high = (fc 90 GHz)
research on the combining of mmWave, NOMA, and IRS and the BS-user distances is further than 50 m.
is still lack of, especially in terms of mathematical analysis. Moreover, increasing distances or fc significantly
Specifically, the mmWave-NOMA communications suffer reduces the performance at both users due to the
the path loss and signal blockage [6]. In this circumstance, properties of mmWave communications. Additionally,
utilizing IRS can solve these issues. On the other hand, depending on the number of reflecting elements on the
the effects of system parameters such as frequency and IRS and the distances between BS-users, we can
distances on the performance of IRS aided mmWave- choose a specific value of power allocation coefficient
NOMA systems were not well studied. In particular, most of NOMA scheme to obtain the same performance at
of previous works normalized the channel gains between D1 and D2.
base station and NOMA users [32], [35], [37], [38]. In other The rest of this paper is organized as follows. SectionII
words, the effects of carrier frequency, distances, and presents the system and signal models, where D1 and
antenna gains were neglected when analyzing the D2 receive signals transmitted from BS via direct paths and
performance of the IRS aided NOMA systems. Thus, their reflect paths from IRS. SectionIIIfocuses on mathematical
results were not suitable in practical scenarios due to the analysis, where OP expressions at D1 and D2 are detailedly
great impacts of those parameters. Importantly, the 5G and derived. SectionIVprovides numerical results to obtain
B5G networks use mmWave communications. Therefore, it the behaviors of IRS-mmWave-NOMA system. Finally,
is important to use the channel model proposed for 5G and SectionVconcludes our works.
B5G standard. These problems motivate us to investigate an
IRS aided mmWave-NOMA system (the IRS-mmWave- II. SYSTEM MODEL
NOMA system in the following). In particular, besides
Fig.1depicts the block diagram of the IRS-mmWave-
exploiting IRS for aiding NOMA users, the direct base
NOMA system, where base station (BS) transmits signals to
station-user links are also exploited in the IRS-mmWave-
two NOMA users (D1 and D2) using bandwidth of
NOMA system. So far, this is the first work exploiting
mmWave. An IRS (I) is used to support the
mmWave communications in the IRS aided NOMA system
communications from S to D1 and D2. D1/D2 receive
in terms of mathematical analysis. Therefore, our results
signals transmitted from BS via both direct BS-D1/BS-D2
can be applied for mmWave-NOMA systems with IRS and
channels and reflected BS-I-D1/BS-I-D2 channels. D1 is the
without direct links, without IRS and
far user while D2 is the near user. All transceivers are
60 VOLUME 10,
N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System
quipped with single antenna

N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

Since the IRS is controlled by a controller that can

adjust the IRS phases for maximizing the received signal
power [16], [39]–[41]. Specifically, the phase of the IRS (ϕl
) is picked up from a discrete phase set to obtain ϑli
0 =
[40], [41]. As a result, we have ϕl +φBSDi − θl − ψli 0.
= as
In other words, the phase of the IRS is expressed

ϕl = −φBSDi + θl + ψli. (4)

It is worth noticing that (4) is widely applied not

FIGURE 1. Block diagram of the IRS-mmWave-NOMA system.
only an IRS but also multi-IRS aided wireless networks
[16], [38]–[41]. On the other hand, (4) is taken for the ith
user, thus, its received signal power can be maximized.
while I is equipped with L reflecting elements. In practice, However, the received signal power at the kth ∈ {user (i, k
a controller is often used in the IRS to adjust its phases 1,/2 and i k) may not be maximized [27]. In other words,
[39]. Thanks to the NOMA principles, BS transmits signal = IRS is configured to maximize the received signal
combining two separate messages fo√r users D1 an√d D2 power at either D1 or D2 in the IRS-mmWave-NOMA
based system.
Using (4), (3) now is
on the power domain, e.g., xBS = a1PBSx1 + a2PBSx2, − . Σ Σ
where a1 and a2 are, respectively, the power allocation yDi = e φBSDi L |hl ||gli| + |hBSDi |
coefficients of D1 and D2 with a1 > a2 and a1 + a2 = 1;
P denotes the average transmit power of BS. 2
BS Σ ,
The received signal at user Di (i ∈ {1
, 2}) is expressed × ak BSxk + z Di (5)
as .
2 k=1
. Σ Σ Σ
y Di = , hl gliejϕl + hBSDi ak PBSxk + zDi , (1) Based on NOMA principle, the far user D 1 detects
l=1 k=1 its message by considering the near user’s message as
where hl , gli, and hBSD are, respectively, the BS-I, I-Di, and interference. Meanwhile, the near user D2 has to detect D1’s
BS-D i
message firstly. Then, it subtracts x1 using SIC [38]. After
channels;2 ϕl is the phase of the lth reflecting element;
i that, it detects its message x2. Consequently, the SINRs at
zDi ∼ CN (0, σi ) is the Gaussian noise at Di. D1 for detect x1 (denoted by ρD ), D2 for SIC x1 (denoted
Using magnitudes and phases of complex numbers, 1
we have hl = |hl |e−jθl , gli = |gli|e−jψli , hBSD = by ρ x1 ) and detect x (denoted by ρ ) are, respectively,
D2 2 D2
|h |e−jφBSDi , where |h |, |g |, and |h | i computed as
BSDi l li BSDi are, respectively, . Σ2
the magnitudes of hl , gli, and hBSDi ; θl , φBSDi , and ψli ΣL |h | aP
g || |h + |
are, respectively, the phases of hl , gli, and hBSDi . Then, the l=1 l l1 BSD1 1 BS
received signal at user Di is rewritten as ρD1 = .Σ Σ2 2, (6)
θl Σ
| |h |h
||gl ||g
l1| +
l2| |h
−j −j − l=1 l=1l +BSD
|h1BSD2 |
. Σ
|hl ||gli|e ϕl . Σ Σ2a2PBS + σ
l=1 L Σ2 a1PBS
y Di =
+ |hBSDi |e φBSDi ρ Dx1 = . , (7)
ΣL a2PBS + σ 2
2 1 |hl ||gl2| + |hBSD2 |
, l=
× ak PBS xk + zD . ΣL Σ
|h ||
g |+| 2

ρ = h |aP

61 VOLUME 10,
N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System
. l=1 l l2 BSD2
−θ −ψ ) x2
|h ||g | + |h | D2 σ2
ej(ϕ +φ
k=1 2 BS

= e−φ

. (8)
BSDi l BSDi l li BSDi

It would be better to note that (6), (7), and (8) can be

l li


. Σ
considered as the maximal SINRs at D1 and D2. It is because

× k PBSxk + zDi .
a, (2)
Let ϑli = ϕl + φBSDi − θl − ψli, (2) becomes
yDi = e−φBSDi |hl ||gli|ejϑli + |hBSDi |
× ak PBSxk + zDi . (3)

the IRS can adjust its phase to maximize the SINR at either

N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

the SINR at D1 is given in (6) while the SINRs at D2 may be

D1 or D2. In particular, when the IRS is configured for

lower than those given in (7) and (8). Similarly, when the IRS


61 VOLUME 10,
N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

while the SINR at D1 may be lower than that given in (6).

is configured for D2, the SINRs at D2 are given in (7) and

However, in order to achieve the fairness of both NOMA


N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

analysis. This assumption was widely used in the literature

users, we use the maximal SINRs at these two users for

such as in [27], [38], and [42]. Hence, the OP calculated from


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N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

the maximal SINRs can be considered as the lower bound of

©|hBSDi | (1), ©|hBSDi | (2), ©Bi (1), and ©Bi (2) (i ∈ {1, 2}) are,
the IRS aided NOMA systems.
respectively, given as (21), (22), (29), and (30). 2
In this paper, we use the Nakagami-m fading channels
Proof: Based on the CDF and PDF given in (9) and (10),
and mmWave bands in the IRS-mmWave-NOMA system, the pth moments of| hBSD1| and | hBSD2 are, respectively,
the CDF, PDF, and spread parameter of channel magnitude
presented as |
O, where O ∈ {|hl ,| g|li ,| h|BSDi |} are, respectively, given
as [40], [43] ©|hBSDi (p) ¾ E{|hBSDi |p}
1 . T(m|hBSDi | + p/2) . m|hBSDi | Σ−p/2
FO (x) = m Σ = , (20)
T(m O , mO O2 T(m|hBSDi |) ▲|hBSDi
)γO1 ▲ xm
O 2Σ |
= 1− O, x , x ≥ 0,
(9) From (20), the pth moments (p ∈ {1, 2}) of |hBSD |i are
. T(mO) ▲O obtained as
T m m
2mOO 2m O−1 exp
. − mO x Σ , x ≥ 0, (10) T(m|h | + 1/2) ▲|h
fO(x) = m xO
© |
▲ O
|hBSDi |(1) =
, (21)
▲O= −32 4. − 31. 7 ) − 20 log(f ) + G + G T(m|hBSD |) m|hBSD |
log(d O c tx rx, T(m|hBSD | +i 1) ▲|hBSD i
(11) © (2) = i i
=▲ ,
|hBSDi | m|hBSD |h
where mO and ▲O are, respectively, the shape and spread T(m|h BSDi |) i
| | BSDi
parameters; dO is the distance between the transmitter and (22)
receiver; fc ≥ 30 GHz is the carrier frequency; Gtx/Grx are On the other hand, the PDF of | hl|| gli |, i ∈ {1, 2 is
the transmitter/receiver antenna gains.1 computed as }
f|hl || (y) = f (z) dz. (23)
In this section, we firstly calculate the mathematical expres- |gli| Σ z |hl
gli| 0 z |
sions of the OPs at two NOMA users. Then the asymptotic f
expressions are derived to gain more insights in the Replacing the PDF given in (10) into (23), we have
behaviors of the IRS-mmWave-NOMA system. . m|h | Σm|hl | . m|g | Σm|gli|
4 l li
f|hl || (y) =
l |g |) li ▲|h l ▲|g | li
The OPs at D1 and D2 are, ∫ ∞ |
. respectively,
Σ expressed as
P = Pr ρ < γ , (12) ×y2m||−1 0 z22m|hl |−2

= Pr min{ρx1 , ρx2 } < γth .

(13) ▲|hl ▲|gli |
D1 D1 th m| |hl |z yzm 2 |gli|
. Σ × exp − − dz (24)
where ρD 1, ρx1D, and ρx2 D are, respectively, given in (6), (7), From [44, Eq. (3.478.4)], (24) is solved as
and (8); γth is the D2
2 SINR threshold.
2 D2 . m m m|hl |+m|gli|
Replacing (6) into (12), (7) and (8) into (13), the OPs at Σ
|hl | |gli |
D and D are, respectively, calculated as (14) and (15), as f h g (y) = ▲|hl |▲|gli| ym|hl |+m|gli|−1
1 2 | l || li| T(m|h |)T(m|g |)
shown at the bottom of the next page. From these l li
. ,m|hl |m|gli|
expressions, we obtain the OPs at D1 and D2 of the IRS- × |hl −m|gli| 2y . (25)
mmWave-NOMA system in the following Theorem. Σ ▲ |h | ▲ |g |
Km | l li

Theorem: The OPs at D1 and D2 of the IRS-mmWave- Now, we calculate the pth moment of |hl ||gli| as
NOMA system are, respectively, derived in (16) and (17), ∫ ∞
as shown at the bottom of the next page, where ©X (p) is the ©|h ||g |(p) ¾ E{(|hl ||gli|)p} = ypf|h ||g |(y)dy.
l li l li
moment of X , e.g., 0
©Hi (1) = ©Bi (1) + ©|hBSDi |(1), (18)
©Hi (2) = ©Bi (2) + ©|hBSDi |(2) + 2©Bi (1)©|hBSDi |(1), 1
(19) It is worth noticing that ▲O given in (11) clarifies the effects of the

61 VOLUME 10,
N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System
From [44, Eq. (6.561.16)], (26) becomes l li
▲|h |▲|g
. mm Σ−p |
|hl 2
distances, carrier frequency, and antenna gains on the performance of the ©|h ||g |(p) = | |hl | + p/2)T(m|gli | + p/2)
IRS-mmWave-NOMA system. In contrast to this work, previous works l li
T(m|hl |)T(m|gli|) . (27)
often normalized ▲O by setting ▲ =O 1 in their analysis [32], [35], [37],
[38]. Consequently, their results have not fully characterized the system 2
behaviors of the 5G and B5G networks. Moreover, (11) clearly indicates Although the OP expressions at D1 and D2 given in (16) and (17) look
that higher carrier frequency in mmWave communications leads to smaller like simple in overall, however, they include many complex terms.
spread parameter. Therefore, it is very important to investigate the Therefore, the mathematical challenges in this paper are significant in
mmWave communications in the IRS aided NOMA systems. comparison with previous works such as [37], [38].

N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

Let Bi =
as l=1 |hl ||gli|, the pth moment of Bi is From (31), the pth moments of Hi are given in (18)
expressed and (19).
©B (p) ¾ E{Bp Based on the pth moments of Hi, we can derive the CDF
i i of Hi as [40]
p p1 pL−2 . Σ. Σ . Σ

Σ Σ pL−2
= ··· 1
p p1 · · F (x)

p2 · pL−1 Hi ≈
© −p )···
(p [©Hi (1)]2
p1=0 p2=0
ש ©Hi (2)−[© Hi (1)]
(p ),
(p pL−1=0
− p )© . . Σ
|hl ||gli| 1 |hl ||gli| 1 2 |hl ||
gli| T [© (1)]Σ
2 © (1)x

.aΣ a!
where = ·
k k!(a−k)! ×γ , Hi
©Hi (2)−[©Hi (1)]2 ©Hi (2)−[©Hi (1)]2

L L L We should note that the approximation given in (32)

From (27) and (28), the moments of i are computed

has been widely used in the literature such as [37], [39],

as [45]

[40]. It was proved that the approximate and exact results

perfectly match in low transmit power regime. However,
©Bi (1) = ©|hl ||gli|(1), (29)
©Bi (2) = ©|hl ||gli|(2) + 2 [©|hl ||gli|
(1)] .

is a small difference between them in high transmit power


61 VOLUME 10,
N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System
l=1 lr=l+1

E 

p BSDi

l=1 |hl ||gl1| + |hBSD1

l=1 Since T(n, a) + γ (n, a) = T(n), (32) becomes

= Pr min


PD1 = Pr H12PBS(a1 − γtha2) < γthσ 2

. (34)


|hl ||gl2| + |hBSD2 a2PBS < γthσ

Let Hi = Bi + |hBSDi |, its pth moment
p is FH|i (x) ≈ 1 − [©Hi (1)]2
©Hi (p) ¾ E{(Bi + |hBSDi |) } . ©Hi (2)−[©Hi (1)] Σ
 [©Hi (1)]2 ©Hi (1)x
. Bp|hBSD |t−p
 t
Σt Σ

N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

61 VOLUME 10,
N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System
©Hi (2)−[©Hi , (2)−[©Hi (1)]2
(1)]2 © Hi

i N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System
p i 
t p=0

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N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

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N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

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N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

. . Σ Σ
PD2 = Pr min H2 PBS (a1 − γth a2 ), H2 a2 PBS < γth σ 2 .
D2 (denoted by DO1 and DO2, respectively) are, respectively,
2 2
(35) computed as DO1 = − lim [log(PD1 )/ log(PBS)] and

i) When a1 − γtha2 ≤ 0 or γth ≥ a1/a2, (34) and (35) are D = − ∞

P O2 lim [log(P DBS→
2) / log(P
BS )]. Based on
always true. It is because the left hand is ≤ 0 while the right and (44), we obtain the DO1 and DO2 as DO1 =
hand is 0. Consequently, P = P = 1 for ≥ a /a . [©H1 (1)]2 and [©H2 (1)]2
> D1 D2 th 1
2 . (2)−[©
Σ DO2 = . Σ
2 2
ii) When a1 − γtha2 > 0 or γth < a1/a2, we calculate D1P 2 (1)] 2© (2)−[© (1)]
from (34) as ©
H1 H1 H2 H2

PD1 = F 2
H1 In this section, the OPs at far and near users of the IRS-
PBS(a1 − γtha2)
= FH1 ., Σ mmWave-NOMA system are determined via derived
γthσ 2 expressions. Monte-Carlo simulations are provided to val-
. (36)
PBS(a1 − γtha2) idate analytical theory by using MATLAB software and
Based on (33), we derive the second line of (16) from 107 channel realizations. Moreover, we also provide the
(36). Combining of two cases, i.e., γth < a1/a2 and γth OPs at D1 and D2 in the case without IRS, e.g., only BS-

a1/a2, we obtain (16). D1/D2 direct links. Unless stated otherwise, the parame- ters
Meanwhile, to obtainPD2 , we must investigate two sub- used to obtain the numerical results are set as γth = 1,
cases, e.g., a1 −
γtha2 a2 and ≥ a1 γtha2 < a2. m|hl | m=|gli| m|hBSD
=i | m 3, and =
Gtx Grx= =
If a1 − γtha2 ≥− a2 or γth ≤ a1/a2 1, 5 dB. The positions = of BS, I, D1, and D2 are expressed via
we have min{H 2
P BS (a 1− γ − a
th 2 ), 2
2 2 BS
a }
2 2 BS =. Therefore, coordinations (x, y), where the positions of BS and I are
(35) becomesH fixed, e.g., (xBS, yBS) = (0, 0) and (xI, yI) = (40, 20). The
.N0, Σ power is expressed as [16], [40] σ 2 = 10 log(BW)+ NF +
PD2 = H22a2PBS < γthσ 2 where BW, NF, and N0 are, respectively, the bandwidth,
Pr . σ 2γ Σ .,
=F th
=F figure, and thermal noise power density. Similar to [16], [40],
HΣ2 a2PBS H2 a2PBS [43], we set BW = 1 MHz, NF = 10 dBm, and N0 =
σ 2γth 2
. (37)
−174 dBm/Hz. Other parameters are varied to determine
Based on (33), we derive the first line of (17) from (37).
their effects on the OPs at D1 and D2.
If a1 γtha2 < a2 or γth > a1/a2 1, we have min
− Fig.2illustrates the OPs at D 1 and D2 versus PBS (in
{H2 2PBS(a1 −γtha2), H2 a2PBS} = H22PBS(a1 γtha2).
dBm, dB in the following) for a1 = 0.6, a2 = 0.4, L

Therefore, (35) becomes
. = and fc
100, (xD1 , yD1 ) = (70, 0), (xD2 , yD2 ) = (50, 0),
PD2 = Pr H22PBS(a1 − a2γth) < σ 2γth 30 GHz. In other words, the distances from= BS to far and near
Σ. users are, respectively, 70 and 50 m. The analytical curves
σ 2γth Σ
= FH22 (denoted by ‘‘Ana’’) of the OPs at D1 and D2 with IRS are
P (a − a γ obtained by using (16) and (17), respectively. In addition,
., Σ
)BS 1 σ 2γ2thth the asymptotic curves (denoted by ‘‘Asy’’) are obtained by
= . (38) using (43) and (44), respectively. It is obvious from
PBS(a1 − a2γth)
FH2 Fig.2that utilizing IRS greatly reduces the OPs of the IRS-
Based on (33), we derive the second line of (17) from themmWave-
next page. Then, we can derive the asymptotic
(38). Combination of three above cases, e.g., ≤ γth a1/a2 1, expressions of OPs from (41) and (42) as (43) and (44), as
a1/a2 −1 < γth < a1/a2, and γth a1/a2, we obtain (17). The shown at the bottom of the next page, respectively. From
proof is thus complete. (43) and (44), we can easily derive the diversity order of the
IRS-mmWave- NOMA system. Particularly, the diversity
To obtain insights from the derived expressions, we provide
the asymptotic expressions of the OPs at D 1 and D2 of
the IRS-mmWave-NOMA Σ system.
Specifically, by using
T(a, x) = T(a) exp(−x) a−1 x
n=0 n! [44], the OPs at D1 and
D2 given in (16) and (17) can be, respectively, expressed
as (39) and (40), as shown at the bottom of the next page.
From [46, Eq. (20)], (39) and (40) can be, respectively,
approximated as (41) and (42), as shown at the bottom of
62 VOLUME 10,
N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System
NOMA system. Specifically, at PBS 15 dB, the OPs at =
D2 with and without IRS are 10 −3 and 4 10−2, respectively. ×
In other words, the OP at D2 with IRS is 40 times lower
than that without IRS when PBS 15 dB. Similar to D2, =
at PBS 20 dB, the OPs at D 1 with and without IRS =
are 1.6 10−3 and 3 10−2, respectively. Additionally, ×
if the OP target at D1 and D2 is 10−4, BS only uses 17 and
22.5 dB with IRS while it has to use 24 and 28 dB without
IRS. Therefore, the utilizing IRS greatly reduces the power
consumption of the transmitter. On the other hand, with
the investigated parameters, the OPs at D2 is significantly
lower than that at D1. Thus, we should reallocate a1 and a2
to obtain the same performance of both users.
Furthermore, the diversity orders at D1 and D2 observed
from Fig.2coincide with the analysis in previous
Fig.3determines the effects of L on the OPs at D1 and
D2 for three cases, e.g., L 100, 150, and 200 =
reflecting elements. In Fig.3, the power allocation
coefficients are reallocated, e.g., a1 = 0.8 and a2 = 0.2.
With these a1 and a2,

N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

the OPs at D1 and D2 are nearly similar, especially in the at PBS = 10 dB, the OPs at D1 and D2 reduces from
case without IRS. When L increases, the OP performance 1.7 × 10 −1 and 1.5 × 10−1 to 3.4 × 10−2 and 1.5
at D1 and D2 significantly improves. More specifically, ×L increases from 100 to 150. When
10−2, respectively, when

 [©H (1)]2
− a
 . , © (2)−[© (1)]2
. , Σ
©H1 (1) th γ σ2 ©H1 (1) γthσ 2
PD1 ≈ PBS(a1−γtha2) Σ 1 PBS(a1−γtha2)
1− ©H1 (2)−[©H1 (1)]2 n! ©H (2)−[©H (1)]2
1 1 < a1 ,
 1 1 n
exp 1, n=0
γ ≥ 2

 , γth a1
2 ,th a2
 [©H (1)]
 . , Σ © (2)−[©H (1)]2 (39)
©H2 (1) γ th σ 2 H
 1− − ©H (2)−[©H (1)]2 P BS 2a
2 2
2 2
 ©H (2)−[©H (1)]2 PBSa2 th a2
exp 2 2
PD ≈ n! , Σn
 γthσ 2
, γ ≤ a1 − 1,

1 H2 [©H

(1)]2 −1
Σ (1)]2
2  − (2)−

© . , Σ

©H2 (1) γthσ 2 H2 H2
PBS(a1−γtha2) n=0
©H2 (2)−[©H2 (1)]2
1! −

1, a1
γth ≥ ,

 (40)
.© , Σn
 1 H2
2 γthσ , a1
− 1 < γ < a1 ,
n ©H(2)−[©H (1)]2 PBS(a1−γtha2) th 2

2 2 Σ . , a2
Σ [© (1)]H1
a2 Σ
 ©H (2)−[©H (1)]2
1 ! ©H1 (1) γthσ 2 a2
©H (2)−[©H (1)]2
1 Σ 1 . Σ 1 1 , γth < a1
©H1 (2)−[©H1 (1)]2 PBS(a1−γtha2)
PD ≈  −
1 [©H (1)]2 Σ 2

 (1)]2 2
 1 1
 1, γth ≥ a2,

661 VOLUME 10,

. NOMA System
N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave , a1
 Σ ©H2 (1) γthσ 2
Σ ©H , γth ≤ − 1,
. [©H2
©H2 (2)−[©H2 (1)]
2 PBSa2 2
(2)−[©H (1)]2
(1)] 2 !

1 H2
 Σ ©H (2)−[©H (1)]2
2 2 . , Σ (1)]2 Σ
PD2 ≈ 
© (1) 2 [©H
. Σ γthσ 2
©H (2)−[©H (1)]
2 2
1 − 1 − [©H2 (1)]2 , a1
− 1 < γth < a1
 ! ©H2 (2)−[©H2 (1)]2 PBS(a1−γtha2) a2 a2
 ©H (2)−[©H (1)]2
2 2
 1, γth ≥ a2
 (1)]2
 (1) , [©
. ©H γthσ 2
1 Σ H1 P. 2©
H1 Σ (2)−[©H1 (1)] ,γ
1 ©H (2)−[©H (1)] 2
. Σ
1 1 < , th
PD1 ≈ [©H (1)]2 ©H1 (2)−[©H1 (1)]2 a1−γtha2 BS a2 (43)
 ©H (2)−[©H (1)] 2
1, 1 1
γth ≥
 −[©H (1)]2
 2
 . ©H2 (1)
, 2Σ
[© H2 (1)]
 1
Σ ©H (2)−[©H (1)]2
γ th σ ©H (2)−[©H (1)] 2
2 © H2 (2)−[© H2 (1)] 2 , γ th≤ − 1,
. a2 2 2 a2
 [©H2 2 2
  ©H2 (2)− −[©H (1)]2
PD ≈ [©H2 (1)]2 [©H (1)]
2 . 2

2 , Σ 2
. © (1) 2 22©
 H2

(2)− (1)]2

γthσ H2 H2
©H (2)−[©H (1)]
2 2 PBS , a1
− 1 < γth < a1 ,

 . Σ
[© (1)]2
! ©H2 (2)−[©H2 (1)]2 a1−γtha2 a2 a2
©H (2)−[©H (1)]2
2 2


Σ (44)

 a1
1, γth ≥ ,

VOLUME 10, 661

N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

FIGURE 2. The OPs at D1 and D2 for a1 = 0.6, a2 = 0.4, L =

100, (xD , yD ) = (70, 0), (xD , yD ) = (50, 0), and fc = FIGURE 4. The OPs at D1 and D2 for a1 = 0.6, a2 = 0.4, L = 100, and
1 1 2 2 fc = 30 GHz.
30 GHz.

FIGURE 3. The effects of L on the OPs at D1 and D2 for a1 = 0.8, a2 FIGURE 5. The impacts of fc on the OPs at D1 and D2 for a1 = 0.6,
= 0.2, (xD , yD ) = (70, 0), (xD , yD ) = (50, 0), and fc = 30 GHz.
a2 = 0.4, L = 100, (xD , yD ) = (55, 0), and (xD , yD ) = (50, 0).
1 1 2 2
1 1 2 2

L 200, the OPs at D1 and D2 are, respectively, 8 10−3 and D1 and D2 are different in the four investigated cases. Since
10−4 at PBS 10 dB. An other observation is that when L
increases, the differences between the OPs at D1 and D2
with IRS increase. Therefore, depending on L and the
distances from BS to D1 and D2 in practice, we can choose
appropriate values of a1 and a2 to obtain the required
performance at two users. Notice that since Gamma
approximations are used to obtain the OPs at D1 and D2 of
the IRS-mmWave-NOMA system, the simulated and
analytical results perfectly match in low transmit power
regime. However, they are different in high transmit power
regime. These results are reasonable and agreed with
previous works [37], [39], [40].
In Fig.4, the positions of D 1 and D2 are varied in
four cases, e.g., (xD1 , yD1 ) (55,=0) and (xD2 , yD2 )
(50, 0) (case 1), (xD1 , yD1 ) = (65, 0) and (xD2 , yD2 )
(60, 0) (case 2), (xD1 , yD1 ) = (75, 0) and (xD2 , yD2 )
(70, 0) (case 3), and (xD1 , yD1 ) = (85, 0) and (xD2 , yD2 )
(80, 0) (case 4). In other words, the distances from BS to

661 VOLUME 10,

N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System
mmWave is used for the signal transmissions, increasing
the BS-user distances significantly increases the OPs at
D1 and D2. In particular, at PBS 16 dB, the OPs at D 1 and =
D2 are 3 10−3 and 6 10−4, 3.6 10−2 and 1.2 10−2, × × ×
1.6 10−1 and 8 10−2, and 4 10−1 and 2.7 10−1 × × × ×
corresponding to the cases 1, 2, 3, and 4. In other words, ×
when the BS-user distances increases 10 m, the OPs
nearly increase 10 times.
Fig.5evaluates the impacts of fc on the OPs at D1 and
D2 for fc 30, 50, 70, and 90 GHz. Similar to the distances, =
when fc increases, the OPs at D1 and D2 greatly increase.
In particular, at fc 30 GHz, the BS uses 18.2 and 17.6 dB =
to achieve OP 10 at D1 and D2, respectively. = −4

Meanwhile, for this OP target at D 1 and D2, the BS has to

use 24.1 and 23.2, 28 and 26.3, and 31 and 29 dB
corresponding to fc 50, 70, and 90 GHz. In other words, =
when fc increases from 30 to 50 GHz, the transmit power
of BS has to increase
5.9 and 5.6 dB corresponding to users D1 and D2 dB to
maintain OP = 10−4. Moreover, the differences between

VOLUME 10, 661

N. V. Vinh, P. V. Tri: Performance Assessment of mmWave NOMA System

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VOLUME 10, 661

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