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The diagram illustrates the different stages involved in the life of a frog.

This amphibian undergoes a toal of eleven steps of development throughout his

life cycle, and the maturational change can be classified into three main stages
namely eggs, tadpoles and frogs. The process begins with frogs’eggs and ends
with the mature frog.
First of all, eggs are laid in the pond. These eggs are later hatched and turned
into embryos. Afterwards, the embryo passes through several changes in the
length of the body before becoming a tadpole. The tadpole is longer in length
than the embryos, and after some time, the front legs will break through.
The next phase is the start of pulmonary breathing, which is the ability to
breathe both inside and outside the water. Once it has the ability to breathe
outside the water, it transforms into a tadpole frog that has a shorter tail than it
had in previous phases. At the end of the phase, an adult frog emerges, and the
life cycle starts again.

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