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Final Exam Question paper 1076165 loT Entrepreneurship Date: 22/02/2019 Duration: 1:30 hours ‘Question 1 (10 Marks) 42) nan organization, who, ie. which part of organization business or technology, is driving introduction of oT solutions? (1 Mars) 8) Explain why some of she ecosyter roe horizontal ecosystem ols. (1 Marks) ©) Give examples of at leat three aiflerences between corporate ape startup. Me/career, (2 macs) u 1d) Explain what una advantage i (2 Marks) Whats the fest step when starting up 3 comin S&mAiN 2 prBblet of technology? CL are considered as horizontal. Give examples of ’ Marks) You are an investor and a team of 3 engineers is pitching their solution to you. What would You recommend to them? (1 Marks) You are an investor and a team i iting hel solution to you. The team has identified = problem and among themselves agreed thatitis a problem which everyone would love to use. a 8 {What wosla you recommend tether? (1 Marks) A startup offers thei solution for free toe end users and they stil generate revenue, How? (1 Marks) You are arranging 2 meeting with a company to offer them your loT solution. Whom should you aim to meet, Chief Digta/Innovation officer or Head of? (1 Marks) ‘You are building an 1oT solution, ist the main technological components/tunctiona blocks you have ta include in adduion to sensors. (1 Marks) ort 2:60 minutes (open book) ‘Question 1 (30 Mark) {team of engineers, regular users of bus transport in Kigal, has identified thatthe bus transport is safe, elable and cheap. They also identified that it could be significantly improved if there was a way to know when the next bus would arrive to ther us stop and i there were free places on that bus, They decided to design a solution to address this problem and to start a company to commercialize the solution, Provide high level system design for such soluton, identify potential components/devices to be ‘deployed on the buses, describe a potential business model and what actions you would do to ensure ‘the existence ofthe identified problem. Estimate market size in East Arica ovieny ; Cea Lond Ont ope a8 Se “oye pos Lyuld OyiTal bplay Final Exam Question paper 1076165 lof Entrepreneurship Date: 22/02/2019 Total Marks: 40 Duration: 1:30 hours Port 1:30 minutes Question 1 (20 Mars) 2) In an organization, who, ie. which part of organization business or technology, i driving Introduetion of lo solutions? (4 Marks plain why some of the ecosystem rol are considered as horizon horizontal ecosystem roles, (1 Marks) Give examples of at least three differences between corporate apd startup. ie/career. (1 Marks) \ iy Explain what unfair advantage is. (0 Marks) ) What i the first step when starting up a coment dentAuM st Bnled Sl Cecknclog tr Marks) You are an investor and a team of 3 engineers is pitching their solu You recommend to them? (1 Marks) 8) You are an investor and a team is pitcaing thei solution to you. The team h Problem and among themselves agreed that its a problem which everyone would love tot » a 4 °) ston to You. What woul 9 identified 3 What would you recommend to therm? (4 Marks) A startup offers their solution for free to ine end users and they sill generate revenue, How? (1 marks) 1) You are arenging a meeting with a company to offer them your loT solution, Whom should You aim to meet, Chief Digtal/Innovation officer or Head of 1? (1 Marks} logical components/functional blocks you hy) You are building an foT solution, List the main technol have to include in adivion to sensors. (1 barks) Part 2: 60 minutes open book) ‘Question 1 (30 Mark) has identified that the bus transport is ‘A team of engineers, regular users of bus transport in Kigal {ate reliable and cheap, They also identified that it could be significantly improved f there was way Wf there were free places on that bus. {0 know when the next bus would arrive to their bus stop anc They decided to design a solution to address this problem and to start a company to commerciales the solution, Frovide bigh level system design for such solution, identify potential components/devices to be jodel and what actions you would do to ensure deployed on the buses, describe a potential business mi the existence ofthe identified problem. Estimate market size in East Africa Porieuts Sus dango Cnt le lapied tanily a a : 5 am aa te tapet ict Pd oy Wiplay i “dl d d \ce in Internet of Things oT) African Center of Excel ac IoT6166: Research Methodology Final Exam [33 points] January 18, 2019 Duration: 2h A. Research and Research Tools [11pts] QI. Describe at least 5 research tools indicating also the steps of research cycle they are involved in. [11 pts] B. Literature Review in Research [11pts] Q2. What is role of the Literature Review in research? (6 pts] Q3. Describe how to write a clear and cohesive Literature Review? Provide and comment on at least 5 guidelines. [5 pts] C. Research Proposal [11pts] Q4. Discuss the different ingredients of a research proposal. {11 pts] Day ltnalin pwieur providis J Lterativw Aur tubpa au os Con tea gy Kighlighs beth Dusting Aseauch : i te make a Link behewn what yeu es hes de oramint and Hee—exish what hoo a dome SER prone an ovtuiw te te ouoting noneondh, UNIVERSITY OF RWANDA COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WSN6262 SECURITY, PRIVACY AND ETHICAL ASPECTS OF Io AFRICAN CENTER OF EXCELLENCE OF INTERNET OF THINGS (ACEI6T) Instructions Candidates to attempt any 4 questions Mobile phones are not allowed Do not write anything om the question paper Question 1 Briefly discuss the following terms a) Hash function @ marks) b) Symmetric encryption @ marks) ©) Asymmetric encryption @ marks) 4d) Public Key Infrastructure @ marks) ©) Centificate of Authority (@ marks) Question 2 8) fhe MQTT protocol enables publish/subscribe messaging model in’ an extremely lightweight way in an loT environment. In one of the labs you created a new chanel to collect data remotely from the public ThingSpeak Channel Weather Station through the MQTT.fx which as shown below. The results was the output displayed belaw. Using the diagram below briefly discuss what and how you did the simulation, AFRICAN CENTER OF EXCELLENCE ®@ N 7 INTERNET OF THINGS ) You have completed your masters and have been offered a job with the lo solution manager. You ha board, to explain what oT solutic \will help management to understand an IoT solution, security modeV/architecture. Programme in Wireless Intelligent Sensor Networks fan international IT company with a branch in Kigali as ve been asked to prepare a short presentation before the 'on is. You believe that discussing the loT architecture Using a diagram discuss an loT (S marks) Question 3 8) he field of oT solution development is rapidly growing especialy in Kigali Rwanda, thanks tothe higher rate of penetration of mobile device adoption, However one and cybersecurity experts have raised questions regarding the safety of existing IoT olutions. Do you agree with the experts or disagree? Justify your answer Briefly discuss the criteria you would use to evaluate a “Secure IoT solution” (S marks) 'b) Public awareness of privacy risks in the Inte met has increased while governing bodies are working on new sets of regulations to addr fess concerns and gaps in the digital domain, Briefly discuss any five privacy issues associate with oT solutions Question 4 same vulnerabilities. Briefly discuss the legal and ethical issues associated with this IoT. solution. — (5 marks) _>) Briefly discuss the security considerations in an loT device (5 marks) third Transform Africa Summit in May 2017 under the » The focus was on developing smart cities aiming at Pure ee © ical solutions towards improved efficiency of the continent IT division Kigali City, briefly discuss five in order to make Kigali a"Smart City”. (S marks) address eyberecurty issus related o Smart Ci? (S maria) 5) How wouid yo Question 6 integration between IoT and healthcare will revolutionize the healthcare landscape in Rwanda 4) Briefly discuss this statement. (3 marks) ©) How would this integration affect privacy of patients (4 marks) ©) Identify atleast three ethical issue that must be addressed G marks) Question 7 During the research seminars we examined some case studies regarding implementation of ToT solutions such as the Daimler Trucks and Copenhagen Smart Transport among others. Select two case studies and discuss the problem addressed, how they addressed it and the impact of the implementation of the IoT solution (0 marks) Fay did pes mara ond nt Obanes tn the Comparry aaa: is ee ee = + th e vblem m ther Sytkm jlo tod yf thew 1s 4 jo : phi im + The tcl ale At te con Yor Boo mobile applica ck algo Con be Ee te Sue mony chunk in the Some tome t 7 ore used ils Coney and he du Xam Question paper ADVANCED WIRELESS SENSOR NE TWORKS DESIGN IN 5G (WSN6263) Total Marks: 40 fon: 2 hours ubsory Question: Marks, Ja, What is SG-NR and ite working range ? How is high pertorm nee achieved using SG-NR Q) @) "e RAN enablers encompassed by the 5G Dynamic RAN. () b. Detine LSCP? Bx plain briefly its functions? plitin in detail th SECTION B Answer any to qi estions: 2. 4. Explain in detail the four enablers of SG services 6, Briefly explain the imy eo) iprovements made in LTE to accon ? Q) yi are the various solutions to realize xm in 5G. Explain in detail () 4 With proper examples explain the 5G Dats RRM concept () 3.4. Explain in det control/user planes the Functional Split Architecture of 5G, different models rel lated to the enefits and uses of RAN split (3) technological compone1 ures () yystem, s describe in detail the ters. Small Qtha OF © , Dynamic THD deo Byganleoni. tasiv.e Mino 4. a. Describe the spectrum Tequirements of the three generic 5G Services- xMBB, mMTC and UMTC, and give brief overview of the Spectrurs Toolbox. (5) b. Describe the various Protocol architectures for the tight integration of LTE and new air i in the various layers, (5) 'ytwo Non-orthogonal schemes for efficient multiple access 6) Reid = Spanbe Cade ALL THE BEST nts that address the desired feat three types of massive MIMO ‘Transmit Vicocerde University of Rwanda Center of Excellence for lo lof ARCHITECTURE Theoretical Exam ~ INSTRUCTIONS This is 1. CLOSED BOOK exam. Textbooks. notes and cell phones are NOT allowed. Neither pr p iP work is allowed 2 Ther 4 part one you are expected to make comparison het et the given compar +. In par wva you are expected to brietly discuss onthe setecte ‘opie © In part three you are expected to mapyrelate concepts Fram each part you are expected to select and work with only two ofthe ven list I'more than two are discussed, only the first wv vill be marked You have 120-minute relevancy of the diseussion will be given value. Discussions which are true faet subject under question will not be valued, The eva ation is based on the subst in the length of the discussion 5. Please 6 Bel Tad each question carefully, and write your answers legibly in the spi ace pro ore you start the exam make sure you write your full n ame and revistration nun and on each page 7. When you are finishe } please hand in your exam paper io the invigilator Good tuck! For tractor use ony PROTOCOLS AND STANDARDS (WSN SRAM Ne lacey | Registration No 1¢ | Alo StS {o complete your works. Please be concise and focused in #€ of the consent but nut Compare and Contrast: Please select two from the given list (Spts each x 2) Part 1. Layered Model I. Three Layered Model Vs 2. Active RFID Vs Passive RFID 3. LoRA Vs Sigfox 4. SG VsLTE 5. IEEE 802.11 standards Vs IEEE 802.15.4 standards Il. Please select any two of the question below and make your discussion as | requested (10 pis each x 2) 1. Most of the protocols apply layered architect preferred type of architecture? What is software architecture in view of lo’ How would a use case helps the development of lo re most ure. Why is layered T and where/when would it be most relevant? architecture? 2. Part IIL. Please select ny two line of d each. (Spts each x 2) 1. What does a perception layer consists? 2. If busin 1 map relevant discussion to layer is part of the architecture, what would be the possible funetionalities it provides? Give example Various standard bodies are contributing various standa layer of IoT architecture. Sele the respective st ds often focusing at a specific a standard body (other than IEEE) and briefly discuss andard it has contributed and to which layer Final Exam Question paper 1076162 Smart Sensors and Actuators Duration: 2 hours SECTION A. Marks (493) ‘Compulsory Question: 4.a, Differentiate Sensor vs. Smart Sensor and do brief the different components of a Smart Sensor. 2 ». Identify Transducers from the list given: Valves, Microphones, Diode, Heater, Solenoids, Hydraulic ation. (4) Cylinders, pH probe. How can you evaluate performance of an actuator? Justify your answer with appropriate just SECTION B Marks Answer any two questions: Illustrate with appropriate diagrams Indoor Tracking with reference to 1. BLE, 2. RFID and 3. Wi-Fi (6) 6) 2a, 8) 'b. Write short note on Localization, its techniques and algorithms. «. list the measurement based statistical models with Range based Localization. @ 3.2. Define Sensor Tasking and Control. b. Demonstrate your understanding on Task Based sensing, Information Based sensing and Grouping with precise points. (6) List the Sensor resource constraints. (@) d. A temperature transducer that reads 102 °C at full scale, when the temperature is 100 ..0f full scale. perature change has a °C, has an (a) (a) (a) accuracy equal to . ©. A thermocouple that increases output voltage by 3mV per degree Celsius tem, of 3mv/ °C. f. The difference between the upper and lower values the transducer is designed to measure is... 3) 4.2, Diagrammatically illustrate Serial USB in a computer. (4) b. Explain the 4 ways of data transfer in USB (Universal Serial Bus). . : (2) (6) ARERR O EES Povple an oxuted y the medical locter located Lhe 1 th phe other by MUKAMA NA ~ 29013 S45 5 WSN6264 CLOUD NETWORKING FOR lw QUIZ 1 Point oui the wrong statement.) 2) Some hypervieors are instalee over an operating system and are referred 1 as Type Srnoated vat 2B) AN CPUs suppor vital machines Type 2 VM sofware Inarfac coated that emotes tho dovces vith which "would normaly interact @)Abor he mentored ina chome, the VM is installed as 0 Type 1 Hype the Fardvare 2) paravituaisaion 2) ht vrtuazaton «)emlaton 4) none ofthe mentioned Which ofthe flowing provide sytem resource access to vitual machines'(@) 3) vine : ®) vc ouvNM 4) Al ofthe mentioned ‘An operating System running on a Type _ VMs ful vituaization ai 2 ¢)3 4) Allof the mentioned loud infrastructure is operated forthe exclusive use of an organization The by 2) Public ) Private ©) Community 4) Allof the mentioned The Cloud infrastructure is operated fo the exclusive use of an organization a) Public b) Private ©) Community 4) All of the mentioned ‘A hybrid cloud conpbines multiple clouds where those clouds retain their unique identties, but are bound together as a unit. re bounc ‘ont be c x oy Bie rea vhardware follows the Pe EN 73 ior 5 resources to need on an ongoing basis/(a)) 10. All cloud computing applications suffer from the inherent. WAN connectivity, a) propagation b) latency c) noise ) all of the mentioned that is intrinsic in their o WSN6264 CLOUD NETWORKING FOR lot QUIZ 2 a5 Which of these companies is not a leader in cloud computing? 2 Google b. Amazon (© alackboara 4. Microsoft ability of a subscriber to increase or decrease 2. Which cloud characteristic refers to the ithout having to contact a human its computing requirements as needed w' representative of the cloud provider? 2. Rapid elasticity —__B_omdemana self service ~—¢._ Broad network access d. Resource pooling 3, An Internet connection is necessary for cloud computing interaction. @ True b. False 4. What is cloud computing replacing? ‘a. Corporate data centers Expensive personal computer hardware Expensive software upgrades how many types of deployment models are used in cloud? a. Public cloud b. Private cloud Community loud Hybrid loud Only A&B Allof the above only AB &D. sccossing information, processing oF storage on 8 1. Client Server system refers to 3 ficaly more powerful separate syster from a fess powerful omPute @® me b. FAISE 8, The Cloud may be ‘which can cause overloaded to serve a number of requests, and hence exhausted, ‘a. Zombies @ tow + Tastseted We'el of ance d. Backdoor channel attack @ sotnbac f. _Allofthe above 9. Heroku was acquired by a. Microsoft Salesforce.com c. Vmware 4, Red Hat 410, "Cloud" in cloud computing represents what? a. Wireless b, Hard drives c. People

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