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Section III. Effective use of e-learning /30 Marks

Nowadays, it is no longer mandatory to have classes in a physical setup (face to face
classroom). Teaching and learning can be offered in a blended mode for students to acquire
competencies as per curriculum using different technologies. Platforms such as Moodle,
Google Classroom, Adobe Learning Manager, and Blackboard are used to create classrooms
and prepare and upload materials. As a lecturer in a high-learning institution, you are
requested to create an online classroom and create learning materials so that students can
access them whenever they need and learn at their own pace.

The following are instructions:

1. Create a Google Classroom and name it as RPL_RPCollege_FullName
(eg: RPL_IPRCMusanze_HIRWA John);
2. Invite four (4) students one of them is and three (3)
co-teachers one of them is (for others use the email of your
3. Add two (2) topics and name them based on two of the modules you
4. In Google Classroom, do the following:
A. Add an assignment in one Module and name it as LO 1.1. Assignment
A.1. The assignment should be on 10 marks;
A.2. Due date should be set to 30 June 2024;
A.4. Make a rubric for the assignment with criteria titled after questions
(Question 1, Question 2). The criteria points should bear marks equivalent to
the given mark in the assignment questionnaire;
B. Add one quiz assignment for the first topic that has two sections (A and B); The
quiz has two items/questions for each section and is set for one attempt only;
C. Upload one material (at least one per topic);
5. Transfer the class ownership to

Note: All tasks will be performed within 45 minutes

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