LBIS_Class Pictures_Letter to Parents

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22nd May 2024


Dear Parents/Guardians,


As we all know that CLASS PHOTO is a memorable souvenir of your child’s educational
journey, that’s why we ensure that each school year there must be a class picture taking.

In relation to that, may we please inform you that the CLASS PHOTO is ready to be printed
as per PRE-ORDER. Everyone is encouraged to have a copy of the photo which costs Rp.
50.000 only (size 8R).

Kindly fill up the “PRE-ORDER SLIP” by clicking this link

and submit it latest by Thursday, 30th May 2024.

Payment via bank transfer to BCA, a/n Yayasan Lilin Bangsa, Acct No. 0659-007-888, and
then send the transfer slip to the Admin at +6285781540103.

Once again, thank you for your unwavering support.


Ms. Georgie C. Floro

Principal, Lilin Bangsa Intercultural School

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