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Some nights when he come home from work. He is so exhausted. He doesn’t feel anything but collapsing
on the sofa and in front of the TV.

a. Doing
b. Do
c. To do
d. Did

parents in the decision to expel the student is a risky thing.

A. Because of
b. On
c. Not involving
d. Involve

Being experienced is necessary to join Jane's club.

a. In orientation
b. In orienteering
c. On orienting
d. Orientation

Lately I've been trying to stop speeding in traffic, to schedule too many activities,
a b c

and rushing through each day like a crazy person.


Selasa, 4 Juni 2024

NO.5 309

To have a happier family life, we should all focus on eating meals together, on
a b
airing our problems and concerns, and on take time to talk to one another.
c d

Most presidents want to be reflected to a second term, taken

a b c
seriously by other world leaders, and to be remembered fondly

after they leave office.


To be hired in this firm, you are expected to have earned a bachelor's degree
a b
and to having worked in a bank for at least two years.
c d

Selasa, 4 Juni 2024

The global shift towards renewable energy sources is imperative to combat climate change and ensure a sustainable
future. Solar and wind power, the most prominent forms of renewable energy, have seen significant advancements in
efficiency and cost reduction over the past decade. Solar panels now convert sunlight to electricity with efficiency rates
surpassing 20%, while wind turbines are capable of producing energy even at lower wind speeds. Despite these
advancements, the integration of renewable energy into the existing power grid poses significant challenges. Energy
storage systems, such as batteries, are crucial to address the intermittent nature of solar and wind power. Furthermore,
policies and regulations must adapt to support the growth of renewable energy industries. Government incentives and
subsidies play a vital role in making renewable energy projects financially viable. Investment in research and
development is also essential to foster innovation and further reduce costs. The transition to renewable energy is not
just a technological challenge but also a socioeconomic one, requiring collaboration between governments, businesses,
and communities to achieve a carbon neutral future.

1. What has been a major advancement in solar panel technology over the past decade?
A. Increased sunlight exposure
B. Efficiency rates surpassing 20%
C. Reduction in size
D. Longer operational lifespan
The global shift towards renewable energy sources is imperative to combat climate change and ensure a sustainable future.
Solar and wind power, the most prominent forms of renewable energy, have seen significant advancements in efficiency
and cost reduction over the past decade. Solar panels now convert sunlight to electricity with efficiency rates surpassing
20%, while wind turbines are capable of producing energy even at lower wind speeds. Despite these advancements, the
integration of renewable energy into the existing power grid poses significant challenges. Energy storage systems, such as
batteries, are crucial to address the intermittent nature of solar and wind power. Furthermore, policies and regulations
must adapt to support the growth of renewable energy industries. Government incentives and subsidies play a vital role in
making renewable energy projects financially viable. Investment in research and development is also essential to foster
innovation and further reduce costs. The transition to renewable energy is not just a technological challenge but also a
socioeconomic one, requiring collaboration between governments, businesses, and communities to achieve a carbon
neutral future.

2. Why are energy storage systems important for renewable energy?

A. They increase the efficiency of solar panels
B. They reduce the need for government incentives
C. They address the intermittent nature of solar and wind power
D. They help in the construction of wind turbines
The global shift towards renewable energy sources is imperative to combat climate change and ensure a
sustainable future. Solar and wind power, the most prominent forms of renewable energy, have seen significant
advancements in efficiency and cost reduction over the past decade. Solar panels now convert sunlight to
electricity with efficiency rates surpassing 20%, while wind turbines are capable of producing energy even at
lower wind speeds. Despite these advancements, the integration of renewable energy into the existing power grid
poses significant challenges. Energy storage systems, such as batteries, are crucial to address the intermittent
nature of solar and wind power. Furthermore, policies and regulations must adapt to support the growth of
renewable energy industries. Government incentives and subsidies play a vital role in making renewable energy
projects financially viable. Investment in research and development is also essential to foster innovation and
further reduce costs. The transition to renewable energy is not just a technological challenge but also a
socioeconomic one, requiring collaboration between governments, businesses, and communities to achieve a
carbon neutral future.

3. What role do government policies play in the renewable energy sector?

A. Reducing research and development costs
B. Providing incentives and subsidies
C. Increasing wind speeds for turbines
D. Improving solar panel technology
The global shift towards renewable energy sources is imperative to combat climate change and ensure a sustainable
future. Solar and wind power, the most prominent forms of renewable energy, have seen significant advancements
in efficiency and cost reduction over the past decade. Solar panels now convert sunlight to electricity with
efficiency rates surpassing 20%, while wind turbines are capable of producing energy even at lower wind speeds.
Despite these advancements, the integration of renewable energy into the existing power grid poses significant
challenges. Energy storage systems, such as batteries, are crucial to address the intermittent nature of solar and
wind power. Furthermore, policies and regulations must adapt to support the growth of renewable energy
industries. Government incentives and subsidies play a vital role in making renewable energy projects financially
viable. Investment in research and development is also essential to foster innovation and further reduce costs. The
transition to renewable energy is not just a technological challenge but also a socioeconomic one, requiring
collaboration between governments, businesses, and communities to achieve a carbon neutral future.
4. What is necessary to foster innovation in renewable energy?
A. Decreasing sunlight exposure
B. Higher wind turbines
C. Increased investment in research and development
D. More fossil fuel usage
The global shift towards renewable energy sources is imperative to combat climate change and
ensure a sustainable future. Solar and wind power, the most prominent forms of renewable energy,
have seen significant advancements in efficiency and cost reduction over the past decade. Solar
panels now convert sunlight to electricity with efficiency rates surpassing 20%, while wind turbines
are capable of producing energy even at lower wind speeds. Despite these advancements, the
integration of renewable energy into the existing power grid poses significant challenges. Energy
storage systems, such as batteries, are crucial to address the intermittent nature of solar and wind
power. Furthermore, policies and regulations must adapt to support the growth of renewable energy
industries. Government incentives and subsidies play a vital role in making renewable energy
projects financially viable. Investment in research and development is also essential to foster
innovation and further reduce costs. The transition to renewable energy is not just a technological
challenge but also a socioeconomic one, requiring collaboration between governments, businesses,
and communities to achieve a carbon neutral future.

5. What type of challenge is the transition to renewable energy described as?

A. Technological only
B. Socioeconomic only
C. Both technological and socioeconomic
D. Neither technological nor socioeconomic
In recent years scientific and technological developments have drastically changed human life on our
planet, as well as our views both of us as individuals in society and of the Universe as a whole.
Maybe one of the most profound developments of the last decade is the discovery of recombinant
DNA technology, which allows scientists to introduce genetic material (or genus) from one organism
into another. In its simplest form, the technology requires the isolation of a piece of DNA, either
directly from the DNA of the organism under study, or artificially synthesized from the DNA template,
by using a virtual enzyme called reverse transcriptase. This piece of DNA is then ligated to a fragment
of bacterial DNA which has the capacity to replicate itself independently. The recombinant molecule
thus produced can be introduced into the common intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli, which can
be grown in a very large amount in synthetic media. Under proper conditions, the foreign gene will
not only replicate in the bacteria, but also express itself, through the process of transcription and
translation, to give rise to large amount of the specific protein coded by the foreign gene.

The technology has already been successfully applied to the production of several therapeutically
important biomolecules, such as insulin, interferon, and growth hormones. Many other important
applications are under detailed investigation in laboratories throughout the world.

Which of the following is not true?

a) The foreign gene will replicate in the bacteria, but it will not express itself through transcription
and translation.
b) The bacterium Escherichia coli can be grown in large amounts in synthetic media.
c) Research continues in an effort to find other users for this technology.
d) Recombinant DNA technology is a recent development
In recent years scientific and technological developments have drastically changed human life on our
planet, as well as our views both of us as individuals in society and of the Universe as a whole.
Maybe one of the most profound developments of the last decade is the discovery of recombinant
DNA technology, which allows scientists to introduce genetic material (or genus) from one organism
into another. In its simplest form, the technology requires the isolation of a piece of DNA, either
directly from the DNA of the organism under study, or artificially synthesized from the DNA template,
by using a virtual enzyme called reverse transcriptase. This piece of DNA is then ligated to a fragment
of bacterial DNA which has the capacity to replicate itself independently. The recombinant molecule
thus produced can be introduced into the common intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli, which can
be grown in a very large amount in synthetic media. Under proper conditions, the foreign gene will
not only replicate in the bacteria, but also express itself, through the process of transcription and
translation, to give rise to large amount of the specific protein coded by the foreign gene.

The technology has already been successfully applied to the production of several therapeutically
important biomolecules, such as insulin, interferon, and growth hormones. Many other important
applications are under detailed investigation in laboratories throughout the world.

Expression of a gene in Escherichia coli requires….

a) Viral enzyme reverse transcriptase

b) The processes of transcription and translation
c) Production of insulin and other biomolecules
d) That the bacteria be grown in a synthetic media.
TikTok's Shift to Longer Videos

In 2024, a notable shift is occurring on social media platforms, particularly TikTok, where the trend is
moving towards longer video content. Over the past few years, shortform videos have dominated
platforms like TikTok and Instagram. However, creators are now encouraged to produce longer and
more in depth content. This change is driven by several factors:

1. Platform Evolution: TikTok and Instagram are extending the maximum length of videos, with
Instagram Reels now allowing up to 15 minutes. TikTok is also testing longer video formats,
potentially reaching similar durations.
2. User Preferences: Social media users are increasingly turning to these platforms for
comprehensive content that answers their questions and provides more substantial engagement.
This shift aligns with the broader trend of users seeking more meaningful and less superficial
interactions online.

3. Engagement Dynamics: Longer videos foster deeper connections between creators and their
audiences, allowing for more detailed storytelling and engagement. This trend reflects a move away
from quick, fleeting interactions towards more sustained viewer involvement.

This trend towards longer video content represents a significant shift in how social media platforms
are utilized and how content is consumed, marking a new era of digital interaction.

1. What is a primary reason for TikTok's shift towards longer videos?

A. Shortform content is no longer popular.
B. Platforms are increasing maximum video lengths.
C. Users dislike short videos.
D. Longer videos are easier to create.

Answer: B. Platforms are increasing maximum video lengths.

Explanation: Both TikTok and Instagram are extending the duration allowed for video content,
NO.14 TikTok's Shift to Longer Videos

In 2024, a notable shift is occurring on social media platforms, particularly TikTok, where the trend is moving towards
longer video content. Over the past few years, shortform videos have dominated platforms like TikTok and Instagram.
However, creators are now encouraged to produce longer and more in depth content. This change is driven by several

1. Platform Evolution: TikTok and Instagram are extending the maximum length of videos, with Instagram Reels now
allowing up to 15 minutes. TikTok is also testing longer video formats, potentially reaching similar durations.

2. User Preferences: Social media users are increasingly turning to these platforms for comprehensive content that answers
their questions and provides more substantial engagement. This shift aligns with the broader trend of users seeking more
meaningful and less superficial interactions online.

3. Engagement Dynamics: Longer videos foster deeper connections between creators and their audiences, allowing for
more detailed storytelling and engagement. This trend reflects a move away from quick, fleeting interactions towards more
sustained viewer involvement.
This trend towards longer video content represents a significant shift in how social media platforms are utilized and how
content is consumed, marking a new era of digital interaction.

1. What is a primary reason for TikTok's shift towards longer videos?

A. Shortform content is no longer popular.
B. Platforms are increasing maximum video lengths.
C. Users dislike short videos.
D. Longer videos are easier to create.
NO.15 TikTok's Shift to Longer Videos

In 2024, a notable shift is occurring on social media platforms, particularly TikTok, where the trend is moving towards
longer video content. Over the past few years, shortform videos have dominated platforms like TikTok and Instagram.
However, creators are now encouraged to produce longer and more in depth content. This change is driven by several

1. Platform Evolution: TikTok and Instagram are extending the maximum length of videos, with Instagram Reels now
allowing up to 15 minutes. TikTok is also testing longer video formats, potentially reaching similar durations.

2. User Preferences: Social media users are increasingly turning to these platforms for comprehensive content that answers
their questions and provides more substantial engagement. This shift aligns with the broader trend of users seeking more
meaningful and less superficial interactions online.

3. Engagement Dynamics: Longer videos foster deeper connections between creators and their audiences, allowing for
more detailed storytelling and engagement. This trend reflects a move away from quick, fleeting interactions towards more
sustained viewer involvement.
This trend towards longer video content represents a significant shift in how social media platforms are utilized and how
content is consumed, marking a new era of digital interaction.

How are user preferences influencing TikTok's new trend?

A. Users want quicker interactions.
B. Users prefer more superficial content.
C. Users seek comprehensive and meaningful content.
D. Users dislike video content.


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