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CPA Rete Scot of the Pipe Regulatory Framework for Business ra netioms Prewech Handout Tew \ B, 1 Avena, Wand wroteon signed» promuny m the note, ow much miny D say whieh a lect form © 11 ecomies inwalvent?™ emise to pay 1 P0000." AL the enaterty date of ‘A. PIOO00 B P2000 P3000 | D. P1800 FE 2 A,xhosdomkiled in Lips Cy, ha mw oastn to delivy «298 LL. ton Bick Parana o B, ho domi Batangas City, A 2018 (44. alton Black Fortiner 4 located in Tanaiaa City atthe tine of perfection of obligation while asother 2018 Lis. Eat Aelivered by AW 22 A. Lipa City Batangas City | © Tanauan City D. Tagaytay City m igck Fortuner is Located in Tagnstay City a the agreed date of delivery. Where shall the car be fx 3. What is the prescriptive period of the right to file an action based on quasi-delict, quasi contract, oral ciirast and veristen staat, respectively? A 4 years, 6 years, 6 yeas; 10 years B. 4 years, 5 years; 6 years 8 years | year 4 years; 5 years 6 years D. 2 years, 3 years; d years; $ years fy + A tus tree outstanding due and demandable obligations to B consisting of: (1) Accounts Payable in the amount of P000,000; 2) Notes Payable in the amount of PI,000,000 whichis solidary debt with G; (3) Loans Payable with 10% interes inthe amcurt of P1,000,000, and (4) Mortgage Payable i te amount of P0000 which is secured by realestate mortgage over A's land. A pad P1,000,000 to B and designated the payment tothe accounts payable. In which debt shall he payment be applied by B? | ‘AL Accounts payable BL Notes payable C. Loans payable D. Mortange payable 1D 5. A Band C wrote and signed a promissory note which states “We promise to pay D and E,P60,000," At the maturity date of the note, D indorsed back the promksory note to A. How much obligation is extinguished and by what mods of ‘extinguishment of obligation? ‘A. P20,000 by confusion B. P60,000 by compensation ©. P30,000 by remission D. P10,000 by merger C6 Aut an bition wo elver a specie celptone to B ha x specie apop as-be subs in lew ofthe spite cellphone. Who has the right of choice in this type of obligation? FrewsraTWVE ‘A. Auales ther stipulation tothe contrary 3. B unless thee is stipulation othe contrary Always A D, Always B Py 7. In which «ype of delay i consignation the proper legal remedy onthe part ef injured party? ‘A, Mora acipiend B. Mora solvendi C. More obligor’ D. More pastum 1) & Abas an obligation o pay P100,000 to B but the obligation stats that “A will pay the obligation when his means permit hi to do so.” Which of the following statements is CORRECT? ‘A. The obligation is due and demandable The obligation is subject to a suspense condition C._ Taecbligation is subject toa resoletry period 1D, The court may fix the suspensve perio of the obligation, | C% Abas as cusanding obligation inthe amount of 100,000 tC with G serving 2 guarantor and P pledging his car secufe the flint of A's obipacen. At the marty de of the obligation, P pl P100,000 to C without the knowledge of A. | Wich of te folowing i CORREC! ‘A. Pruay ony recover fra A Lut only in so fr athe payment is bene t A. BB, Peanot recover ftom A bec the payment is withet the hrowledge of conseat ofA. Pry ge aterO A wllnot be aie to remmbine P because of eao}Neney 1D. Pay recone fom C in cae of non oimbursement by A based on the Prtcipl of unjust enrichment. Page Lot 20(PW-2) town 8," Wiener ning ; (owing ligation {s immediately due aud demantable? Dd ¢ Dblizaion payable as soon as posible 1h. What fs the status of ora contract of lease of public streets or thoroughfares entered by a city govemment with private market “ler Ba A. Uneniorceable retro 5 ft ket © Vena D. Void 1, vine ee py semitearemtm" al Pk Steen oe Ph oymeret i rod ee from B. Aside from that, mortgaged his tand to B which the latter accepted to secure i fomeitarreaniererant tenets | Action for dectaration of nullity of contract 4, Which ofthe & ie Cc i ie lowing crac sist i eo ive subject matter of tbe co 5. Contact of parershi © Contact ofpledee D. Contract of real eine mortgnae aut sie to nse it for a period of one month wighout any rental react, ow shal tbe interpreted? ral aa void C'S A selivered « spect fe calsularor te B co chat the Tatter will be paymeny In case of doukt ia the atideva cits "Poe been tos! rel Tbe nerprstad sachs msn © MaKe CL Hshalive ‘ole Di What eof he beat rea of P1000, Abs gr of dis comet ef secige cf the correct, C, » childhood is violated by the .’ ie of conmmact 16, A, an insave friend of A, files an act on Defers filing of suck action A. Muvuatiy af Bo Relauvaty o ©. Liberality uf contract D, Legality of eonts oon What is the propes contrac f depos which he Laer ihcugh 9 BE # CTI of ()I7. A dativer Pf00 ex 19.2 Legal remedy on the part of tie injured 99% A. Acton for reformauos © Finatrensit BL Actor ( reseission of conunet C._ Action er unsurent of comes 5. ation foe declaration of elliy of 0m! a the vine of catiery of te bag, A deleted par of BY ofthe austen BOE authentic Conch 18. A sold in writing at 8 Gounterteited Coash Bag to 8 with apy ‘ Red Lar on pr testsin ores ite COMTEE ote tn #0 coer son oa he omar of 1 iveach ease of So C. Action for aru: 1: oF voidable contrast of So gay tous Be ‘ a trerwar ds, seally sold and del vered his laptop 9, A borrow ' yong ‘Tae cetiphans A antachn ‘is Bra price of BS.002. Pavmiens suse at ates” ofthe price will a ON =s 20 Und the New Clu Code ofthe Philipines, whats the nomen of prton of A Theguini pied or sae he spec oe NE Mot Pp Cth is prfected from the moment the oferee rani the nsifiction of acxptnce othe oor C Medumtspotsni ion mene gus owen erecmee ei aclanctsdmee” | Fale fetl fon ene ietinespane tebe, 21, S sold a residential condominium unit to B ’ omni wit Bo ane! ie of P6,00.00 payable in 50787 b mony renal 1030 per ou Aer pret eve! nan ing 20200 fede pooe oineacl ingens which aed ih anes te conta of ae a Tapsing of the grace period prescribed by lnc 6 4s the amount of gash surrender salu 1 be received by from Sasa result of cancelation? =) A. Pea.c00 B. P900,000 | C. P840,000 ‘1D. P960,000 22. In which ofthe following instances are the goods si a Aranat which wil allow the unpaid seller to ekercse his righ of oppage in transits in ease of insolvency ofthe buyer? | 1a ire taper bane livery ofthe goods before asivl at the apoited destinies De ate ar omlee acknowledges w the buyer o is agent, that e shaking the good in his bel afer arrival of the goods lit their appointed destination. oan ane secther bale wrongly refaes to deliver the goods o buyer or his agents Ce ca ceed by the buyer, and he cae or ter bale cotnus in posession of them, eve if the seller has refused to receive them back. | 25. so is ot with an rea of 100 SQM to B at seling price of P1000 per SQM. After delivery of te lo, 8 scovered at ‘be schal ara is only 91 SQM. What ste legal remecy available to B? T rca ask for proportionate reduction of price ard must pay P91,000 only | QB. Beanesk or cancellation ofthe contact of se CC. kither A or. D. Neither A nor B. 24, A,B, and C are co-owners of a rurel lot with an arva of 1,000 SQM in the ratio of 6:1:3, respectively. The co-owned lo! is pounded by farm lots of D and E with an area of SO SQM and 7SSQM, respectively. A sold Te slare of the cowed oa F. Who shall have the preferred right to repurchase the ot sold by A to F? | | gf Riese ite he orn bale | B. Band C with an area of 150 SQM and 450 SQM, respectively C__ Dbecause his adjoining ural loc has smaller area - ' | D_ E because his adjoining rural lot has lager area ‘2, Whats the prescriptive period ofthe righ ta file an action based on teach of waranty of sale of immovable aginst oon: | stored burden or servinxle? sem At days from the date of contract of sae o fromthe discovery of burden \ B. 6 months from the date ‘of contract of sale or from the discovery of burden \ CGT yeu from the gate of contract of sale oom te discovery oF burden | Ce Fe te dae of contac of le or om te dsovey of urcen. 6A and B ace gly marie and tei propery eege is governed by absolute community of propery. A ont so are cele to Bar price of P50) witha bok value of FBDD afer B potted a gan 10 A: Delivery ofthe specific eiasoe wl happen ae thre years. What ithe tx of dhe soma of? | "A. Rescisible | Db Ves . Unenforceable D. oid sold the property to B. Asa resutof sale, B continues 9 have 127. B rented the specific truck of S. After the end of the contract, S s present inthis contract of sale” possession ofthe property. What ype of constuctive diver is ‘A. Traditic claviuma C8 Tati longs mare ©. Tratitiobrevi mana DD. Trad constiutum possessorium | 28 A borowed 100,000 fom B and mortgaged his house to secure the payment of the loan, The course of alee ‘morgage i ot notarized and nt registered with Registry of Deeds. The contract of real esate an ests provides that Ais probed rom sang the morgeped house and in cas of defauk of Aa the matty dt of he Tun 'B will become the ‘utomstic owner of the mortgaged house. Which of the folowing statements is ig A Amay sil set tn hous to id peson despite she proton ne cont of teal estate mortgage. BB becomes the owner of the mortgaged house upon def! of aoa &: Bieeames te omer f a area and old booze ofthe stipulation of pact emit hich contrary to law and public policy with D, Tee conc of red este morgage ir wenforcable Bees i ed Registry of Deeds is not in publie document and not repie Page 3 of 20 (PW-2) 2p wed P1,000 from C r trom Bede povies ar Cg es ams ler his sci clphne to C8 collateral the Joan. The contract of rover the deficiency a8 result of foreclosure sae. P failed to pay his obligation athe maturity ich prom tae eitsh prompted Ce se ‘lowing aera ee ede! apne pbc wt. The ligne was sd at pe PED. Wh of nD B Pleggen itt of pledge is extinguished bat the contract Trea deb eu an is extinguished upto P900 on} © Teter! the deficiency of P10 because there f stipulation Wt effect D pon etre of pled not extngined — rect of pledge and ‘ledge and conact of loan are extinguished by the public sale filled to pay we mC x ssn tnd mig ot Tihs nme ee et pe om a {cierto ten tat ae matc mpy Sey sahtrgine treme eten deen nega me Tice d ne yh Sos be inci niet pos —— —_ ote ange wa Soni, partes in TOPS Company Limited «wading compar, have conbatons of P3000 : sree Cima nee my Usd recht prea Os faa as one ty thn had ae gr table oy. Accordingly, More Sales Co, ied ‘case of collection against the partnership which 78 Ie isthe highest highest policy-making ho. the Cooperative Cade Skin Body ofthe cooperative ng shal exercise the power ofthe Cooperative as sated ip A Board of Directors 1B, Fxecutive Committee © General Assembly D._ Board of Members 78. Which of the following is a i i wee 14 round fer involuntary Asli af a ceapeative trcughan order by a capetent cout afer A Insolvency Fr BA tre fo operate on a cooperative basi i Faure to meet the required number of mentor ofthe cooperative | | D._Heving obtained its registration through faud “ | im ‘80, What isthe required vote forthe merger of wo oF more cooperative a ? A. Atlus sofallthomenter wih etngrigis ome B. Atleast 23 ofall the members with vting rights PY C. Atteast majrity of al the members with voting rights 1. At least 25% ofall members with voting rights 11, Wists the maximus parva of shueina cooper? AL PS ‘ B PIO i J © Pio D. P1,000 82. What isthe maximum limit onthe share ownership of « nicmmber in cooperative? ‘A. 10% of the share capital of the cooperative B. 5% ofthe share capial of the cooperative C. 25% ofthe sare capital ofthe cooperative D. 20% of the share capital ofthe cooperative 183, What is the required vote forthe removal ofthe director or officer of a cooperative? ‘A. Atleast % ofall the members with voting rights Pr B Aout 23 ofall the members wit vong righ ©. Atleast majority of all the members with voting rights D. Atleast 25% of all members with voting rights 84. A cooperative is intended to be established with authorized capital stock of PL00,000 and actual subscribed capital stock of 40,000, What is the minimum paid up capital ofthis proposed cooperative? ‘A. P5000 B Pi0,000 C Piso00 D. P2s,000 85. Which ofthe following is NOT insured by Pilippine Deposit Insurance Corporation? ‘A. Cerificate of time deposit B._lnvestnent in goverment bores Bc. savings deposit , Demand of checking account 45 Wnt is he presrgtve prod provided byl to deposi to fleet claim before Plipine Desi Irae Comoro om takeover of elo nk? A Two eas WS Tyee ©, Fowryeur D. Phejers age 9 of 20 (PW-2)

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