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Anti-bullying policy

Olympiad International School takes a serious view on any form of bullying, including
cyber and gender-based bullying. The school sends a clear message to students that
bullying is not acceptable and has no place in our school.

The school management monitors the school environment and discipline closely, and
takes educative, preventive and intervention measures to address bullying incidents.

Through personal and social education, students are taught the importance of respect and
empathy for others.

We know there are concerns about whether students report bullying incidents. That is why
teachers also involve student peer supporters to look out for their peers, speak up against,
and report bullying to the respective form tutors. School rules and disciplinary frameworks
are clearly and regularly communicated.

When an incident of bullying is reported, the operations or general manager investigates

and provide counselling support for students involved and decide on appropriate
disciplinary action. There is also an educative process to help the students learn from the
incident and reconcile with each other. Olympiad International school will need the help of
families as well and work closely with parents to support the students who are involved.

Training on positive classroom culture and classroom management is given to further

equip our teachers in fostering positive class culture and to investigate and address
bullying. We are also working with parents and the community to educate our young.

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