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ln the tapestry of
human experience,
stories are the threads
that weave are live

beauty in
Welcome to the inaugural issue of "Unravelling Stories," the
literary magazine crafted by the passionate members of
Ascentia . Within these pages, you will embark on a journey
through the labyrinth of human imagination, where words
dance and tales come to life.
As avid readers, writers, and storytellers, we understand the
power of narrative to captivate, inspire, and provoke thought.
"Unraveling Stories" is our platform to celebrate the diverse
tapestry of voices and narratives that define our shared
human experience.
In these tumultuous times, storytelling becomes more than
mere entertainment—it becomes a refuge, a mirror reflecting
our triumphs, struggles, and dreams. Through fiction, poetry,
essays, and more, we seek to explore the complexities of
existence, to shed light on the hidden corners of our minds,
and to weave connections that transcend boundaries.
Within these pages, you will find a mosaic of creativity: from
the poignant verses of budding poets to the gripping prose of
seasoned wordsmiths; from introspective reflections on the
human condition to exhilarating adventures in realms
unknown. Each piece is a testament to the power of
storytelling to illuminate, challenge, and transform.
As editors, it is our privilege to curate this collection of voices,
each one a thread in the rich tapestry of human expression.
We invite you, our readers, to immerse yourselves in these
pages, to wander through the corridors of imagination, and to
discover the myriad wonders that await within.
So, dear reader, as you embark on this literary odyssey,
remember: every story holds the promise of discovery, of
empathy, and of connection. Welcome to "Unraveling
Stories"—where tales unfold and worlds are made anew.
Happy reading!

To create your own, choose a topic that interests you. It
can be anything from fashion and beauty to travel and the
news. Once you have your overall theme, you can start
brainstorming the content. Just starting? Design a
memorable masthead with an equally memorable name.
This goes on the cover and sets up the branding for your
entire magazine. What style are you going for? Is it
playful? Classic? Bold? A good masthead captures the
essence of your magazine, so it needs to be flexible,
meaningful, and consistent enough for future issues.

Next, think of a compelling feature for your cover story.

This will be what draws your audience in. Make sure that
you have accompanying visual content that immediately
catches the eye. Include photos, illustrations, and other
graphics to match. Appeal to your audience, choose the
right fonts and images, and you'll have a magazine that
people will remember for years to come.

When you've decided on your cover story, come up with

a list of topics for your feature articles. This can range
from interviews, product reviews, human interest pieces,
and even lists. Think about what your audience would be
interested in and get writing! Again, choose engaging
photos and graphics to accompany your words, as these
also help catch your audience's eye.
Dear Esteemed Readers,
It is with great pleasure that I extend my warmest
greetings to all of you through the pages of our esteemed
magazine. As the Director of AIT Management at
Chandigarh University, it brings me immense joy to
witness the culmination of creativity, knowledge, and
dedication showcased within these pages.
Our magazine stands as a testament to the vibrant spirit
and intellectual prowess of our institution's community.
It reflects the diverse perspectives, innovative ideas, and
scholarly achievements that define us as a leading center
of learning and research in the region.
I commend the editorial team, contributors, and
everyone involved in the production of this publication
for their relentless efforts in capturing the essence of our
academic journey. Through engaging articles, insightful
interviews, and captivating visuals, we strive to inspire,
educate, and foster a sense of belonging among our
As we continue to chart new frontiers in education and
research, let us cherish the moments of reflection and
celebration offered by this magazine. May it serve as a
beacon of inspiration for all who seek to explore the
boundless horizons of knowledge and discovery.
Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment
to excellence. Together, let us embark on a journey of
enlightenment and transformation.
Warm regards,
हिंदी कविता
मुझे नज़ाकत से तुम बनाते
मैं कड़वी जरूर, मेरे नशे में तुम झूम जाते

सुनहरा रंग मेरा, मुझे देख लोग मोहब्बत भुलाते

मुझसे इश्क़ करके , क्यों बदनाम मुझे करते

हां ली है मैंने कु छ जान

तुम थे अके ले , मैं थी तेरे साथ...ये भी तो मान

मोहब्बत, नफ़रत करते मुझसे ये लोग

हिम्मत जुटाने को सहारा लेते, मेरा ये लोग

ना देखा कभी,रंग,धर्म,जात,पात
छोड़ दू तेरा साथ, इनती सी नहीं है ये बात

चाह, ना चाहे...आ जाती सबको मेरी याद

जिंदगी के हर पल, मैं दूंगी तेरा साथ |

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