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osec hon -A
Q-LAhat iSa alerdhress heme?
SA koxdpxess hame. aallechion lag
detesminc he Nisua appeaxance
oxdhxess Websile.
o How lAe (an Customiz e aloxdhxess heme aith cos
Cuslomizin4 a laloxdhí ess Jheme a) 2h CSS nubet makinig
|chanqes to the isual ahjeaxance youruebsike bt. hadtging

6S Ahat is Sunchan-phple in a theme

5The unchions- phple in Wexdhse sp theme 1 a paaaxful
4 Caucial file h Gntaino PUp Gade h ieused to
dellne f thanage nchiong, as uell an tu uskmtze
Maxinus aspechc o Ahe. åond haesr the ime d behaiax
9 khaf ae Custom taxonomies Ialoxdhxess2
way fo oxqanige Gleganze
Glent beyohohe delaul r (alegaxies tags tha t
Come uith the hlatoxm
4 ahat is (ustom pos+s n kloxdhress
Custam pasAs hefex to onlent pc that go betouod
he dalaul! Hpe such
posts f hageg aKe
axe the tuo paimaai lonke n Apas in

a1 Exhlein ha. Ale on beyp Menus in nloxclhress?
tn Jalashuesg is o bhaiahloswaxd
cHin up.menus in
Asocess 4 is Hpiall done hogh the Woxdhxees
dmin axea
Acess Dashboaxd' loq in to (pUx AbrdhaelS admin.
dash booxd
2Naigate to Menus_he tol oppxeanre ' f áelec
2 9ddilems. Add pages pasts Cus Hom links, or
alegozies to (jouy mar
Reazsange jleme b
lontiquxe dehings choasea men1 lotahonLep

ofa hion in the Manage. lbat on oxLnrhemeto a shenjic

tab blabon
2preNiew 4 Tes VisiE qox bite
est he meny tohuevieal
Addi Bonal 5ps check heme
exha as tamigohi on ohhang.docum enhabo n Jar

hNCUSSanatomiyoOVexlrielaluodhao esthethemekey
a onci ge develahnenl.
eAhe anatomt of Ikoxdhze.cs heme deveb elernen
ulecss,in de Xphp , headeas php adex: php,
Single php hagezphp
1fnchons php
dheme unchions, haoke, lknt
Sume kehup, dcipt enqueuing Cuskom pac pe
de fi nih'ons
rpiale Hnexachy
delaroines IAhle empbde ile to Use based
Ced_onon onnlen +
a enhlale tags
PHP unchiant dox dynamic (onkn
4Css 4aNa seuipt
3hyle.css Staipd
Alus (us t mìzah on a heme sating
se media quexies fo 0espongitenesge
o.Jrothy Best peachices
anibze. Validate A da ha inhut
Ragulaslg bpda ke the thame. ox seauxi Ay
thexovgh cocu mentahon USers deuekpey.
rehuslandirg thes e elamen\S emhuexg davelbpcas to
Gialecffscient., Cuc fonm'2able, secuxe koxd

he use q loop in Noxd haegs?

hshiie a un da mental Golept Hhot oxolesS to the
ade used to 8splag_pashs on a pageThe loop
tcnthess databose, typially in the osm
hasls, pagas sho m po$ ypes
fhe loop in dehai
baSic loop S
Chave- posks(0):
JAhile ChavebasAs ()) hepastOy
ldisplay past Conkent
end u

Thus locp._aSac Jhat ahen thexe ase ho sts, oop

Lhsetgh ishlas he
The hayepask (2onehonhaskscheckS
angposhs whethes these axe
Lthese ase fosks, tuhile oop GnHnues to
eYfct ke s -CS
os bng.
on gs he londh 'on in he
haxen khe sis is bgite lly hbe- A long ae hase
pests) lonhinue.cfo be kue, dhe lbop will
DThe lop Should be hlared in in det php in
Ohes k plgtcs tohich aoe Ased fo any
nlosma hon- BetauSe. fou do ne t won tu displat past
Lduphtate taux headey ovex avex, the loop
asheuld aloagg be place d_alte alten the (all
ko qot.hea dexl).

bxhlain Jhe (ompanenht o! Cuctom 4heme in
Gde Ahat onkal he. N'sal paesandatien & anchona hH
d lbxdhxese uebsie.
Gnmins meladaBa. abaut 4he Jheme f dhe styles hat
elinehe appeaKance a he webtile
hemain Ahe 4hene

sLindex php
Amain demplaleeJhat is used to displas lonhent
oxe hecic templalec ae not axaila ble.
twhen mOxe

o. hadex php-oler bhp

headexphp include s the headex on tent ike the
31de's Sle avigaion meu ete
9 Folex- php. includes the loadex onkenl,such
Gapyaigha lesing
a) Oxchieye php
Ldisplaysa hst oh fosd based on 08chiee
axchi NeSa
03chi Mes, othex Hpesof axchivoA.

-fhexaugh da cumenhaben fo
Sexs 4 dexe lapes
hoidesinoxma bon o theme jn&talakan,

hnchen alihy.
exlend he enchenality
brleznal desicelo

Undexstand the APT

Kexitl the de cum entahon o he thind=paxky
PI o Undexs Fand shs endhaintS, Qu khen
Pehese TnBentabon Melhod
hbgin- a me APIs aler dedia ed aload haere
Thlginsor in degxahand
9Getshe AzL key
ApI eguises ahenhabon, cbtaio an
APZ ka ox other hedentals
9Handle APz
Check handlekesponses
the API DeSpo NSe.c
LIncluding exXOY handlinq poopes

anihge 4 Yali date all data hecei

sam the_API to Axevent tcuni b).
Atolheaa bil: he
) Tchrg test the inte qaation
tspetally in
diesent thoxaughl

ascxibe.one.inshalla hon uikiple. bbg

Melkple blkgs haatah he Lcete dq a eathrt'e
indehendnt uchsiles. em a ai ngle khudhueg

The liast 4hing to do

-his one tu be the diehlaged tle of the dbq
hke a. ps hq, the u b alegaxt
Oltoant alegosy
do3Xunning Yulhple blbgs on one ile
) deshipton he. descaiphon might not dhole ip
uastuheye dehending n yaur herne.
ont Gngpkled, the neu (ategoales will afhex hthe ayhs
of he hage asa lis

Adthonaly, uhethea tou gcHually chack the hox ox not

he child ç alwa qeing te be sted tnda the
ludeaextin 0xchivex URL shucBusef. de yol
nish .ant not use he yarent/chi ld hterachy
4 set them all at hp- lexel lakegoaes
hey'e all Qu lonomaLC

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